A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2516 So awesome

Lu Fei shouted loudly, and the three crying people stopped.

Guan Haishan angrily sat on the chair and turned his face away, not wanting to look at Jia Yuan and his second senior brother.

Jia Yuan and Zhao Bo were also pulled up by Yang Yi.

Jia Yuan, whose face was red and swollen, came to Guan Haishan, lowered his head and whispered: "Third brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong."

"It's my traitorous son who caused the big trouble, and there's nothing I can do about it!"


Before Guan Haishan could say anything, Lu Fei spat hard.

"At this time, you are still trying to shirk responsibility. Jia Yuan, do you still want to have shame?"

"Lu Fei, you"

"Shut up, you don't deserve to talk to me."

"Your son is in trouble and you need money. Is this your high-sounding reason?"

"I bother!"

"The child does not teach, the father too."

"The reason your son is like this is all because of you as a father. You can't blame anyone else."

"Lack of money, that's not the reason. Why didn't you tell me that you were short of money?"

"Not to mention eighteen million, as long as you need it urgently, no matter how much money you have, can I, Lu Fei, not lend it to you?"

"In the final analysis, it's all about your humble and worthless face, but don't you think about it, if something goes wrong, will your face save you?"

"Also, none of this is the reason for your crime. To put it bluntly, your heart is not right, and it is your greedy nature that is at work."

"Jia Yuan, I, Lu Fei, used to treat you as a person, but I never thought that you would actually test the law for your own selfish interests. Mr. Kong has taught you for decades and sent you to the position of a big leader in cultural security. Are you allowed to take advantage of your position for personal gain?"

"Are you doing this worthy of your position?"

"Are you fucking worthy of your master's soul in heaven?"

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if this matter came to light?

Bad consequences? "

"Your master has been upright throughout his life, and his reputation for decades will be wasted because of your greed. You are simply a scum."

After speaking to Jia Yuan, Lu Fei looked at Zhao Bo with a falcon-like gaze. The latter shivered and was so frightened.

"And you!"

"Lao Kong's second apprentice, a great professor who lives aloof from the world, does not seek fame or fortune, educates people, I never thought that you are involved in this."

"I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't had someone double-check every detail."

"It is difficult to draw bones when painting a cat or a tiger. You know people, faces but not hearts. You are really good at it!"

Lu Fei and Zhao Bo were more than 40 years apart, but Zhao Bo didn't even dare to raise his head after Lu Fei taught him such a lesson.

The old man's face turned red with shame, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Lu Fei finished speaking in one breath, and the restaurant became quiet for a while. Everyone looked at Jia Yuan and Zhao Bo quietly to see what they would do next.

Jia Yuan and his second senior brother did not respond for the time being, but Guan Haishan stood up in despair.

When he staggered to Lu Fei, no one expected that Guan Haishan would kneel down straight.

But before his knees hit the ground, Lu Fei quickly grabbed him with quick eyes and hands.

"Guan Laosan, what the hell are you doing?"


Guan Haishan screamed hysterically, then hugged Lu Fei and cried so hard that it was heartbreaking.

The two old men hugged each other. The scene was somewhat inconsistent, but Lu Fei did not push him away.

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them easily, but they are not sad yet.

Guan Haishan cried like this, Lu Fei could feel that he

It's about to collapse at this moment.

It took two minutes for Guan Haishan to stop crying.

"Baolan Fei, you called everyone here today, you must have thought of a solution, right?"

"I beg you, I beg you, please save Lao Wu and my second senior brother."

"I'm not excusing them, they deserve it, but I can't watch my master being implicated!"

"Balan Fei, my master treats you well, please help me!" Guan Haishan choked and shouted. .??.??

Jia Yuan and Zhao Bo also raised their heads and looked at Lu Fei for help.

"Lu Fei, I was wrong. I know I was wrong. If you can preserve my master's reputation, I will do whatever you want. Please," Jia Yuan said tremblingly.

Lu Fei ignored him, patted Guan Haishan on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I won't ignore it."

After pushing Guan Haishan onto the chair, Lu Fei looked at Jia Yuan.

Lu Fei stared at Jia Yuan for two minutes, and then said: "You two, listen to me. For the sake of your master, I will help you this time, but if there is another time, , don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

Jia Yuan and Zhao Bo's eyes lit up slightly and they nodded mechanically.

"Listen to me and follow my instructions."

"Right now, Xuanlong is arresting Zhang Beiguang. After returning, Jia Yuan will immediately issue an order to have Bashu Wenbao Gao Haannian take over Zhang Beiguang's position."


Hearing Lu Fei say that Xuanlong was arresting Zhang Beiguang, Zhao Bo and Jia Yuan were so frightened that their eyes were full of fear.

Lu Fei sneered disdainfully: "Why, do you know how to be afraid?"

"Aren't you brave?"

The two brothers lowered their heads again.

At this moment, they are just fish and meat, not one of them

Regarding human rights, we can only leave it to fate.

Lu Fei picked up the contract on the table and said, "In order to give you a chance to atone for your sins, I'll put in 1.5 billion."

"Damn it, you owe more than one million yuan in debt, which caused me to lose 1.5 billion yuan. Jia Yuan, you are simply a fool."

"Sign this document, and this will be your credit."


Only then did Jia Yuan understand that Lu Fei donated the 1.5 billion repair money to help him exonerate him. In an instant, Jia Yuan was moved to tears.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes at him and said, "Don't do this to me. If it weren't for your master's sake, I would never care about you."

"Listen to me. After you go back, you should carefully check the information on Langzhong Ancient City's application for World Heritage. Be sure to send it to Holden's mailbox before going to work tomorrow. I will do the rest."


When Jia Yuan and Guan Haishan heard this, they were so shocked that they almost bit off their tongues.

"Balan Fei, what are you talking about? Can Langzhong Ancient City be applied for World Heritage status?" Guan Haishan asked.

Pan Xingzhou snorted coldly: "In order to wipe your ass, Lu Fei personally called Holden last night. I owe you a huge favor. You...hey."

Pan Xingzhou originally wanted to teach Jia Yuan and the others a few words, but when he saw the eyes of the two old men turning into rotten peaches from crying, he couldn't bear it in the end.

Lu Fei, on the other hand, gave Pan Xingzhou a grateful look.

This leader is great, it’s so interesting.

Although Lu Fei doesn't care about 1.5 billion, the money can't be spent in vain. At the very least, he must let Jia Yuan and Zhao Bo know how to be grateful and not dare to do it again in the future.

As for Holden's favor, it doesn't exist at all.

Pan Xingzhou deliberately said it so seriously because he wanted to add a few more weights to Lu Fei's favor. It was really powerful.

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