A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2534 Incognito

Hearing the gossip of the people at the tea stall, Tang Wannian's head was buzzing and he was scared out of his wits, but he did not dare to go up and ask for confirmation.

If someone recognized him, it would only take a matter of minutes for him to be arrested.

After hearing these surrounding news, Tang Wannian was no longer in the mood to seek reconciliation with Zhongnan, and just listened quietly from the side.

Unfortunately, those few people only said a few words and then brought the topic to a courtesan in Bada Hutong. Tang Wannian did not leave. He sat down and ordered a large bowl of tea, his eyes always staying on the middle-aged man who broke the news. .

After sitting for more than half an hour, the middle-aged man paid and left, with Tang Wannian quietly following behind.

After following this man for a while, he finally came to the entrance of a secluded alley. Tang Wannian was sure that no one was following him, so he stepped forward and stopped the man.

At first, Tang Wannian's appearance shocked this man, but he felt relieved after he was sure that Tang Wannian had no ill intentions.

"My friend, have you recognized the wrong person?" the middle-aged man asked.

Tang Wannian cupped his fists and saluted: "Sir, I have no ill intentions. I stopped you because I have something to confirm with you."

Tang Wannian once again asked the middle-aged man who had heard his gossip at the tea stall for confirmation. Although this man did not know Tang Wannian, it was obvious that he had a serious face and was alert, and he denied it.

Tang Wannian took out two oceans as a reward and thanked him repeatedly, and then the man opened his heart.

"Yes, I said this. I don't know if it's true. I also heard what our neighbor Huzi said."

"Sir, can you take me to meet your neighbor? I want to confirm with him in person."

"Don't worry, I will definitely thank you very much."

The two oceans at that time were enough to cover the expenses of an ordinary family of five for two months. When Tang Wannian said that he would be grateful, the middle-aged man was moved. After thinking about it, he took Tang Wannian home.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Huzi came back drunk. The middle-aged man invited Huzi to his home.

, confront Tang Wannian face to face.

Tang Wannian took out all the nine pieces of ocean he had on him, and then Huzi spoke.

Huzi also heard two policemen talking about this matter during lunch. The two policemen said that the three members of the Tang family had offended Xiaobi, and they were taken away for questioning as soon as they were arrested. Later, Xiaobi notified the prison. , saying that the three Tang family members committed suicide out of fear of crime.

Just such a random reason, it's over.

As for whether the person is dead or not, Huzi cannot guarantee it.

After hearing what Huzi said, Tang Wannian was completely dumbfounded.

Tang Wannian knew that Hu Zi was definitely not coming out of nowhere.

Because it was impossible for him to know that he had offended the islanders, and there was no need for him to spread rumors. The two patrolmen would not act in front of Huzi when they were full.

After thinking about it, my wife, children and staff were in danger.

Tang Wannian left in despair and huddled on the street all night. In the early morning of the next day, Tang Wannian tried his best to find out the news.

Two days later, Tang Wannian bravely found a British businessman who had traded with Yu Xingkai.

Tang Wannian promised him that he would give him three genuine antiques within a year and asked the foreigner to find out the information.

The foreigner was so happy that he immediately arranged for someone to inquire about it.

Their information was much better informed than Tang Wannian's, and they understood everything clearly within an hour.

Hu Zi was right. All three members of Tang Wannian's family were killed. Yu Xingkai's second aunt followed that man and saved one life, but the rest also perished.

Even though so many people have died, it’s not over yet.

That man and the policeman are still looking for Tang Wannian all over the city.

After hearing the news, Tang Wannian vomited blood and fell into coma on the spot.

Fortunately, that man was quite righteous and did not hand him over for the sake of antiques. He also gave Tang Wannian ten yuan and let him go.

Tang Wannian thought about avenging his wife and children, but with his own power, it was simply wishful thinking.

After much thought, Tang Wannian decided to leave Tiandu temporarily.

It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. The most important thing now is to save his own life. If his life is gone, whatever he says is nonsense.

He planned to leave Tiandu to find his second aunt Tai for temporary shelter, but that man and the policeman wanted him all over the city, and he could not leave the city at all. ??

There was really no other way, so Tang Wannian found a remote inn to work for others and hid for the time being until he met Lu Fei again.

Lu Fei was also shocked when he heard what happened to him.

He really didn't expect that the little nose would be so amazing.

Moreover, what happened to Tang Wannian's family was more or less related to him.

If they hadn't killed two little noses themselves, they wouldn't have become so angry that they went on a killing spree.

But now it's too late to say anything.

Lu Fei asked Tang Wannian what his next plan was, and Tang Wannian told Lu Fei his plan to find an opportunity to leave the city to avoid the spotlight.

Even though Tang Wannian couldn't get out alone, it would be much easier for Lu Fei to take him away.

In his last life, Lu Fei knew many powerful Tiandu bosses, and he would have no problem just opening a road.

Lu Fei asked Tang Wannian to wait in this inn for a week. After a week, Lu Fei finished his work and took Tang Wannian to leave Tiandu City easily.

At this time, Tang Wannian was 100% sure that Lu Fei had not

She had the slightest intention of harming him, so she quickly knelt down and kowtowed, thanking Lu Fei profusely.

In order to ensure Tang Wannian's safety, Lu Fei personally escorted him to Jizhou to meet his second concubine.

Along the way, the two communicated a lot, and Lu Fei's views on antique porcelain shocked Tang Wannian.

With a common topic, the two quickly became familiar with each other. When they arrived in Jizhou, they seemed to have become good friends.

Along the way, Lu Fei wanted to ask him several times where the craftsman who imitated porcelain came from, but in order to avoid Tang Wannian's suspicion, he finally did not tell him.

After making sure Jizhou was safe, Lu Fei said goodbye to Tang Wannian and left. Before parting, Lu Fei left him two hundred yuan.

With this money, he was able to run a small business locally to support his family.

The two were separated for more than half a year.

Half a year later, Lu Fei passed by Jizhou and came to visit Tang Wannian again.

After half a year of settling down, Tang Wannian finally came out of his grief.

In order to avoid trouble, Tang Wannian kept his name anonymous, changed his name to Tang Wanjin, and opened a small-scale pawn shop in Jizhou, which was basically stable.

When Tang Wannian saw Lu Fei, he called him his benefactor and treated him warmly.

Lu Fei had lived in the Tang family for more than half a month this time. Out of curiosity, Lu Fei couldn't help but ask.

Tang Wannian had already lost his defense against Lu Fei.

If Lu Fei wanted to harm him, he would have died ten thousand times. It can be said that without Lu Fei, he would not be where he is today. Therefore, Tang Wannian told Lu Fei all the results of his research without reservation.

At this time, Lu Fei found out that he was once the deputy governor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and was very surprised.

After thoroughly understanding the formula studied by Tang Wannian, Lu Fei was even more shocked and amazed.

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