A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2531 Discovered

During normal work, no one would see anything unusual, but what no one knew was that outside of work, Tang Wannian and his boss Yu Xingkai were planning big things.

After Yu Xingkai saw Tang Wannian's craftsmanship, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he discussed with Tang Wannian to use his technology to imitate porcelain from the previous dynasties and even the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties and sell it to foreigners.

Although Bailihang did this before, the level of imitation was limited.

At best, their workshops only dare to imitate the Xianfeng Guangxu official kilns, and even those from the Qianlong period do not dare to imitate. After all, foreigners are not fools. When delivering goods, they will usually follow them with local Chinese hands and eyes.

Even those who copy things from decades ago can't tell any clues. .??.

But if it were to imitate porcelain from the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, it would be a big deal.

During that period, the price of top-quality porcelain from the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties was also very high. When trading, foreigners must be more cautious and find more powerful experts to appraise them. In this case, the capabilities of their workshops would be dwarfed by comparison.

With their previous level, the experts could tell at a glance that a failed transaction was nothing. Foreigners must know that they were cheated, and they could not afford the consequences. Therefore, Yu Xingkai did not dare to try at all.

But now the opportunity has come.

Yu Xingkai is also considered a top expert. He has enough confidence in Tang Wannian's craftsmanship and his own vision.

If you can't see it yourself, then neither can the so-called experts.

There is absolutely no problem in using Tang Wannian’s works to deceive foreigners.

Tang Wannian would never agree to deceiving the Chinese people.

But if it's about deceiving foreigners, hehe, Tang Wannian would definitely like to hear about it.

Damn it, the Qing Dynasty has come to this day, and he has also lost his job. The main culprit is these foreign devils, and Tang Wannian hates them with all his heart.

It would be a great pleasure to have the opportunity to deceive them, make the foreign devils suffer, and take advantage of them, so Tang Wannian answered decisively.

Should come down.

However, Tang Wannian also has a requirement, that is, he must be present during the transaction, so as to ensure that Yu Xingkai will not use his works to deceive the people of China.

There was no problem with Yu Xingkai, and the two hit it off immediately.

The plan was formulated, but it was not that simple to implement it. First, it was necessary to see whether Tang Wannian's craftsmanship was up to standard.

This is not a big problem for Tang Wannian.

When he was the porcelain supervisor, Tang Wannian studied the official kiln porcelain of all dynasties and had a clear understanding of the characteristics of those porcelains.

He didn't dare to try it before, but now there is absolutely no problem. He is absolutely confident in his newly developed china clay formula.

One night a few days later, the private kiln Yu Xingkai secretly built in the suburbs opened.

There are five pieces of porcelain in this kiln, which are Longquan porcelain of the Northern Song Dynasty imitated by Wannian of the Tang Dynasty, blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, blue and white Ming Dynasty and blue and white porcelain of the official kiln of Qianlong and Kangxi.

When Yu Xingkai got hold of these five pieces of porcelain, he was filled with excitement. His evaluation of Tang Wannian's craftsmanship was "astonishing".

This level of leverage is absolutely no problem.

After two months of doing nothing, the two of them nervously met with a manager of a British trading company.

Just as Yu Xingkai guessed, the foreign devils brought an expert to identify it. Fortunately, the "expert" didn't see anything wrong and assured him that it was definitely authentic.

The foreign devil was quite satisfied after personally inspecting it, and immediately discussed the price and finalized the deal.

Five pieces of porcelain were successfully traded for 1,200 yuan.

Returning to Bailihang, Yu Xingkai directly gave half of it to Tang Wannian.

They were all very excited. This was simply a shortcut to getting rich and cheating foreigners!

Although excited, the two of them did not make any noise and continued to work step by step. However, after work, they spent almost all their time copying new products.

In the next three years, Yu Xingkai and Tang Wannian made more than ten transactions with foreigners and made a profit of more than 20,000 yuan. At that time, this was already a huge amount of money.

But as the saying goes, there is no wall that is airtight.

If you don't want others to know, don't do anything except yourself.

The two thought they were acting covertly, but they were discovered anyway.

What's even worse is that the person who discovered it was Chen Zong, who was resentful of Tang Wannian.

Who is Chen Zong?

Before Tang Wannian came to Bailihang, Chen Zong was the head of Bailihang's porcelain governor, that is, Dana.

But after Tang Wannian appeared, Chen Zong was reduced to a deputy, and his power and income were reduced. All this was because of Tang Wannian's joining. Of course Chen Zong was unhappy with him.

From the beginning, Chen Zong felt that there was something wrong with Yu Xingkai's attitude towards Tang Wannian.

Before the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Tang Wannian was indeed a figure, but now that the Qing Dynasty no longer exists, Tang Wannian is just a wage earner. Why is his boss so polite to him, as if he is a long-lost brother.

It would be reasonable to say that Yu Xingkai was interested in Tang Wannian's reputation at the beginning and wanted to feel fresh, but this was not the case. As time went by, Yu Xingkai valued Tang Wannian more and more, even having to sit at the same table with Tang Wannian when eating. , this is a bit abnormal.

Chen Zong was extremely jealous, and at the same time he began to secretly investigate what was going on between the two people.

When he investigated clearly, Chen Zong was so frightened that he was out of his wits.

Damn it!

Lying in a big trough.

These two people actually imitated the porcelain of the previous dynasty in private and sold it as fake

Make huge profits for foreigners! !

Even foreign adults dare to trick you, how brave are you?

Aren't you afraid that foreign masters will get angry and destroy all your families?

Are these two people crazy?

After further investigation, Chen Zong was even more dumbfounded.

Co-authored, these two lunatics have been cheating foreigners for more than three years. In these three years, these two people have made a lot of money and made a lot of windfall!

No wonder Yu Xingkai worshiped Tang Wannian like an ancestor, and Tang Wannian was Yu Xingkai's cash cow!

Damn it!

Why can't I keep up with this good thing?

Chen Zong was so envious that the chicken turned purple, and he was even more jealous.

After understanding the truth, Chen Zong began to study it carefully.

At first, he thought about sharing a piece of the pie with Yu Xingkai and using the information he knew to share with them.

But after careful analysis, I feel it is inappropriate.

Yu Xingkai's power is not small. He may not compromise. The most important thing is that Yu Xingkai does not believe in himself.

If he rushes to negotiate with them, he may not be successful. Yu Xingkai is so anxious that he may even find someone to kill him to silence him.

In that era, it was not easy to just spend some money to hire Jianghu people to do something to him.

Yu Xingkai is rich, so he is very likely to do this in order not to be led by the nose.

If you can't get the dividends and risk your life, it will be a huge loss.

After thinking about it, Chen Zong felt that it was basically impossible to share a share of the pie with them, but seeing them getting rich, he couldn't bear the envy.

Damn it!

Since you can't get it yourself, then just destroy them.

It would be best to torture Tang Wannian to death so that he can relieve his hatred.

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