A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2520 How special is it?

Regarding Fatty Wang, Lu Fei had nothing to hide and told him exactly what happened.

After hearing what Lu Fei said, the fat man couldn't help but click his tongue.

"I can't believe that Jia Yuan, that guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, can actually do such a thing."

"It's a pity that Kong Lao I's great reputation was almost destroyed by the two of them. Thanks to you for standing up and turning the tide!"

"Having said that, Mr. Kong probably wouldn't have thought that the five direct disciples he was most proud of would be in such a bad state."

"I won't mention Gao Feng. The successor appointed by Mr. Kong cannot be reused. Jia Yuan, who was single-handedly promoted, violates the law and discipline. Zhao Bo, who usually lives aloof from the world, is also so vulnerable in the face of interests. As for Gong Xiuliang, He is the most mediocre of these five disciples."

"Oh, it's disappointing!" The fat man sighed.

"This does not mean that Mr. Kong has poor vision. In fact, professionally speaking, his five apprentices are already outstanding. At least they are among the best in the same industry."

"As for the incidents between Jia Yuan and Zhao Bo, they were caused by human nature and had nothing to do with teachers."

"Let's not talk about others. I have something to discuss with you this time. I asked Jia Yuan to bring up Lao Gao to take over Zhang Beiguang's position. What do you think of this matter?" Lu Fei asked.

Fatty Wang said directly without thinking: "In terms of ability alone, Lao Gao is absolutely fine. He just lacks opportunities."

"Lao Gao is a contented person. He rarely socializes and has average connections. Otherwise, he would have come up long ago. I support your decision."

Lu Fei nodded and said, "I think so too. I also promised Lao Gao to let the couple move here. You and your sister-in-law have no objections, right?"

The fat man's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Not only have I not seen it, I almost agree with it!"

"I have a good relationship with Lao Gao. Besides, your house is too big. We are just the old couple. We are not very popular. I feel so scared at night. I wish I had an acquaintance to keep me company!"

Fatty Wang had no objection. When his wife came back, the two of them immediately started cleaning up the room for Mr. and Mrs. Gao Henian.

Lu Fei sat for a while and said goodbye.

I went to have a meal with the old man at noon, and then went to the Baihu headquarters to learn about the explanation between Zhang Beiguang and Feng Kun.

After that, taking the information and the address given by Yang Yi, I took a flight straight to the porcelain capital.

When they arrived in Porcelain Capital, Xiao Yang, the team leader of Xuanlong stationed here, personally picked him up. However, Lu Fei did not go to the Xuanlong branch and asked Xiao Yang to keep the car for him and send him away.

Lu Fei found the biggest one

I went to the supermarket, bought some gifts, and drove to visit Master Jin Xin.

The Jin family is the largest household in Yaokou Town, the porcelain capital. There are more than 60 people in the five-entry courtyard, which can be said to be a veritable mansion.

At this time, the Jin family was about to start dinner, and the family stood at the dining table waiting for the head of the family, Jin Xin, to take his seat.

This is the rule of the big house. No one can use chopsticks until the head of the house sits down.

Jin Xin washed his hands, then came to the main table and sat down. He waved his hands and was about to signal everyone to start eating when the butler Jin Kui ran in like a raging fire.

"Master Jin, we have a guest."

Jin Xin frowned: "Let's just have guests. How can we behave like this?"

"Jin Kui, you are almost sixty, can't you be more steady?"

"I'll greet the guests and serve tea in the living room. I'll go there after dinner."

After Jin Xin finished speaking, Jin Kui not only did not leave, but quickly came over.

"Master Jin, I think it's better for you to go see him now. This guest is extraordinary!"


Jin Xin heard the boss's displeasure, and before he could speak, his eldest son Jin Zhengyi had already stood up: "Uncle Jin Kui, what's wrong with you today?"

"You have forgotten the rules of our house. When the old man is dining, no one can disturb him. You should let the guests wait in the living room first!"

With the Jin family's background and Jin Xin's position in the industry, there are countless visitors every day, and Jin Xin simply doesn't have the energy to receive them all.

Under normal circumstances, he would let his son or Jin Kui approach him on his behalf. Unless the old man was free or in a good mood, he would meet him in person.

By coincidence, Jin Xin was in a good mood today, so Jin Kui asked the guests to serve tea in the living room and prepare to meet them after dinner.

This is the rule of the Jin family. Jin Zhengyi was worried that the old man would be angry, so he motioned to Jin Kui to stop talking.

Unfortunately, Jin Kui was very persistent today and still refused to leave.

"Young Master, Master Jin, of course I know the rules, but today's guest is too special. If we don't treat him well, I'm worried that the old man will be angry!"


Jin Xin raised his eyebrows upon hearing this. For Jin Kui to be so persistent, he must not be an ordinary person. He asked with great interest: "How unusual. Could it be that a leader from the porcelain capital came here?"

Jin Kui chuckled and said, "If the leader comes, I won't ask you for instructions. This guest is even more special than the leader."

Hearing what Jin Kui said, Jin Xin put down his chopsticks subconsciously: "Who is this person you are talking about, and how special is it?" Lu Fei had nothing to hide about Fatty Wang, and told him exactly what happened. .

After hearing what Lu Fei said, the fat man couldn't help but click his tongue.

"I can't believe that Jia Yuan, that guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, can actually do such a thing."

"It's a pity that Kong Lao I's great reputation was almost destroyed by the two of them. Thanks to you for standing up and turning the tide!"

"Having said that, Mr. Kong probably wouldn't have thought that the five direct disciples he was most proud of would be in such a bad state."

"I won't mention Gao Feng. The successor appointed by Mr. Kong cannot be reused. Jia Yuan, who was single-handedly promoted, violates the law and discipline. Zhao Bo, who usually lives aloof from the world, is also so vulnerable in the face of interests. As for Gong Xiuliang, He is the most mediocre of these five disciples."

"Oh, it's disappointing!" The fat man sighed.

"This does not mean that Mr. Kong has poor vision. In fact, professionally speaking, his five apprentices are already outstanding. At least they are among the best in the same industry."

"As for the incidents between Jia Yuan and Zhao Bo, they were caused by human nature and had nothing to do with teachers."

"Let's not talk about others. I have something to discuss with you this time. I asked Jia Yuan to bring up Lao Gao to take over Zhang Beiguang's position. What do you think of this matter?" Lu Fei asked.

Fatty Wang said directly without thinking: "In terms of ability alone, Lao Gao is absolutely fine. He just lacks opportunities."

"Lao Gao is a contented person. He rarely socializes and has average connections. Otherwise, he would have come up long ago. I support your decision."

Lu Fei nodded and said, "I think so too. I also promised Lao Gao to let the couple move here. You and your sister-in-law have no objections, right?"

The fat man's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Not only have I not seen it, I almost agree with it!"

"I have a good relationship with Lao Gao. Besides, your house is too big. We are just the old couple. We are not very popular. I feel so scared at night. I wish I had an acquaintance to keep me company!"

Fatty Wang had no objection. When his wife came back, the two of them immediately started cleaning up the room for Mr. and Mrs. Gao Henian.

Lu Fei sat for a while and said goodbye.

I went to have a meal with the old man at noon, and then went to the Baihu headquarters to learn about the explanation between Zhang Beiguang and Feng Kun.

After that, taking the information and the address given by Yang Yi, I took a flight straight to the porcelain capital.

When they arrived in Porcelain Capital, Xiao Yang, the team leader of Xuanlong stationed here, personally picked him up. However, Lu Fei did not go to the Xuanlong branch and asked Xiao Yang to keep the car for him and send him away.

Lu Fei found the biggest one

I went to the supermarket, bought some gifts, and drove to visit Master Jin Xin.

The Jin family is the largest household in Yaokou Town, the porcelain capital. There are more than 60 people in the five-entry courtyard, which can be said to be a veritable mansion.

At this time, the Jin family was about to start dinner, and the family stood at the dining table waiting for the head of the family, Jin Xin, to take a seat.

This is the rule of the big house. No one can use chopsticks until the head of the house sits down.

Jin Xin washed his hands, then came to the main table and sat down. He waved his hands and was about to signal everyone to start eating when the butler Jin Kui ran in like a raging fire.

"Master Jin, we have a guest."

Jin Xin frowned: "Let's just have guests. How can we behave like this?"

"Jin Kui, you are almost sixty, can't you be more steady?"

"I'll greet the guests and serve tea in the living room. I'll go there after dinner."

After Jin Xin finished speaking, Jin Kui not only did not leave, but quickly came over.

"Master Jin, I think it's better for you to go see him now. This guest is extraordinary!"


Jin Xin heard the boss's displeasure, and before he could speak, his eldest son Jin Zhengyi had already stood up: "Uncle Jin Kui, what's wrong with you today?"

"You have forgotten the rules of our house. When the old man is dining, no one can disturb him. You should let the guests wait in the living room first!"

With the Jin family's background and Jin Xin's position in the industry, there are countless visitors every day, and Jin Xin simply doesn't have the energy to receive them all.

Under normal circumstances, he would let his son or Jin Kui approach him on his behalf. Unless the old man was free or in a good mood, he would meet him in person.

By coincidence, Jin Xin was in a good mood today, so Jin Kui asked the guests to serve tea in the living room and prepare to meet them after dinner.

This is the rule of the Jin family. Jin Zhengyi was worried that the old man would be angry, so he motioned to Jin Kui to stop talking.

Unfortunately, Jin Kui was very persistent today and still refused to leave.

"Young Master, Master Jin, of course I know the rules, but today's guest is too special. If we don't treat him well, I'm worried that the old man will be angry!"


Jin Xin raised his eyebrows upon hearing this. For Jin Kui to be so persistent, he must not be an ordinary person. He asked with great interest: "How unusual. Could it be that a leader from the porcelain capital came here?"

Jin Kui chuckled and said, "If the leader comes, I won't ask you for instructions. This guest is even more special than the leader."

Hearing what Jin Kui said, Jin Xin put down his chopsticks subconsciously: "Who is this person you are talking about? How special is he?"

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