A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2444 Chapter 2454 I owe you a favor

A middle-aged man's voice came from the phone, his tone was very calm.

"I'm Lu Fei, who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Lu, I am Sun Dakui."

Sun Dakui?

Lu Fei frowned and thought for a while, and it seemed to be right. Lu Fei remembered that Qian Chaoyue had told him that the father of Sun Xiaohai who took him to the underground auction was named Sun Dakui. .??.

This man was quite famous in the Tiandu underworld in the early years. He started doing business more than ten years ago and entered the catering industry. Now he has a net worth of several billion.

And it was this person who agreed to take him to the next underground auction.

To be honest, Lu Fei doesn't like this kind of people.

It's not because of his previous background, but because of his collusion with this kind of shady underground auction house.

This kind of people have no bottom line in order to make money, so Lu Fei is quite disgusted.

But no matter what, he still needed help from others to participate in the auction, so Lu Fei could only bite the bullet and greet him.

"Hello Mr. Sun, I heard Chaoyue mentioned to me that Mr. Lao Sun helped me with the auction," Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei's attitude was so polite, and Sun Dakui over there was extremely excited.

"Hahaha, what are you talking about, Mr. Lu? It's my honor to be able to help you."

"I'm calling you just to inform you that I have completed all the procedures for you. If nothing else happens, tomorrow will be the day of the auction. At that time, I will arrange for the dog to accompany you to the site. The dog is young and ignorant. , if there is any lack of care, please forgive me, Mr. Lu!"

Sun Dakui's attitude towards Lu Fei could no longer be said to be polite, it was already considered to be fawning, but Sun Dakui never tired of it.

Although he has some strength, but with a net worth of several billion, compared with Lu Fei, the gap is not just between Haoyue and Fanxing.

As soon as Lu Fei got started, he could make tens of billions of dollars.

Project, as long as he hugs Lu Fei's thick legs and people sprinkle him with water, it will last him a lifetime.

He was just trying to please other businessmen. If other businessmen had this opportunity, they would do it at all costs. Even if Lu Fei liked their wives, they would not hesitate to arrange it for Lu Fei.

"Thank you, Mr. Sun. I'll remember this favor."


Hearing Lu Fei say that he should remember a favor from him, Sun Dakui was so excited that he almost flew into the air.


With Lu Fei’s words, no matter what you do, it will be worth a thousand dollars!

"Mr. Lu, you are so polite. Sun is so flattered!"

"Haha, Mr. Sun, let's not be polite."

"By the way, has the time been set?"

The matters in Tianducheng have basically been resolved. The main reason why Lu Fei still stays here is to wait for this auction.

From Qian Chaoyue's description, Lu Fei felt that this auction was quite special, so Lu Fei planned to go and see it in person.

"Not yet. According to the rules, the location is usually notified five hours before the start. Don't worry, I will notify you as soon as I receive the news."

"There is one more thing I want to explain to you. You are not a member of the auction house, and you have no trading rights."

"When the auction starts, if there is something you like, you can instruct the dog to bid."

"I have put 100 million into Quanzi's card, which is enough for you to use. Can you accept this?" Sun Dakui said.

"Of course, no problem. Thank you, Mr. Sun. Don't worry, I will transfer the money to you later."

My dear, by the way, is the location this time still in Tiandu City? Lu Fei asked.

"This is not necessarily true, but no matter where it is, it must be within a five-hour drive, because they have to ensure that members have enough time to get to the venue."

"Mr. Sun, let me ask one more question, is their auction safe?" Lu Fei asked.

"Mr. Lu, you can rest assured that it is absolutely safe."

"I heard that the organizer behind it has quite a background. Even if the auction is open, nothing will happen. What's more, they are organized so rigorously, so there will be no problem." Sun Dakui assured.

"Okay, I have no problem here. By the way, Mr. Sun, please don't tell me about my participation. Thank you!"

The two of them hung up the phone with a few polite words, and Sun Dakui immediately sent his son Sun Xiaohai's phone number.

Lu Fei did not pay attention to these, but recalled what Sun Dakui had just said.

Does the organizer have a background?

Even if nothing happens during the auction, what kind of background does this have to be?

These two sentences completely aroused Lu Fei's curiosity, and he was even more looking forward to tomorrow's auction.

Back in the car, Lu Fei used Xuanlong's internal encrypted satellite phone to dial Yang Yi's number and carefully made arrangements.

Then, Lu Fei called Qian Chaoyue again.

Lu Fei asked him to search for the whereabouts of the porcelain sold at previous auctions in Tiandu City, and planned to take a look in person. Unfortunately, Qian Chaoyue searched for two days and found three houses. As a result, all the porcelain that was auctioned changed hands, and there was no news at all. Lu Fei Fei could only give up.

After everything was over, Lu Fei returned to Chen's house.

It’s hard to come here once, and try to spend as much time as possible with the old man.

During dinner in the evening, Pan Xingzhou rushed over with two bottles of wine in hand.

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