A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2402 KFC drinks liquor, the first person in ancient and modern times

Four o'clock in the morning.

In a KFC on Jianshe Road, a bored waiter is going through the most painful period.

"I'm so sleepy."

"No one is eating at this point, but no one is sleeping. It's so annoying."


While the waiter was complaining, a black Cullinan stopped at the door.

Seeing this extremely handsome SU, the waiter in the store suddenly widened his eyes and lost all sleepiness.

"Here I go, is this a Rolls-Royce?"

"Isn't this too handsome?"

"Whenever I can buy a car like this, it will be the pinnacle of my life!"


"Wake up, it's business."

"It's annoying, can't I even think about it?"


"Okay, okay, even if we work hard all our lives, we may not be able to afford four tires. Let's be more realistic. Guess who got out of the car?"

"I guess he must be a successful boss."

"Nonsense, everyone on Earth knows this, okay, why do you still have to guess?"

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe it's a young rich second generation?"

"Unlike, the second generation of young rich people all like supercars. This kind of business-type SU is not their first choice. I guess it should be a tall middle-aged boss, and he is mature and stable."

The three waiters were still whispering, but the store door had been pushed open and two young men walked in.

When they saw the appearance of these two people, everyone in the store opened their mouths wide. Looking at everyone's expressions, they were all in disbelief.

"Oh My God!"

"Am I dazzled?"

"Why do these two people seem to be Boss Bai and Lu Fei?"

"You, you, look like them?"

"That's right, I think so too!"


"It's really Mr. Bai and Lu Fei. Oh my God, I didn't expect them to come to our restaurant for dinner. I won the prize. I'm so excited."

It was confirmed that it was Lu Fei and Bai Zirui, and several young female waiters almost screamed.

Don't blame them for being excited, these two people are really famous.

Bai Zirui is the number one brother in entertainment. Almost all major developments in the entertainment industry involve this big boss of Tiandu Entertainment.

Bai Zirui is a frequent visitor to social platforms such as Weibo and Toutiao.

Especially Lao Bai's age and handsome appearance in his early thirties have attracted the attention of countless female fans.

Not to mention the other one, Lu Fei's reputation in China is probably much more popular than any first-line star, and he is known as the number one internet celebrity in China.

Especially after it was previously reported that Lu Fei has become the richest man in China and has become a legendary idol in the hearts of countless teenagers and even middle-aged and elderly women.

The appearance of the two of them has long been engraved in everyone's bones, so they were recognized by everyone as soon as they entered the door.

Fortunately, KFC usually trains its store staff well, otherwise, these waitresses might pounce on me like crazy.

Even so, the waiters were so excited that they were beating wildly. Two of them had already stepped forward to greet him with cheerful faces.

"Gentlemen, please come here and order."

The waiter did not directly identify the two Lu Fei, but treated them politely as ordinary customers. This is enough to show that the quality of the clerk is not ordinary.

However, if you look carefully, the eyes of the two clerks are full of admiration, well, there is also a trace of unconcealable desire.

In the car before, Lu Fei said that there was a good project in front of him, and Lao Bai almost went crazy.

Originally, I planned to send Lu Fei back and go home to continue to make up for it.


As soon as he mentioned the project, Lao Bai suddenly lost all sleepiness, his eyes shone with excitement as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood, and he couldn't wait to find a place to ask questions.

At four o'clock in the morning, with an empty stomach, KFC is the best place to eat and chat.

"Hello, bring us a family bucket and two cups of hot coffee."

When Lao Bai came to the bar to order, his smile was so captivating that he almost electrocuted the cashier into coma. Lao Bai also expressed his helplessness about this. ??

After ordering, the two of them found a dark corner to sit down and chatted while eating.

But what they didn't notice was that all the store clerks' eyes were on them.


"Mr. Bai is so handsome!"

"Mr. Lu has so much temperament and is so handsome."

"Hey, Linlin, what do you want to do?"

A waiter quietly took out his mobile phone and was quickly grabbed by his companion.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"These two are super bosses. If you are held accountable for secretly photographing them, you won't be able to afford the compensation if they sell them, so don't do anything stupid!"

Linlin stuck out her tongue, her face full of embarrassment!


"What do you think Mr. Lu is doing?"


"Mr. Lu actually took out a bottle of Moutai?"

"Oh my God, we drink liquor in KFC. Do you want to be so casual?"

"Store manager, should we stop them?"

Yes, Lu Fei did take out a bottle of Maotai, this bottle of liquor, which stunned all the store clerks.

I have never heard of KFC drinking liquor. This can be regarded as the first person in ancient and modern times.

The store manager waved his hand and said: "Forget it, does the store rule state that drinking is not allowed? You must not get into trouble."

"It's almost five o'clock. Class will start soon. Everyone, please return to your posts and prepare."


br\u003e “People just came to our store for breakfast. What’s the fuss? Really, they all left.”

Not to mention the clerk who was surprised to see Lu Fei drinking liquor, even Bai Zirui was confused.

The moment Lu Fei took out the liquor, Lao Bai blushed instantly.

"Depend on!"

"What are you going to do?"

"This is KFC. You want to drink liquor. Are you sick?"

Lao Bai lowered his voice and looked around while talking, for fear of being discovered by others.

But when he saw the surprised expressions of the clerks, Lao Bai was speechless.

Lu Fei looked indifferent: "What's wrong?"

"Which rule says no one is allowed to drink?"


"I said, buddy, can you please pay attention to your quality?"

"Have you ever heard of someone drinking liquor at KFC, especially early in the morning? Isn't this unhealthy?"

"You are also a famous person. If word spreads about it, it won't be good for your reputation, right?"

"Put away the wine quickly. Wouldn't it be nice to have a cup of coffee?" Lao Bai said.


Lu Fei snorted: "Bullshit!"

"Throughout the ages, people have eaten and drank regardless of family. Wherever there is a place to eat, there are people who drink. Does this have anything to do with quality?"

"Young master, I just like this one, what does it have to do with other people?"

"Depend on!"

"Were you possessed by something in Babao Mountain? Can you speak properly?"

"Boss Lu, you have such a good reputation, you have to pay attention to your influence, right?" Lao Bai said, rolling his eyes.



"Young master, it doesn't matter what the impact is. Young master, all I want is to be happy. Just like you, I consider the impact of everything I do. Are you tired? I'm so tired for you."

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