A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2479 Chapter 2489

Recognizing it was Tang Xin, the little puppy was so excited.

He had met Tang Xin a long time ago, and even gave Tang Xin the nickname "Sweetheart". He originally planned to date Tang Xin, but when he learned about her true identity, the guy was almost scared to death, but it didn't stop him from being attracted to Tang Xin. The admiration of the Suzaku players. .

Although Tang Xin glared at them, seeing the heroic looks of the female soldiers, the little girl almost knelt down to worship them.

At this time, the sudden shock passed, and Fei Qing struggled to stand up.

But just as he stood firm, he happened to see Tang Xin saluting Lu Fei.

At this moment, Fei Qing felt his spine numb and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

He never dreamed that Lu Fei had such an awesome status.

However, this is not the most important thing. What he is most worried about at the moment is, what is Lu Fei planning to do by recruiting such a group of female soldiers with live ammunition?

After thinking about it, Fei Qing was probably planning to deal with him. Thinking of this, Fei Qing was already furious.

At the police station, he still had the right to speak, but if it fell into Lu Fei's hands, he couldn't even imagine the consequences.

Tang Xin stood aside, and Lu Fei took out an ID card from his bag and handed it to Fan Di and said, "Comrade Director, this is my ID card. I didn't mean to look down on you when I said you were not qualified. Please don't misunderstand me."

Fan Di nodded mechanically and followed the procedure to open Lu Fei's ID to check its authenticity.

Lu Fei.

Position: Chief Instructor of the Five Dragons Special Forces Brigade.

Military rank: major-college.

Seeing this, Fan Di shivered and almost dropped the certificate in his hand.

Oh my god!

Just now he thought Lu Fei was the Suzaku instructor, but it turned out that he was the chief instructor of the Five Dragons Brigade!

And this military rank is a height he must look up to!

After reacting, Fan Di quickly stood up and saluted, but was stopped by Lu Fei.


Tune, I don’t like publicity. "


Tang Xin and other team members secretly rolled their eyes, and Fan Di and Zhang Yu almost spat out blood.

Damn it!

Can I also order some Bilian?

A fight in the street led to the Suzaku Special Forces troopers surrounding the police station with loaded guns and live ammunition. How do you call this a low profile?

Then what would it look like if you became rampant?

Although Fan Di thought so in his heart, he never dared to say it out loud and could only nod seriously.

"Mr. Lu, are you going to handle today's matter personally?" Fan Di asked.

Fighting in the street is a civil case. Even if it is upgraded to a criminal case, it should be handled by the police. However, Lu Fei revealed his identity and said that he was not qualified. He also brought a large team of people over and stated that he wanted to supervise the case personally. Therefore, Fan Di must ask clear.

Lu Fei put away the certificate, nodded slightly, turned to look at Fei Qing, his eyes burst out with murderous intent, and even Zhang Yu, who had handled countless major cases, felt shuddering.

"It was originally a simple civil dispute, and we were at fault first, but this person actually insulted me in public, and the nature has changed."

"The Wulong Brigade cannot be insulted, and the Chinese soldiers cannot be insulted. Anyone who dares to insult the Chinese soldiers must be severely punished. Our military will handle this matter, so I won't worry about it, Mr. Fan."

"Looking back, I will send a handover report to the police so that I won't embarrass Mr. Fan."

"Tang Xin!"


"Take Fei Qing and this woman back to wait for processing, and gather everyone together!"


military order

Rushan, Lu Fei is the highest officer here. After the order was issued, the team members immediately rushed to control Fei Qing and He Caiyun.

Although these team members are all women, in everyone's eyes at this moment, they are like murderous gods, and the police quickly stepped aside.

Fei Qing was so frightened that he almost peed his pants and screamed incomprehensibly.

"You can't arrest me, it's not what Lu Fei said, no!"

As soon as Fei Qing finished speaking, a female team member raised her leg and kicked him in the abdomen, causing Fei Qing to scream in pain.

"If you don't do good business and dare to insult soldiers, you are seeking death."

"take away!"

Tang Xin spat hard and gave the order to close the team.

The driver Fei Qing ignored him, but this guy was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"Are you Fei Qing's driver?" Lu Fei asked.


"Yes, I am, sir, it's none of my business, I'm the one driving the car!" the driver shouted nervously.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and said, "I didn't say anything wrong about you!"

"Don't be nervous. I know it's none of your business, but we have our rules. What just happened is the secret of our military. Later, you need to sign a confidentiality agreement with your comrades at the police station. After you go out, I hope you won’t talk nonsense, otherwise you will have to bear corresponding responsibilities, do you understand?”

Hearing that this was a confidentiality agreement, the driver finally relaxed and realized that his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Not to mention the confidentiality agreement, even if he wasn't allowed to sign that thing, he wouldn't dare to talk nonsense after he got out.

"Mr. Fan, as for the people under your command, I would like to ask you to give me some instructions, especially my identity. I don't want too many people to know."

"Please rest assured, Mr. Lu, I promise

Strictly block news. "


"Then I'll take my leave first."

"I'm very sorry for causing trouble to you all today. If I have time another day, I'll treat you all to dinner!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lu."

After exchanging a few words with Fan Di, Lu Fei and the four left the police station.

Outside, the onlookers and reporters had already been driven a hundred meters away by the Suzaku players.

Tang Xin asked Lu Fei for instructions, and Lu Fei asked her to take Fei Qing and He Caiyun back first, and would ask Xuan Long to hand over them later.

Tang Xin gathered up the team and said goodbye. Tianbao's car drove over immediately. Lu Fei and the other four got into three cars respectively and left the police station.

Throughout the whole process, not a single reporter came to interview Lu Fei.

Normally, they would never miss this opportunity, but today no one dared to come.

Just kidding, people from the military are here, who dares to gossip?

No matter how curious you are, you don’t dare. If you say something wrong, it may bring disaster!

Although reporters did not dare to interview, there were a few bold anchors who shot a few videos to gain popularity.

But when they uploaded the video, they were dumbfounded. As soon as they posted it, it was immediately deleted by the platform. Not only that, they also received a warning from the platform. If they upload such videos again, their accounts will be banned immediately. They will not tolerate it.

Now, the anchors also know that the matter is serious, and no one dares to try again.

Not only live broadcast platforms, but also Weibo and all social software. All videos about the military are deleted and cannot be forwarded at all.

In this regard, the reporters, anchors and people who got the first-hand information were extremely depressed.

In fact, not only were they depressed, there was another person who was much more depressed than them. That person was, of course, Lu Fei.

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