A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2464: What more can a husband ask for when he gets a daughter like this?

After the headache-inducing phone call, Lu Fei rested on the sofa for a while and asked Sun Xiaohai to wait outside. This guy wouldn't really be waiting outside, right?

When he opened the door, he saw that Guo Guo was not as expected. Sun Xiaohai was standing straight and straight outside the door. Lu Fei felt a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, I answered the phone and ignored you."

Sun Xiaohai smiled: "It doesn't matter. You're welcome, Brother Fei. Let's go down to eat now."

Lu Fei thought for a while and said, "You go and eat by yourselves. After dinner, you and the driver go back first. I have something else to do, so let's separate here!"

Sun Xiaohai was slightly startled, but he didn't ask any more questions.

If Lu Fei wanted to tell him, he would tell him without asking. Otherwise, it would arouse Lu Fei's resentment. Xiao Hai still had this quality.

"Okay Brother Fei, do you want to keep the car for you?"

Lu Fei waved his hand and said: "No, after you go back, please send the things to my home in Xianlin Mingyuan. If you can't find them, you can also give them to Chaoyue."

"Also, don't forget what I told you. A project will be approved in Chang'an soon. If you want to come over and play together, you must do it as soon as possible. After the project is approved, there will be no room for you this time."

Speaking of this, Sun Xiaohai's blood boiled again.

"Thank you, Brother Fei. I'll discuss it with my father right after I get back. I'll get back to you before dark at most."

Sun Xiaohai took the driver away.

Lu Fei left the hotel and drank a bowl of Rehe special haggis soup outside, which was very satisfying.

In his last life, Lu Fei had been here more than once, and he had a special liking for Rehe's special delicacy, Bagou mutton soup.

Compared with the past, the current haggis soup has a lot more ingredients, and the spices in the soup are too strong, but overall, it is still very good, and Lu Fei is quite satisfied.

Wiping the corner of his mouth and lighting a cigarette, Lu Fei made a call. A few minutes later, a Captiva SU parked in front of the door.

Lu Fei paid his farewell and got on the off-road vehicle.

"Good morning, instructor."

Sitting in the driver's seat was a capable young man under thirty years old, with a strong body and brows that showed the unique heroic spirit of a soldier.

This man's name is Li Hu, and he is one of the team members who was just selected into the White Tigers this year.

Although he has never met Lu Fei, Li Hu has heard of this legendary instructor's name for a long time. It was his first time meeting him today and he couldn't hide his excitement.

"Hello, your name is Li Hu?"

"Report to the instructor, yes!"

Lu Fei waved his hand and said, "Don't be so formal. In private, we are all brothers."

"How is the investigation going on here?"

"Report, our eight team members are actively investigating. The information has not been summarized yet, and there is no accurate answer yet, but please rest assured, we promise to complete the task."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

"I have to go out to do some errands. Leave the car to me and you can go about your business."


Li Hu got out of the car, hailed a taxi and left.

Lu Fei got into the driver's seat, drove out of the city and onto the highway, heading straight for Bashang Grassland.

Yes, Lu Fei plans to go to the medicine garden to see what is going on.

Chen Xiang reminded herself again and again that Xue Meimei made trouble again in the morning, and there must be something going on in the medicine garden.

It's only a two- to three-hour drive from Bashang, so it won't take long, so Lu Fei decided to go up and have a look in person.

Before getting on the expressway, Lu Fei called Jincheng and asked someone to arrange express delivery to deliver the gems promised to Xue Meimei.

The Lord of Hell owes nothing to the little ghost,

Although he was very angry with that girl, Lu Fei was not going to break his promise and get fat.

At the same time, in the stable in the medicine garden, Xue Meimei was gnashing her teeth and stamping her feet in a rage.

"Blind date?"

"Grandpa, what are you doing? I won't go!"


"Are five blind dates arranged for me?"

"Is it just a one-week mission?" .??.

"Grandpa, you are crazy, why don't you kill me?"


"When did I make Lu Fei angry?"

"Wait, don't tell me, this was Lu Fei's idea?"

"Ah ah ah, you Lu Fei, I and you are incompatible with each other, ah ah."

Two hours later, Lu Fei arrived at the dam, still seven or eight kilometers away from the Xue Family Medicine Garden, when a red BMW drove towards him.

Seeing this car, Lu Fei showed a sly smile.

When the two cars met, Lu Fei lowered the window and honked the horn, then sped away.

The fiery red BMW was Xue Meimei's car. At this moment, she was preparing to return to Tiandu City with a depressed look on her face.

Yes, go back and complete the arduous task assigned to him by his grandfather, go on a blind date.

I can’t go if I don’t know how!

Her grandfather said that if he didn't go back, Xue Taihe would bring a blind date group to find her. Xue Meimei had no choice but to go back.

Xue Meimei was almost furious when she learned that this was Lu Fei's special concern for her.

When they got on the wrong bus, Xue Meimei gritted her teeth with hatred when she saw Lu Fei's face that needed a beating on the Capchi. She turned around and stepped on the accelerator to catch up.

She has made up her mind that she must fight this Chen Shimei who can kill a thousand swords today.

Lu Fei didn't notice Xue Meimei's U-turn.

After catching up, he had already arrived at the medicine garden.

He met the cafeteria lady at the door and learned that Wang Xinyi was at the Changsheng Valley construction site, so Lu Fei drove over directly.

The house designed by Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi is very simple, with eight bungalows and a boiler room.

Each room is about 100 square meters. The interior is a brick-concrete structure, and the exterior is decorated with solid wood and bark to restore the original ecology as much as possible.

Qin Rong stayed here to personally supervise the work, and Wang Xinyi gave modification suggestions from time to time. Now the house has begun to take shape, and it will be completed and moved in in another month at most.

A few hundred meters away from the construction site, Lu Fei saw Wang Xinyi in a loose denim skirt gesticulating at the edge of the construction site.

From the words of Chen Xiang and Xue Meimei, everything was related to Wang Xinyi. Seeing that she was safe and sound, Lu Fei breathed a sigh of relief and was completely relieved.

As the car approached, Wang Xinyi also spotted Lu Fei, approaching with a smile as bright as a flower.

"Why did you come without notifying me in advance?" Wang Xinyi said with a smile.

"I'll give you a surprise, get in the car." Lu Fei said with a smile.

In the car, Lu Fei grabbed Wang Xinyi's weak and boneless hand, his eyes full of tenderness.

In his previous life, he was born in troubled times. He had been fighting everywhere since his debut. He was flawless in caring about his children's personal affairs. He was still a virgin until his death.

Unexpectedly, after reviving my life, thanks to God's love, I would have two close friends by my side.

If you get a daughter like this, what more can a husband ask for!

As for his relationship with the two women, Lu Fei didn't care what outsiders thought.

You have to take care of the feelings of outsiders in everything, why?

What should I do if I have anything to do with you?

Lu Fei likes them, and they love Lu Fei. This is enough.

Lu Fei has the ability to give them the same care and the same happiness, so he is not a scumbag.

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