A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2399 Open the Heart Knot

The general consultant of China's archeology, the leader of a team of more than 100,000, is now kneeling on the ground, holding Lu Fei's thigh with both hands and not letting go, like a child who has encountered his favorite toy, his eyes are full of desire. .

If anyone else saw this scene, their jaws would be dropped. However, at this time, Guan Haishan was fully committed and had no other concerns at all.

Why is this happening?

Because he had been completely stunned by Lu Fei's three-blade axe.

There are more than 10,000 treasures and antiques, including thousands of first-class treasures from the Yoshida family, and even super treasures such as "Yongle Dadian" and "Sikuquanshu".

Hearing these catalogs, anyone who is a collector will go crazy. No one is exception.

"Balan Fei, is everything you said true?" Guan Haishan asked in a hoarse voice, trembling.

"When have I ever told a lie?"

"Besides, what I just told you is just the tip of the iceberg. I have a lot of good things, young master. How are you, are you coming?" Lu Fei asked.

Guan Haishan was trembling with excitement and almost agreed, but in the end he was pulled back by the only trace of reason deep in his heart.

Letting go of his hand, Guan Haishan gritted his teeth and thought about it seriously, sighed and said, "Bao Bao Fei, thank you for your kindness."

"This matter is of great importance. I have to go back and think about it carefully. Besides, if I want to settle in Jincheng, I have to discuss it with your sister-in-law."

"However, we have to talk first. Before I reply to you, this position must be reserved for me, otherwise I will never be done with you."

Lu Fei curled his lips and said with a smile: "No problem, I'll wait for your reply."

"However, I have something to ask of you."

"Are you referring to Lao Wu and the others?" Guan Haishan asked.

Lu Fei nodded: "Aren't you stupid?"

"It seems that you didn't use your energy in the right place before, so you were all on guard against me. You are really good at it."


This sentence made Guan Haishan blush again: "Shut up!"

"You can't blame me entirely for this!"

"You should have made it clear to me before. After all, you are also responsible."

"Having said that, Lao Wu and the others, find an opportunity and I will make it clear to them."

"However, I can't control their attitude. Anyway, I will try my best to mediate for you. It is best not to have any misunderstandings." Guan Haishan said.

Lu Fei nodded: "That's the best."

The knot in Guan Haishan's heart was completely opened, and the sense of depression in Guan Haishan's heart disappeared. He turned back to look at the portrait of his master, his heart full of guilt and self-blame.

He lit three more incense sticks, knelt in front of Master's tombstone and said seriously: "Master, my disciple is wrong."

"Before, my disciple was driven by greed and was blinded by power and status. Thanks to Baoshao Fei's warning, now my disciple really knows that he was wrong."

"Don't worry, from now on, I won't have any complaints. Even if I leave the archaeological team and I am used in some way, my disciple will do my best and will never embarrass you."

Speaking of this, Guan Haishan burst into tears. These were tears of regret and self-blame. Although the tears were streaming down his face, Guan Haishan felt much more relaxed at this moment.

To be exact, it has never been this easy since I took office more than a year ago.

This feeling~~so good!

Looking up, Guan Haishan suddenly felt that Master's expression in the photo was also full of relief. It seemed that Master had forgiven me!

Guan Haishan was in a good mood and kowtowed three times seriously: "Tattered"

"I'll go, where is the person?"

Guan Hai Shan Zai

When he turned around, Lu Fei had disappeared. By coincidence, a gust of wind blew by, and Guan Haishan was alerted and felt creepy.

"Master, it's getting late. I'm going back first. I'll see you another day."

He hurriedly extinguished the wax, turned on the flashlight, and Guan Haishan trotted after him.

After running for more than thirty meters, he saw Lu Fei's figure. He quickened his pace to catch up with Lu Fei. Guan Haishan was breathing heavily and complaining. ??

"Depend on!"

"Why didn't you tell me that you were gone?"

"I'll go my own way, why do I have to tell you?" Lu Fei said.


"Can you speak well?"

"What's wrong?"

"You left on your own in the middle of the night. What will I do?"

"There aren't even taxis in this place, how can I go back?" Guan Haishan said angrily.

"you ask me?"

"How do I know how you are going back?"

"This is something you should consider before coming here. With your thinking and IQ, you are really not suitable to be a leader." Lu Fei said.


Guan Haishan almost spit out blood.

"Sir, if you hit someone in the face or not, are you done yet?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll take your car back. By the way, I haven't ridden in your car even once. I heard it's a limited edition, worth tens of millions, right?" Guan Haishan said.


"why are you laughing?"

"Want to take my car?"

"Haha, I'm sorry, you can't sit down. I took a taxi too."


"Are you kidding me?"

"This place is dozens of kilometers away from your home, right?

What to do with the car? "

"Cold salad!"


Guan Haishan was really going to be pissed to death by him. Fortunately, he understood Bao Bao Fei's poisonous tongue and could suppress him. Guan Haishan believed that someone who was not familiar with him would probably buy a Feng Shui treasure here tonight.


Suddenly, Guan Haishan remembered something.

"Hey, I remembered something."

"When you were at my house before, did you tell me that you didn't want the money I owed you, and that you also planned to return the "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" to me?"


Lu Fei almost laughed out loud when he heard this. He thought to himself, this old guy finally remembered this, but it was too late.

"Did I say that?"

"Why don't I remember?" Lu Fei said seriously.

"I said it, I remembered, you did say it."

"Okay, you bastard, you promised me a long time ago that you don't want the money, and you even threatened me with this condition just now. Are you too shameless?"

"No way!"

"What you said before doesn't count. You must compensate me again, otherwise I will hate you forever."

"I don't want too much. Just give me two of your collections and treasures. Isn't this condition too much?" Guan Haishan said.

"Holy shit!"

"On the mountain just now, it seems that you proposed this condition yourself, right?"

"Turn around and you won't admit it. Which one of us is so shameless?"

"Young men, follow the law as you say, and whoever reneges on it will be his grandson."

"You don't want to be a grandson, do you?"


"Baoshafei, you fucking go to hell!"

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