A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2432 The frightened bird

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Chen Xiang covered her mouth in shock.

I didn't expect that there are so many unknown situations here.

Don't blame Lu Fei for saying that he is a bitch, he is indeed a bitch!

"It's unbelievable. I really didn't expect that there would be so many stories in it. However, society is now accustomed to such bloody plots. Even if it spreads, it will not cause substantial harm to them. But why do they seem to be so afraid of you? How does it look?" Chen Xiang asked.

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "As the saying goes, if you don't do something bad, you won't be afraid of ghosts. The reason why they are afraid of me is of course because they have bad intentions."

"First of all, if this matter spreads, it will completely subvert Shen Guanghui's character. It will be almost impossible to participate in the general election."

"According to Zhulong's investigation, they have invested more than 20 billion Baodao coins in order to participate in the general election. They cannot afford such a huge loss."

"If the competition fails, those investors have nothing to say and can only admit that they are unlucky."

"But if his personal reputation fails, those investors will never let Shen Guanghui go."

"This is just one of them."

"There is something more serious than this. In the past few decades, Xu Shijie has done a lot of unscrupulous things to help Shen Lianxi."

"Reselling illegal goods, reselling cultural relics, and even participating in tomb robbing activities, it's hard to describe, and it's not much better than the Liu family."

"If these dark histories are exposed, the loss will not be as simple as reputation."

"Now they don't know how much I know, and they feel extremely guilty. Of course they are afraid of me!" Lu Fei said.

"Listening to what you said, doesn't it mean we have evidence of their crime?"

"They have done so many bad things, why don't they just call the police and arrest them and bring them to justice?" Chen Xiang asked.

Lu Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "My dear wife, things are not as simple as you think."

"Although Zhulong knows a lot of things, there is not much solid evidence. With Xu Shijie's status and influence in Baodao, without solid evidence, the government over there can't do anything to him."

"And due to the special relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, it is even more difficult for us to intervene. What I did was just a wake-up call for him and asked him to restrain himself."

"People's courage is cultivated. If you don't beat him, I'm worried that he will even dare to mess with the things in Baodao Gubo." Lu Fei said.

Chen Xiang was originally filled with indignation, but after hearing what Lu Fei said, she could only nod helplessly.

If Xu Shijie were an official in China, there would be ten thousand ways to deal with him, but in Baodao, there is really nothing he can do.

"By the way, you said you asked them to prepare the cultural relics over there and you want to bring them back. Is this true?" Chen Xiang asked.

Having said this, Lu Fei nodded seriously: "Of course it's true."

"More than ten years ago, they came to China to make trouble with a few broken documents in their hands, but they were scolded back by Mr. Kong."

"Now that Mr. Kong is gone, these demons and demons have started to make trouble again."

"It's just a few broken documents. Who gave them the courage to come to China to show off?"

"They have documents, and I have more convincing evidence than the documents. What's more, Xu Shijie still has the leverage in my hands."

"As long as he is still in this position, I must get those things back. This is the price they have to pay."

Chen Xiang knew Lu Fei's character too well, but now seeing Lu Fei's extremely serious expression and impassioned words of justice, Chen Xiang was lost again.

"Fei, tell me, will Xu Shijie and the others go to the archaeological team to cause trouble again?" Chen Xiang asked



Lu Fei sneered: "Are you making trouble?"

"What other reason do they have to cause trouble? I guess what they want to do most right now is to leave China as soon as possible."

Lu Fei's guess was correct. At this time, Xu Shijie was buying a direct flight to Treasure Island tonight.

After the two fled the scene, they found a room in a nearby hotel.

After entering the room, the two old men collapsed on the sofa like deflated rubber balls, unable to even move their fingers.

Looking at the faces of the two of them, they don't even need to wear foundation to play the role of a corpse.

"It's terrible, it's terrible."

"How could Lu Fei know this?"

"How much does he still know?" Xu Shijie muttered in panic.

Shen Lianxi kept breathing heavily: "Lao Xu, do you think Lu Fei is possibly defrauding us?"

Xu Shijie waved his hands repeatedly: "Absolutely impossible."

"Lu Fei's words are obviously hinting at us."

"Judging from what he said, he definitely knows it clearly. Otherwise, he would never be able to hit the nail on the head."

"What a hell, what a hell."

"Not even Xiaohui knows about these things. Where did he hear about them?"

Speaking of this, Xu Shijie looked at Shen Lianxi coldly, and the latter suddenly thought of something and asked displeasedly: "Why do you look at me like this?"

"No matter how stupid I am, I can't possibly tell these things, right?"

"I have been holding these things in my heart for decades, and it is impossible to even talk about them in my sleep."

Xu Shijie saw that Shen Lianxi's expression didn't look like he was pretending, but this thing was too unbelievable.

"Old Shen, could it be?

Hai Xia her"

"Impossible. Family scandals should not be made public. There is no way she would tell anyone."

"Also, please fucking remember, Haixia is not the one you should call."

"Depend on!"

"You damn old thing, how long has it been since this happened, and you're still saying this is useless?"

"No matter who said it, what is certain now is that Lu Fei must know it clearly."

"This is a critical moment for Xiaohui. If it affects the progress of his election, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Especially if those consortiums pursue the case, neither you nor I can afford it!" Xu Shijie roared.

Shen Lianxi also frowned tightly. He knew that what Xu Shijie said was true.

If word really spreads, Shen Guanghui will definitely fail.

But right now, he was in such a mess that he couldn't even think of a good way to solve the problem, and he was worried to death.

"What should we do now?"

"With Lu Fei's personality, it's simply not possible to convince him to shut up!" Shen Lianxi said.

Xu Shijie rubbed his temples and said, "Don't worry first, let's take a good look at it."

"What is certain now is that Lu Fei already understands our relationship."

"However, as far as I can see, Lu Fei doesn't seem to have any intention of exposing us. Otherwise, he wouldn't have said it so vaguely just now."

"Let's not think about anything else right now. You call Xiaohui right away and ask if there are any comments against him that have been circulated over there."

Shen Lianxi nodded and immediately dialed Shen Guanghui's phone number.

A few minutes later, the call ended. Shen Lianxi took a deep breath and finally relaxed his serious brows.

"Fortunately, everything is normal at home for the time being. It seems that you are right, Lu Fei really has no intention of being exposed!"

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