A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2392 Collapse Therapy

"Are you laughing at me?"

Lu Fei snorted disdainfully: "Guan Laosan, we have known each other for a long time. I thought you understood me, but now it seems that I still think highly of you."

"Why should I laugh at you?"

"You are despised by thousands of people, what good does it do to me?"

"If I really wanted to see your joke, I wouldn't go to your house tonight, let alone show up here."

"If I want to see your joke, I can promise the leader that I will take office tomorrow."

"If I really want to see you laugh, wouldn't it be more enjoyable that way?"

When Lu Fei said this, Guan Haishan's face turned red with embarrassment.

At this time, he was completely confused and his mind could not keep up with his previous thinking. Otherwise, he would never ask such a low-level question.

"I just said that I don't care about this position at all, because this position is simply a burden to me."

"The reason why I agreed is entirely due to your grace, because you failed to live up to expectations."

The three words "unsatisfactory" came out of Lu Fei's mouth, like a thunder exploding in Guan Haishan's mind. The explosion made his whole body tremble, his body was damaged, and even his soul trembled.

"Do you think I, Lu Fei, have a choice?"

"I'm telling you, no!"

"It's not that I want to be in this position, it's that I have to."

"Do you think you are safe on the Diaoyutai?"


"Let me tell you, because of your inaction, the leaders above have already decided to replace you."

"Even if I, Lu Fei, refuse, the leader will find someone else to replace you."

"If someone takes over this position, there will be no buffer time for you. By then, you Guan Haishan will be a big joke."

"I don't want you to lose face, and I don't want the foundation that Mr. Kong has worked so hard for decades to be handed over to others, so I agreed."


"Wake up, Guan Laosan."

"Do you think being the general counsel is very prestigious and comfortable for you?"

"As everyone knows, the team below is already distraught and complaining, and has become a piece of scattered sand."

"If you don't rectify it, your master's decades-long legacy will be destroyed in your hands. By then, you Guan Haishan will be a sinner for the ages. A hundred years later, how can you have the face to meet your mentor!! "

Lu Fei's words are really cruel!

Every sentence is heartbreaking, and every sentence is enough to make Guan Haishan collapse.

However, this is the result Lu Fei wants to achieve.

Originally, Lu Fei planned to have a nice talk with Yan Yuese, but when Lu Fei heard what Guan Haishan said in front of Kong Lao, Lu Fei changed his mind.

Guan Haishan had already preconceived the idea that Lu Fei's competition for his position as general counsel would cause him to lose his status.

This idea has been deeply ingrained in Guan Haishan's heart. Even if Lu Fei is eloquent, Guan Haishan will not listen to his explanation.

Instead of doing this, it’s better to have a crash therapy.

If Guan Haishan was still the same Guan Haishan that Lu Fei first knew, he might have been defeated and reestablished. On the contrary, this person would be hopeless, and even Divine Doctor Lu would be helpless.

The fact was as Lu Fei expected. Halfway through Lu Fei's words, Guan Haishan collapsed.

Since taking over as general counsel, Guan Haishan has considered himself to be cautious and prudent, not seeking merit but seeking no faults, working in harmony with others, and being loved by others.

But he never expected that in Lu Fei's mouth, he would become a waste that had accomplished nothing.

What's even worse is that Lu Fei actually said that his master's decades-long foundation would be destroyed in his own hands. Guan Haishan couldn't accept this sentence no matter what.

"Baoshaifei, shut the hell up!"

"You're talking nonsense, you're talking nonsense!"

"Why do you say that?"


"I admit that I don't have the courage of my master, but I am also conscientious and dedicated to doing my job well."

"For more than a year, I have made almost no mistakes at work. How come I have become a waste?"

"Why do you say that the archaeological enterprise will be destroyed in my hands?"

"If you don't explain clearly today, I will never end it with you." Guan Haishan yelled.

Seeing Guan Haishan's furious look, Lu Fei smiled slightly and said, "Don't be impatient yet. Sit down and let's talk slowly."

"Sit down, you have to explain it to me clearly."

"Sure, I'll make it clear to you. You sit down first and we'll have another drink."

"Go away, I won't drink!"

Guan Haishan refused to drink, so Lu Fei poured himself a glass, took a sip and continued: "Okay, let's talk openly and honestly today."

"You just said that you are conscientious and make no mistakes in your work. If an ordinary employee can do this, there is nothing wrong with it."

"But you are not an ordinary person. You are the leader of hundreds of thousands of archaeologists."

“For a leader of such a big team, it’s enough to just make no mistakes?”

"If that's the case, what's the point of having you as general counsel?"

"Wouldn't it be better to find an inflatable one instead?"


"Master Drafting!"


"Don't be angry, I'm just using a metaphor, a metaphor!"

"Let me tell you something you don't like to hear. In the past few decades, despite your endless success, the Shenzhou Examination

A great master of ancient treasure appraisal and a great leader, his skills and eyesight are among the best in China. "

"But, all of this is under the shadow of your master."

"If you have merit, your master will ask for credit for you. If you make a mistake, your master will shield you from the wind and rain. Therefore, you have not lived your life at all."

"It's not just you, but your brothers and sisters, including the older guys in the archaeological team."

"In your eyes, Mr. Kong is God. With him around, nothing is a problem, because he can do anything."

"To put it bluntly, your dependence on Mr. Kong has been engraved in your bones and has become a fixed pattern."

"It is precisely because of this dependence that the characters of your group are created."

"In your bones, you have no blood, no sense of responsibility, no sense of responsibility, and no domineering spirit."

"Otherwise, Mr. Kong would have given up his position long ago."

"He has been holding on to this position for decades. Do you think he can't let go of this position?"

"You are wrong. It's not that he can't bear to leave, but that he can't find a suitable successor."

"With a team of more than 100,000 people, there are so many things to do every day. He is nearly a hundred years old, isn't he tired?"

"Don't he want to retire early and take care of himself?"

"You are wrong. It's not that he doesn't want to retire. It's that he doesn't dare to retire because he doesn't have a suitable successor. He doesn't feel comfortable handing over such a big family fortune to you guys who can't afford it."

"He is worried that the foundation he built will be destroyed in your hands."

"Speaking of which, this is the sorrow of Mr. Kong, and even more the sorrow of the Chinese archaeological team."

"Because you are not up to par, you don't have the ability, and you are all helpless people. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are useless."

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