A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2488 Weird atmosphere

After hanging up Wade's call, Lu Fei sent a group message to the heads of foreign industries to inform them to attend his wedding.

In China, Lu Fei couldn't give Wang Xinyi a decent wedding, but he couldn't wrong his woman too much. Therefore, abroad, Lu Fei also had to have a grand and decent wedding.

Afterwards, Lu Fei had a video call with Thomas Murray, telling him to prepare well, arrange the manor well, and help him make a reservation for St. Paul's Cathedral.

Murray is now his chief manager in the UK. Almost no one in the outside world knows that this external talker of the Thomas family that dominates Europe has now become Lu Fei's puppet. However, Murray has no complaints at all.

Having seen Lu Fei's ruthlessness and methods with his own eyes, even if he had ten more courages, he would not dare to play tricks with Lu Fei. What's more, there is Mr. Xu who is supervising his every move in real time.

And from the bottom of his heart, Murray didn't want to continue fighting with Lu Fei.

On the one hand, he didn't dare. Without the family background, he didn't have the capital to fight with Lu Fei.

Murray is a smart man and he is self-aware.

Lu Fei was so thoughtful and ruthless, and had a rigorous layout, that he almost single-handedly overthrew the Thomas family that had dominated Europe for hundreds of years, and it could be said that it was effortless. Even the experienced patriarch fell into Lu Fei's way, which shows that How scary Lu Fei is, Murray is no match for Lu Fei.

Besides, Murray doesn't think there's anything wrong with his current life.

Although he was Lu Fei's puppet, Lu Fei was not harsh on him. The shares he gave him were much more than what he got in the family.

Moreover, Lu Fei respected him enough and did not treat him like a servant in exchange. He had to ask for his opinion on some major decision-making matters. This feeling was much more satisfying than being a grandson in the family, so, Now Murray is willing to do things for Lu Fei from the bottom of his heart.

\u003e Murray recorded everything Lu Fei said in detail on his notepad.

To him, these requirements are simply child's play. Murray patted his chest and promised that he would complete the task with excellence.

After that, Lu Fei called his second brother again and had a brief chat. In the end, he only gave his second brother one task, which was to receive guests from all over the wedding.

After everything was arranged, Lu Fei called his mother Xiao Tingfang.

When Xiao Tingfang learned that Lu Fei was getting married, her excited voice changed.

When she found out that Wang Xinyi was pregnant, her mother became even more excited. Finally, she complained that Lu Fei should have told her earlier.

As for the affairs of the Robert family, the two of them just had a brief chat, because Xiao Tingfang and Lu Fei didn't pay attention to the current Robert family at all.

"Xiao Fei, I'm bringing the Seven-Star Knife over this time. Can you find the map of our knife?" Xiao Tingfang asked.

My mother mentioned this matter to Lu Fei more than once. Every time Lu Fei replied that he had time to go to Ao Island to do it in person. But more than half a year had passed and Lu Fei had not made time. Xiao Tingfang couldn't bear to wait. Decided to take the sword to England to attend his son's wedding.

Lu Fei agreed and hung up the phone, but Lu Fei kept curling his lips.

Several maps he gave to his mother were all fake. Only the map in the Xiao family's knife was real. Comparing the two, no matter how carefully Lu Fei worked, there might still be flaws, because the Xiao family's knife Lu Fei has never seen Dao's map.

Fortunately, my mother didn’t know that the map of the Robert family’s knife was also in the possession of Lu Fei. There was the map of the Robert family.

Clamped down, Lu Fei may still be able to hide his secrets, but he must be careful and careful.

Lu Fei couldn't even imagine what the consequences would be if his mother found out that he had deceived her.

Fortunately, the map Lu Fei copied was not made up randomly. If you want to see something wrong, it is not that easy unless you collect all the maps.

After that, Lu Fei called Jin'er again. Xiao Nizi cried excitedly on the phone when she learned that her brother was getting married. She was about to fly over, so Lu Fei had to ask Zhang Jianguo to escort him personally.

Finally, Lu Fei called Zheng Wenjuan, Lao Xia, his second uncle and his sister-in-law, and asked them to come to the Magic City to gather together tomorrow. This is also his family, and no one can be left behind.

Everyone who should be contacted was contacted. After thinking about it, Lu Fei called Chen Xiang again and reported his arrangements to her.

They are all his women, and Lu Fei doesn't want to hide anything.

What Lu Fei didn't expect was that Chen Xiang would also go to England to attend the wedding. When Lu Fei heard about it, he suddenly got a headache.

"Xiang'er, you"

"Stop talking, I have to go."

"Xinyi, we are a family. Everything that happens in this family is a matter of the three of us. I have to go."

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. If I had been wronged, I wouldn't have agreed at the time. If you want to live without barriers in the future, you have to do this."

"Xiang'er, thank you!"

Lu Fei really didn't know what else to say except thank you.

What more can a husband ask for when he has such a wife?

At six o'clock in the evening, Lu Fei, Wang Xinyi and Wang Xinlei returned to the Wang family's old house.

At the main table, Wang Zhenbang sat at the main seat, next to Wang Xinyi's parents Wang Hongbin and Tong Lan.

Further down were sister-in-law Wang Ying and Wang Xinlei sitting next to Lu Fei. Wang Xueqing and several other golden flowers were all kicked out. They were not qualified to participate in today's occasion.

Although the four golden flowers were depressed, they did not dare to complain. They could only put their ears to the door and eavesdrop on what was going on inside.


"Why can't I hear any sound? Is the sound insulation effect of our house so good?"

"Third sister, do you think grandpa can agree?"

"Nonsense, I'm already pregnant. What should I do if I don't agree?"

"But, my little sister is so good, but she still feels a little like being a kid to Lu Fei."

"Fart, Lu Fei is the best among men. Let alone two women, there is nothing wrong with having three wives and four concubines. If Lu Fei nods, I will have no objection to joining."


"Third sister, you are so shameless!"

"Go, go, I'm telling the truth."

"Stop arguing. Why do you feel that the atmosphere inside is so weird? Grandpa doesn't agree, right? Do you want to beat up the couple and the baby?"

"Go, go, it's impossible. Grandpa will definitely agree. Now should be a sign of the coming storm. There will be something good to watch soon." Wang Xueqing said.

"Storm, what kind of storm, does grandpa still want to beat someone?"

"Bah, Fifth Brother, you don't know our grandpa very well. That old man is being cunning."

"I guess the old man is planning a big move!"

"What ultimate move?"

"Hehe, of course I sold the little girl at a certain price!"

"Lu Fei has so many good things, it would be unreasonable not to take advantage of this opportunity!"


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