A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2550 The birth of a billionaire woman

Xiao Tingfang's two words made Wang Xinyi blush with embarrassment, and all the elders laughed.

After laughing, the prospective mother-in-law picked up a document and handed it to Wang Xinyi.

"Auntie knows that you are not short of money. These are just some of Auntie's thoughts. Just treat them as pocket money for you."

"Take this, this is 43% of the equity of China Ocean Trading. From today on, you will be the largest shareholder of Ocean Trading."


After Xiao Tingfang finished speaking, Wang Hongbin stood up in shock.

At first, he really didn't care about Xiao Tingfang's so-called gift.

The Wang family is a 10-billion-dollar consortium that lacks everything, and ordinary things cannot be seen at all.

Seeing Xiao Tingfang take out the documents, Wang Hongbin thought it was just some property rights transfer documents such as real estate, but he never expected that it turned out to be an equity document.

And the first portion was so crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.


43% stake in Ocean Trading, my God, did I hear that right?

Among the four major export trading companies in China, Ocean Trading is the only private company and the most profitable one. It has a market value of 100 billion Chinese dollars and a 43% stake. How much does this cost?

No, no, no, this is not the point. The point is that this equity was taken out from Xiao Tingfang.

In the past, Wang Hongbin only knew that the chairman of Ocean Trading was called Zhang Zhang, but this person was quite mysterious. Wang Hongbin had cooperated with their company a lot, but he had never met Zhang Zhang. He only had a good relationship with the general manager Li Zhengrong.

However, whether it is Li Zhengrong or Kai Zhang, these seem to have nothing to do with the name Xiao Tingfang, right?

What is going on?

Lu Fei saw Wang Hongbin's shock and smiled slightly: "Uncle Wang, you may not know that ocean trading is actually my mother's industry. Chairman Kai Zhang is just one of the small shareholders."


What about this?

Wang Hongbin was completely confused.

With his status, there is almost no one he doesn't know in China's business world. It's fair to say that he has never heard of Xiao Tingfang before. Isn't this too hidden?

Although Wang Hongbin knew that Lu Fei and his mother had known each other last year, he only knew this. However, he did not expect that Lu Fei's mother was so rich and mysterious. Could it be that she was the legendary hidden rich man? Can't?

No wonder he has such a noble temperament that even he can't match it. He bought nearly half of the shares of Ocean Trading. This kind of momentum is indeed not as good as his own!


Lu Fei is already very perverted, coupled with such a super wealthy mother. Are you going to let people live?

As the helmsman of the Wan Yi Financial Group, I have a lot of face in China's business community, but why do I feel so embarrassed in front of you?

There is simply no sense of existence!

Wang Hongbin was shocked and glared at Lu Fei fiercely. He said to himself, you brat, why didn't you tell me earlier? You made me look embarrassed in public. How embarrassing!

In comparison, Wang Xinyi is much better than her father, because Lu Fei has already told her that her mother is very rich, a very rich kind.

If Lu Fei can say the words "very rich" in his mouth, then he can be as exaggerated as possible.

Wang Xinyi helped her father sit down, and Wang Hongbin smiled awkwardly: "My mother-in-law, your gift is too precious."

"Tradition is just a formality. You don't need to pamper your children like this. You'll spoil Xinyi."

Xiao Tingfang took Wang Xinyi's hand and said, "How could it be? It's just a small thought."

"The last time I went to Tianducheng, I happened to meet Xinyi in an accident. I was so moved when I saw Xinyi was seriously injured when he took a bullet from Xiaofei. So, being able to marry Xinyi is our blessing, Xiaofei. , I can’t love you too much for Xinyi.”

With that said, Xiao Tingfang picked up another document: "Xinyi, this is the property rights of three jade mines in Myanmar. You happen to have a jewelry company in your hands, so you don't have to worry about the supply of goods in the future."


Three jade mines!

Oh my god, do you want to be so inhumane?

Wang Hongbin, his wife and Wang Ying were shocked again.

"This is the property right of two gem mines in the Buddha Kingdom!"

puff! !

"Well, please keep this. These are the property rights of three private islands in Hawaii, Australia, and Bangzi Country."

puff! !

"And these, this is part of the equity of twelve luxury goods companies in the world. My Xinyi is so beautiful, so she should take more care of it. With these, your beauty channels can be completely opened abroad."

puff! !

"And these, these are."

Xiao Tingfang took out thirty-five documents one after another, all of which were about equity and property rights. When she heard the end, the Wang family was numb.

Oh my God!

Just a rough calculation, these add up to tens of billions of dollars, okay?

When did it become so easy to become a billionaire?

They say you can be willful if you have money, but you can’t be so willful, right?

Who is this Sister Xiao, and how come their family has such exaggerated strength?

Wang Xinyi was also frightened.

"Auntie, this, this is too much, I, I can't have it!"

Lu Fei smiled and helped Wang Xinyi receive the documents.

He came over, patted her shoulder and said, "Just take it, it's my mother's wish. Don't feel pressure."

"Don't worry about Mom, this is just a drop in the bucket for her. You should be more filial in the future, and there will be plenty of good things."


At this time, Wang Hongbin spurted out a mouthful of tea.

Your uncle!

Do you think the property rights worth tens of billions of dollars are a drop in the bucket?

I just want to ask you, how big are your cows?

Why do I feel like you are just showing off your wealth? !


How come I, the helmsman of the Wan Yi Financial Group, feel almost like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world in front of you? It's so heartbreaking.

Xiao Tingfang was also amused by Lu Fei's words. She rolled her eyes at Lu Fei and said to Wang Xinyi: "Don't pay attention to him. This brat has no integrity. However, he is right about one thing. This thing is good for our family." It’s really nothing.”


Wang Hongbin suddenly felt hopeless.

Sister, is this how you educate your son?

I used to have some doubts about how Lu Fei's mother suddenly appeared. Now I can confirm that you are definitely his biological mother. She has the same temper. Lu Fei definitely inherited it from you. Good genes!

Wang Hongbin decided to have a good talk with Lu Fei later and ask him who his biological mother was, otherwise he would go crazy.

The prospective mother-in-law said this, and Wang Xinyi couldn't refuse anymore. After thanking her, she put the documents away.

Xiao Tingfang was so efficient that she immediately called the Xiao family's lawyer in and asked Wang Xinyi to sign the document, and all property rights took effect immediately.

This is how the super rich woman with tens of billions of dollars was born.

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