A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2506 Evil thoughts arise

Jia Yuan also participated, and several big bosses were filled with indignation.

But thinking of Kong Fanlong's relationship, the leaders temporarily calmed down.

As for the crimes committed by Jia Yuan and others, we have to start with Jia Yuan’s family structure.

Jia Yuan has a son and a daughter. The eldest son is 33 years old and has been married twice.

The youngest daughter is 24 years old and studying for a master's degree at MIT in the United States.

The youngest daughter is not only a top student, but also very sensible. She has never let her family worry about her since she was so old.

On the contrary, Jia Yuan's son Jia Yeshuo is an out-and-out prodigal.

Growing up in a wealthy family and being pampered by his parents spoiled him rotten.

If you don't study hard when you are in school, you will accomplish nothing when you grow up.

Not only is it delicious and lazy to cook, but it is also very ambitious, always thinking of getting rich overnight.

When others were making money from business, he asked for money from his family to do business. After several attempts, Jia Yuan almost lost all his money.

I thought that after getting married, Jia Yeshuo would be more motivated, but it turned out that she was still the same aggressive person as before.

After being with him for half a year, his wife couldn't stand it anymore and divorced Jia Yeshuo regardless of the persuasion of Jia Yuan and his wife.

After the divorce, this guy got even more serious, eating and drinking with a bunch of gangsters in society, and not doing anything serious.

The year before last, Jia Yuan asked a friend to introduce him to a daughter-in-law for his son.

After getting married, especially after Jia Yeshuo's wife became pregnant, Jia Yeshuo seemed to be a completely different person.

I don’t get involved with those gangsters anymore, I don’t indulge in sex anymore, I just stay at home with my wife every day.

Although they did not go out to work, even so, Jia Yuan and his wife were quite content.

The money earned by Jia Yuan and his wife can still support their son and his family. As long as he doesn't go out to work, Jia Yuan will burn high incense.

But what Jia Yuan never expected was that Jia Yeshuo seemed to be honest, but in fact he dug a huge hole in the secret.

The reason why this guy stays at home is not because he has changed his mind, but because he is obsessed with online gambling.

Since ancient times, gambling has been one of the most wasteful behaviors. If you get excited about it, your wealth will not be enough to squander it.

Moreover, people who are addicted to gambling are no different from drug addicts. If things go on like this, everyone will become addicted. Zhang Huaizhi is a living example.

However, Jia Yuan and his wife did not know all this.

They were still congratulating themselves on their son's transformation, but they didn't expect that one day, a creditor came to their door. More than a dozen vouchers for loans and high-interest loans signed by Jia Yeshuo were placed in front of Jia Yuan and his wife. The couple were dumbfounded.

In just six months, Jia Yeshuo actually borrowed more than 2 million yuan from outside, which was nearly 2.8 million yuan including interest.

Seeing this number, the old couple was shocked.

What surprised them even more was that Jia Yeshuo's defeat was far more than that.

Their new house has already been mortgaged, and the loan of more than three million yuan obtained through the mortgage has long been squandered.

Not only that, Jia Yeshuo also borrowed more than 1.5 million from friends outside. The most annoying thing is that this guy actually asked his wife to go back to her parents' home and borrow more than 800,000 yuan on the pretext of doing business.

The total amount of foreign debt was nearly 10 million. Seeing this figure, the old couple almost had a heart attack.

The sky is falling.

Although the salary of Jia Yuan and his professor's wife is not low, and they also got some extra money when they were young, due to their son's squandering in the past few years and supporting his daughter's education, the family has been depleted.

The deposit is less than one million.

Compared with the debt of more than 10 million, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

Compared with these debts, Jia Yuan's face and dignity are more important.

If this matter gets out and everyone points fingers, Jia Yuan will go crazy.

In desperation, Jia Yuan took out all the objects he had collected for many years, but only sold them for more than 8 million, and he could not get the remaining more than 1 million anyway. .??.

Fortunately, the loan sharks and bank loans were paid off, and the rest were relatives and friends. Jia Yuan personally assured everyone that they would repay them, which reassured everyone.

However, after all this trouble, Jia Yeshuo's second wife gave up.

I have no choice but to brag about him. He is a good person, but he cannot live with such garbage. One day, this guy committed a crime and bought his wife and children. It is not new.

After the divorce, Jia Yuan brought Jia Yeshuo back to his hometown and found two distant relatives to watch him around the clock to prevent Jia Yeshuo from gambling again.

The prodigal son has temporarily solved the problem, but the huge debt still gives Jia Yuan a headache.

For his own sake, Jia Yuan never mentioned this bad thing at home to anyone, not even his senior brothers knew about it.

On the surface, it looks the same as usual, but who knows who feels uncomfortable.

In the past six months, Jia Yuanchou's hair has turned half gray. He pretends to be nonchalant when outside, but sighs when he comes home. Thinking of debts makes his head hurt.

But at this moment, Jia Yuan encountered something that gave Jia Yuan hope.

At the beginning of this spring, the porcelain capital Jingdezhen held the International Porcelain Expo, which mainly promoted Jingdezhen’s long history and superb porcelain craftsmanship.

If the impact of this exposition is large enough, it can even be applied for World Heritage. This is a great achievement in the cultural field.

As a leader of cultural protection, Jia Yuan participated in a major event in the region as scheduled.

To Jia Yuan's surprise, a piece of porcelain caused quite a stir at the expo.

The reason is that a celadon-glazed jade pot spring vase exhibited at the exhibition actually caught the attention of many experts.

After more than a dozen experts at the scene got their hands on this jade pot spring vase, they all agreed that it was an authentic product from the late Southern Song Dynasty, but Jia Yuan still saw the clues.

This work is impeccable both in terms of glaze and texture, but the only flaw is that the patina is too even, which is the only minor flaw.

Even so, Jia Yuan was shocked.

After questioning, the organizer told everyone that this was indeed a replica, but the craftsman who made the replica refused to reveal his name. Everyone was so amazed that they could only express regret.

But Jia Yuan saw strong business opportunities in this jade pot and spring vase.

The quality of this work is so good that it can be mistaken for the real thing.

If there were a few such high-quality imitations, would my family's debt still be a problem?

In the past, Jia Yuan would never dare to think about such evil thoughts, but now he has to consider it.

He is in urgent need of money now!

With so many famines owed, it would be a big expense for his daughter to go to school abroad. He and his wife could not support it just by relying on their salary and bonuses.

Also, those creditors are a time bomb!

God knows one day some man will tell something wrong, and the family scandal may be exposed. This is always a major safety hazard!

There is only one way to solve this hidden danger, and that is to pay back the money as soon as possible.

Jia Yuan had a fierce ideological struggle in his heart, and finally decided to go against his conscience for the sake of family and face.

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