A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2536 Chapter 2546

Tang Hua's matter was successfully resolved.

Although he refused to say what happened to their family and why they still didn't change their ancestral name back, Lu Fei was still very excited after completely solving the trouble Feng Kun had caused him and confirming that he was an old friend.

After leaving the Tang family, Lu Fei said goodbye.

Jin Xin was reluctant to leave, but Lu Fei had too many things to do, so we had to meet again next time.

On the way to the airport, Lu Fei made several calls in succession. In the evening, Lu Fei appeared at Xuanlong's headquarters in Tiandu.

In the office, in addition to Li Shengnan, all three captains of Xuanlong were present, as well as two deputy directors from the Special Division, and Dong Jianye.

"Everyone, don't talk nonsense. I called you here today just for one thing."

"As everyone knows, I will take over as the general consultant of China's historical archeology in five months. However, recently, I have discovered that there are many problems within the archaeological team."

"Some time ago, Jia Yuan and Feng Kun's case was not just an isolated case. There must be many black sheep like them out there."

"I will give you two months to secretly investigate every official of the archaeological team, including secretaries and other civilian staff. No one will be spared."

"Everyone just needs to investigate and don't take any action."

"Old Dong, are you okay there?"

Normally, Dong Jianye and Lu Fei enjoy bickering with each other, but in such a formal occasion, both of them tacitly maintained their seriousness.

Moreover, Dong Jianye also strongly supports Lu Fei's point of view.

After Kong Lao passed away, many people within the archaeological team did become restless.

There are some who are stealing information, some who are selling out information, some who are collaborating with tomb robbers to dig up ancient tombs, and some who are going out of the country to participate in irregular auctions. It is simply chaos and it is time to put things in order.

"There is no problem on my side. My opinion is still led by you Xuanlong. Our special department will fully cooperate. No matter where our people are needed to help, how many people and what equipment are used, we will fully support it."

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words."

"In the next period of time, I will go abroad to deal with my own personal affairs. I will leave it to you all. When I come back, I will treat you all to a big dinner." Lu Fei said.


After getting down to business, everyone immediately put away their seriousness and collectively cast a look of contempt at Lu Fei.

"Hey, who doesn't know that little thing about you? You're still doing private things. Isn't it just a wedding and honeymoon?"

"That's right, you said it so mysteriously, don't you want to give everyone wedding candies?"

"My comrade instructor, I'm not talking about you. Everyone sincerely wishes you your marriage, but you don't show any expression at all. This is too much.

That's too much! "

Not only the captains of Xuanlong, but also Special Branch also rolled their eyes.

"Mr. Lu, your brothers are right. Marriage is a great joy, and it should be expressed no matter what."

"That's right, Comrade Wang Xinyi was trained by our special place. Our special place is Comrade Wang Xinyi's natal family. We don't ask for anything else. Marry someone from our family and give everyone some benefits as red envelopes. This is always what we should do, right? "

"Agree, approve with both hands."

Lu Fei also smiled: "No problem, don't you just want to rip off money? The most important thing for me, Lu Fei, is money, so I can rip you off at will."

"Let's do this. Later, I will ask the company to apply for a discount card for everyone. All the brothers from Xuanlong and the Special Department will get a 10% discount on the medicines of our Ascendas Pharmaceuticals. How about it?"




"Can you be more shameless?"

"We have such a bad body, who will use your medicine?"

"That's right, I feel like you are deliberately cursing us to get sick. Comrade Lu Fei, you are so bad."

Giving a discount card for buying medicine was just a joke. In the end, Lu Fei promised to personally spend 5 million to give bonuses to all the brothers who participated this time, which won the audience cheers.

Lu Fei is definitely the only one who uses his own money to do things, but who makes Boss Lu rich?

It’s only five million, just for nothing.

What's more, if you spend five million to buy one and everyone is happy, it is definitely worth a thousand dollars.

I will inevitably trouble everyone at work in the future, so it is necessary to buy good popularity first.

After the meeting, Lu Fei had dinner and flew directly to Hong Kong Island.

Because Lu Fei suddenly received a call from Wade, who was waiting for him on Hong Kong Island.

To be honest, Lu Fei was somewhat surprised when he heard Wade say he was waiting for him on Hong Kong Island. This showed that this guy knew his whereabouts very clearly.

Lu Fei was worried about the British side and whether his relationship with his mother would be exposed in advance.

It's not that Lu Fei doesn't dare to expose it. Anyway, this time he went to England to get married, he definitely couldn't hide it. What Lu Fei was worried about was whether this guy would do anything to him if he knew about it in advance.

Lu Fei analyzed it carefully for a while and felt that there should be no big problem.

Even if they want to do something against him, they probably won't choose Hong Kong Island. After all, this is also half of their home court. Here, Lu Fei is not afraid of anyone.

Coincidentally, just when Lu Fei was about to board the plane, he received another call from Long Yun. He was also waiting for him on Hong Kong Island, which was safer. Tang Hua's matter was successfully resolved.

Although he refused to say what happened to their family and why they still didn't change their ancestral name back, Lu Fei was still very excited after completely solving the trouble Feng Kun had caused him and confirming that he was an old friend.

After leaving the Tang family, Lu Fei said goodbye.

Jin Xin was reluctant to leave, but Lu Fei had too many things to do, so we had to meet again next time.

On the way to the airport, Lu Fei made several calls in succession. In the evening, Lu Fei appeared at Xuanlong's headquarters in Tiandu.

In the office, in addition to Li Shengnan, all three captains of Xuanlong were present, as well as two deputy directors from the Special Division, and Dong Jianye.

"Everyone, don't talk nonsense. I called you here today just for one thing."

"As everyone knows, I will take over as the general consultant of China's historical archeology in five months. However, recently, I have discovered that there are many problems within the archaeological team."

"Some time ago, Jia Yuan and Feng Kun's case was not just an isolated case. There must be many black sheep like them out there."

"I will give you two months to secretly investigate every official of the archaeological team, including secretaries and other civilian staff. No one will be spared."

"Everyone just needs to investigate and don't take any action."

"Old Dong, are you okay there?"

Normally, Dong Jianye and Lu Fei enjoy bickering with each other, but in such a formal occasion, both of them tacitly maintained their seriousness.

Moreover, Dong Jianye also strongly supports Lu Fei's point of view.

After Kong Lao passed away, many people within the archaeological team did become restless.

There are some who are stealing information, some who are selling out information, some who are collaborating with tomb robbers to dig up ancient tombs, and some who are going out of the country to participate in irregular auctions. It is simply chaos, and it is time to put things in order.

"There is no problem on my side. My opinion is still led by you Xuanlong. Our special department will fully cooperate. No matter where our people are needed to help, how many people and what equipment are used, we will fully support it."

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words."

"In the next period of time, I will go abroad to deal with my own personal affairs. I will leave it to you all. When I come back, I will treat you all to a big dinner." Lu Fei said.


After getting down to business, everyone immediately put away their seriousness and collectively cast a look of contempt at Lu Fei.

"Hey, who doesn't know that little thing about you? You're still doing private things. Isn't it just a wedding and honeymoon?"

"That's right, you said it so mysteriously, don't you want to give everyone wedding candies?"

"My comrade instructor, I'm not talking about you. Everyone sincerely wishes you your marriage, but you don't show any expression at all. This is too much.

That's too much! "

Not only the captains of Xuanlong, but also Special Branch also rolled their eyes.

"Mr. Lu, your brothers are right. Marriage is a great joy, and it should be expressed no matter what."

"That's right, Comrade Wang Xinyi was trained by our special family. Our special family is Comrade Wang Xinyi's natal family. We don't ask for anything else. We marry someone from our family and give everyone some benefits as red envelopes. This is always what we should do, right? "

"Agree, approve with both hands."

Lu Fei also smiled: "No problem, don't you just want to rip off money? The most important thing for me, Lu Fei, is money, so I can rip you off at will."

"Let's do this. Later, I will ask the company to apply for a discount card for everyone. All the brothers from Xuanlong and the Special Department will get a 10% discount on the medicines of our Ascendas Pharmaceuticals. How about it?"




"Can you be more shameless?"

"We have such a bad body, who will use your medicine?"

"That's right, I feel like you are deliberately cursing us to get sick. Comrade Lu Fei, you are so bad."

Giving a discount card for buying medicine was just a joke. In the end, Lu Fei promised to personally spend 5 million to give bonuses to all the brothers who participated this time, which won the audience cheers.

Lu Fei is definitely the only one who uses his own money to do things, but who makes Boss Lu rich?

It’s only five million, just for nothing.

What's more, if you spend five million to buy one and everyone is happy, it is definitely worth a thousand dollars.

I will inevitably trouble everyone at work in the future, so it is necessary to buy good popularity first.

After the meeting, Lu Fei had dinner and flew directly to Hong Kong Island.

Because Lu Fei suddenly received a call from Wade, who was waiting for him on Hong Kong Island.

To be honest, Lu Fei was somewhat surprised when he heard Wade say he was waiting for him on Hong Kong Island. This showed that this guy knew his whereabouts very clearly.

Lu Fei was worried about the British side and whether his relationship with his mother would be exposed in advance.

It's not that Lu Fei doesn't dare to expose it. Anyway, this time he went to England to get married, he definitely couldn't hide it. What Lu Fei was worried about was whether this guy would do anything to him if he knew about it in advance.

Lu Fei analyzed it carefully for a while and felt that there should be no big problem.

Even if they want to do something against him, they probably won't choose Hong Kong Island. After all, this is also half of their home court. Here, Lu Fei is not afraid of anyone.

Coincidentally, just when Lu Fei was about to board the plane, he received another call from Long Yun. He was also waiting for him on Hong Kong Island, which was even safer.

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