A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2417: Hitting the muzzle

At the entrance of Ruihai Supermarket, Xu Shijie led more than 30 reporters and cameramen to stop Lu Fei.

Ruihai Supermarket is the largest supermarket nearby, and the flow of people is not as large as usual.

When people passing by saw this formation, they thought it was the crew filming a TV series. Many people stopped to watch the excitement. In less than a minute, hundreds of people gathered around, blocking the entrance of the supermarket.

This is exactly what Xu Shijie wants to see.

The bigger the scene, the better it is for him.

Xu Shijie winked at the reporters behind him, and then came to Lu Fei with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, I have long admired your name!"

Xu Shijie's address as Mr. Lu did not arouse the suspicion of the reporters behind him. After all, Lu Fei was not the only person named Lu, right?

What they were more concerned about was what kind of explosive news Xu Shijie would bring to everyone. Therefore, when Xu Shijie took the initiative to speak, the reporters all became excited, and the cameramen immediately started recording.

"Who are you?" Lu Fei said without hesitation.


This immediately confused Xu Shijie. He even wondered if he had blocked the wrong person?

Is this really Lu Fei?

If it was Lu Fei, how could he not recognize himself?

However, Xu Shijie soon figured out that Lu Fei did it on purpose, it must be intentional.

Want to interrupt?

Don't even think about it.


"Since Mr. Lu doesn't know me, let me introduce myself. I am the curator of the Baodao Museum. My name is Xu Shijie."


"It turns out to be Mr. Xu, I've actually heard of it."

Lu Fei casually shook hands with Xu Shijie and said, "But Mr. Xu, even if you have admired me for a long time, you don't need to put on such a big show, right?"

"Isn't this a waste of resources?"


As soon as Lu Fei spoke, several reporters frowned.

Due to Lu Fei's popularity and the special relationship between Lu Fei and Bai Zirui, Lu Fei's name has already been noted in major media circles, so reporters are too familiar with Lu Fei.

As soon as Lu Fei opened his mouth, several attentive reporters suddenly felt that the voice was very familiar.

Combined with Lu Fei's figure and Xu Shijie's name for him, these reporters suddenly lost their composure. They stared at Lu Fei without blinking and took two steps back involuntarily.

However, the behavior of these reporters did not attract the attention of other colleagues and Xu Shijie.

Xu Shijie didn't have the intention to pay attention to them, because Lu Fei's words really choked him.

Damn it!

I'm just being polite, but this guy is so shameless.

Xu Shijie smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Lu, it's not easy to meet you!"

Lu Fei sneered: "That's true."

"I'm really too busy. Friends who want to see me have to make an appointment. As for those I'm not familiar with or have bad intentions, I almost never see them."

"There's no point in seeing him, don't you think?"


When Xu Shijie heard this, he rolled his eyes angrily and felt a dull pain in his heart.

At this time, he seemed to feel that maybe the taxi driver who just reminded him to prepare the quick-acting Jiuxin Pills was not really trying to amuse him.

I originally planned to be polite to Lu Fei, but Lu Fei didn't play according to the routine at all. If he continues like this, he will probably be pissed to death before he can get down to business.

Therefore, Xu Shijie gritted his teeth and went straight in.

"I think Mr. Lu should

You should know why I came to you, right? "

Lu Fei rolled his eyes at him like an idiot and said, "Mr. Xu, are you kidding me?"

"It seems we have just met. How do I know what you are looking for me for?"

"Besides, there are countless people who want to see me for help every day, and I don't have the energy to get to know them all."

"By the way, Mr. Xu, what do you want from me?"

"You're not asking me for tickets to our museum, are you?"

"If this is the case, then I'm sorry. Anyone who knows me well knows that I never open the back door. No matter who you want to enter my museum, you must buy a ticket. You are no exception. I can't open this opening, otherwise I can't. Shouldn’t you tell other friends?”

"Please forgive me, Mr. Xu, and don't embarrass me."


Although Chen Xiang had never met Xu Shijie, she knew that Xu Shijie was looking for Lu Fei all over the world. Just now Xu Shijie reported his family name, and Chen Xiang immediately understood why they were surrounding them.

Now seeing Lu Fei entertaining Xu Shijie in a serious manner, Chen Xiang couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.

Chen Xiang laughed out loud. Others were not in such a good mood as she was.

Lu Fei pretended to be dumbfounded and sarcastic, which made Xu Shijie almost vomit blood.

The reporters behind him were even more exaggerated than him, their eyes almost popped out, and some even started to tremble.

Xu Shijie called Boss Lu.

Boss Lu has a sinister and vicious tongue, and Boss Lu mentioned his own museum.

Putting all these factors together, if reporters can't guess who the person wearing a mask in front of them is, they will really buy a piece of tofu and kill them.

After confirming that the person in front of them was Lu Fei, the heads of these reporters were buzzing, and the photographer's legs began to tremble.

Especially I didn’t receive Xu Shijie

Reporters from several media outlets who spontaneously came to join in the fun felt regretful.

Damn it!

You must know that the target of Xu Shijie's troubles is Lu Fei. Let alone coming on his own initiative, even if he gives them millions, they will never come.

The current situation is no longer about joining in the fun to find hot spots, it is simply about engineers clearing mines!

Who knows if Lu Fei will suddenly explode?

If Lu Fei really wanted to blame them, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Including the reporters who were invited, everyone looked at Xu Shijie with gritted teeth, wishing they could tear him to pieces without any regrets.

Now they are riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off. It is not good to stay, and it is not a problem to run away. They can only adapt to changes.

It was definitely impossible to leave, but these reporters and cameramen invariably took several steps back, and tried their best to move closer to the crowd to avoid Lu Fei's sight.

The clever reporter covered the logo on the painting tube with his hand. As for the cameraman and photographer, they had already put down their equipment and were watching passers-by and the crowd.

There is no way, Lu Fei's influence is too great now, and he also has a super awesome buddy Bai Zirui.

Those are the leaders of China's entertainment industry. If you say anything casually, the entertainment industry will tremble several times. If Bai Zirui gets angry and deliberately targets them, not to mention that they will be laid off, even their company cannot afford to suffer the consequences.

Their company has held meetings more than once to remind them that when they see these two men, they must avoid their sharp edges and drive around. Unexpectedly, this time they accidentally bumped into the muzzle of the gun.

Damn it!

A bit too memorized.

When Xiao Li and Xiao Zhou in the car behind saw the behavior of these reporters, they knew that Lu Fei's identity had been exposed.

Looking at these usually arrogant and arrogant colleagues, they were as frightened as avoiding a cat and mouse. The two brothers laughed so much that their stomachs hurt, and they immediately called their boss to share the news.

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