A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2455 Eucommia ulmoides

Sun Xiaohai took pictures of the first nine pieces of porcelain in succession, attracting the resentful looks of all the members. Although Lu Fei was right beside him, Xiaohai still felt guilty.

"Mr. Lu, we have already won nine items. Otherwise, we will leave the last one to them. Let me make it clear first. I am not afraid of them. I am worried that doing this will cause dissatisfaction among the organizers."

"No big deal, we will continue to participate in the next auction, but if the organizer gets angry and takes away my membership card, then the gain outweighs the loss." Sun Xiaohai said in a low voice.

Lu Fei nodded, thinking what Xiao Hai said made sense. ??

If they win them all, it is indeed too strong. The organizer must also take care of the emotions of other members. If they come all the way to eat melons, other people will definitely not be happy. If people join forces to withdraw from the group, the organizer will undoubtedly suffer the biggest loss. Fang, so they must take care of everyone's emotions.

"When is the next auction?" Lu Fei asked in a low voice without answering directly.

"About a week!"

"Although it is not stated explicitly, including this one, the previous four events were held once a week, and I think the next one should be no exception." Xiaohai said.

"Okay, let's give up on the next thing." Lu Fei said.

call! !

Xiaohai let out a long breath, and his nervousness suddenly eased a little.

The finale was a blue and white double dragon bowl. After five minutes of viewing time, the auctioneer announced the start of the bidding.

But this time, a little tidbit appeared. The members did not raise their placards immediately, but looked at Sun Xiaohai at the same time.

Sun Xiaohai smiled awkwardly and said to himself, "Why are you looking at me when I take pictures of you?"

I know I am handsome, but you don’t have to admire me so much!

Feeling everyone's gaze, Xiaohai suddenly became nervous again.

Seeing that he didn't respond, someone finally raised the number plate, and then everyone started to participate one after another.

With competition, he turned his attention away from Xiaohai.

After more than ten rounds of competition, the final lot was finally won by member No. 10. At this point, tonight's auction ends.

Xiao Hai didn't make a move in the last round. After the dust settled, everyone looked over again, but this time their eyes were much friendlier than before, and Xiao Hai felt relieved.

It was trading time next. Xiao Hai brought Lu Fei to the backstage and was about to go to the trading floor. The middle-aged man in a suit came to Xiao Hai with an expressionless face.

"Dear guest, may I have a few words with you?"

This man spoke with an authentic Tiandu accent. Xiao Hai was very smart and nodded in agreement without looking at Lu Fei.

The man in the suit took Xiao Hai away and whispered for more than a minute. Finally, the two shook hands gently. The man in the suit left, and Xiao Hai and Lu Fei went in to trade.

After the money and goods were cleared, the organizer pushed the nine auction items to the outside of the hotel and carefully loaded them on the car. Xiaohai tipped them two hundred each, and the staff thanked them and left.

After getting in the car, Lu Fei put up his mobile phone. Xiaohai asked: "Brother Fei, should we go back to Tiandu now or stay one night in Rehe and leave tomorrow?"

After the auction was over, there was no need to act, and Sun Xiaohai's title was changed to Brother Fei.

The auction went very smoothly, and the ten auction items only lasted about two hours. It was just past twelve o'clock in the morning.

Lu Fei looked at the time and said, "It's not safe to drive at night so late. Find a place to stay for one night and go back tomorrow!"

"Okay Brother Fei, I've been here a few times and I'm quite familiar with it. There's a hotel in Rehe that's very good. Although it doesn't have a presidential suit,

But it’s clean and hygienic, and the environment is good. Is that okay, Brother Fei? "

"I'm OK."

Xiaohai nodded and asked the driver to go to Rehe Hotel.

"What did that person say to you just now?" Lu Fei asked.

Xiaohai smiled slightly and said: "Hey, I guessed it right. We scored 90% in a row, which made many members dissatisfied. Several members protested to the organizer."

"The person just now was trying to persuade me not to be so forceful next time. He said that they would hold many more auctions and there would be many opportunities. He asked me to take care of the emotions of other members. If it caused public outrage, they would have to take back my membership. Qualified."

"Well, did you say anything else?"

"No, that's all."


The city of Rehe is not big. The Rehe Hotel recommended by Xiaohai is only one kilometer away from the Yunshan Hotel, and you can reach your destination in just a moment.

The driver went down and opened the three best rooms. Lu Fei and Xiao Hai followed the driver to the ninth floor holding the "trophies" they took.

Xiaohai returned to the room and put down his things before saying goodbye.

Lu Fei was the only one left in the room. After checking around to make sure there were no surveillance or eavesdropping equipment, Lu Fei dialed Yang Yi's number.

"Have you found it?"

"Report, found."

"The man's name is Du Zhong, from Tiandu, and he is fifty-nine years old this year."

"Du Hongjie, the chairman of Tiandu City Hongdun Security Company, is his youngest son. However, Du Zhong has never participated in the company's operations. His youngest son is responsible for everything. Apart from this, their family has no other business. This is all that has been found so far. ." Yang Yihui reported.

Security company?

Lu Fei frowned slightly when he heard this.

\u003e The security company's participation in this kind of auction is nothing more than responsible for security, but the reality is obviously not the same. In Lu Fei's view, this Eucommia ulmoides is obviously the top leader of this auction, otherwise, he would not be the one to warn Xiao Hai.

In addition, Yang Yi investigated and found that this Eucommia ulmoides has never participated in the operation of the family's security company. Even if their company is responsible for security work, it is impossible for him to come forward in person. This is completely illogical.

"Continue to investigate this Eucommia ulmoides, find out everything about him, including the interpersonal relationships of all his relatives, and monitor the phone calls between him and his son. Don't let go of any details."

"In addition, all staff present today, including waiters and hostesses, must be investigated."

"There is another thing. At that time, several gangsters were making trouble at the entrance of the auction hall. The leading gangster seemed to be very unusual, and one of them was a young master from Yunshan Hotel. However, after being controlled by the people at the auction, nothing happened. .”

"It's not normal for a strong dragon not to suppress a local coward. Pay close attention to this matter and find out how the organizer suppressed this matter."

"Also, there is no need to report this matter until it is fully investigated."


After explaining clearly to Yang Yi, Lu Fei called Lang Lijing and asked her to give up the investigation.

The reason why Lang Lijing was asked to intervene before was to find out who was in charge of today's auction. Now it is almost certain that the person in charge is Eucommia ulmoides, and Lang Lijing's mission is completed.

After all, there are Xuanlong brothers following up here. These people are not vegetarians. It would be bad if they find that Lang Lijing is also secretly investigating and misunderstandings arise.

After finishing here, Yang Yi's call came in again.

This time it's not about Eucommia ulmoides, but the result of Lu Fei's investigation into Sun Dakui.

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