A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2556: Muddle through


When she saw the golden color in the rivets, Xiao Tingfang stood up excitedly.

Found it, really found it.

At this point, it can be announced that the Xiao family has mastered four of the five Seven-Star Swords, and all the maps in the swords have been found. They are one step closer to revealing the final answer to the mystery.

Of course, if you're lucky, four maps will be enough to find the answer.

How could Xiao Tingfang not be excited when she thought that the ultimate secret that had troubled the Xiao family and the three major families for hundreds of years was about to be solved!

In addition, she also sincerely admired the wisdom of the ancients.

No wonder none of the three families have found the map in the sword for hundreds of years. It was hidden in such a hidden place. If it weren't for a monster like Lu Fei, there would be no way to do it!

Even if you dismantle the Seven-Star Sword into parts, you will never find it. This is simply a miracle.

Compared to the methods of the ancients, Xiao Tingfang was more impressed by her son Lu Fei.

For hundreds of years, the three major families have racked their brains to find the secret of the sword, but they have never been able to do so.

But in Lu Fei's hands, it turned out to be so easy. This is my son. It's really amazing!

"Don't be excited. I found it, but it will take a long time to take it out intact!" Lu Fei said.

"It doesn't matter, I've been waiting for so many years, it's not too late."

"Son, if you are tired, you can do it again tomorrow!"

Lu Fei chuckled and thought to himself, let's forget it!

You are just being polite to me. If I don't take it out tonight, I guess you won't be able to sleep.

Next, Lu Fei continued to be busy.

Use a steel file to clean out a cross section, and the direction and size of the map's gold foil are fully revealed. The next step is much simpler. Use a little grinding wheel to remove the map in only ten minutes.


Lu Fei handed the map to his mother. The head of the family, such a strong mother, actually started to tremble.

Holding his mother's shoulders, Lu Fei smiled: "My rich mother, you haven't seen any big events, right?"



Xiao Tingfang really relaxed after such a joke.

With Lu Fei's help, he gently unfolded the map. Lu Fei turned on his flashlight and shined it, and the pattern immediately appeared in front of their eyes.

Seeing this, Xiao Tingfang was immediately disappointed.

This map also follows the direction of mountains, and is no different from the other three maps Lu Fei gave her. It does not indicate the final hiding place of the treasure at all.

However, this result was within Lu Fei's expectation.

The map marked with the location was in the Thomas family's treasured sword and has now been destroyed by himself. Therefore, Lu Fei had already guessed that the Xiao family's map would look like this.

Xiao Tingfang turned on the computer and called up three other maps to compare with this splicing. At this time, Lu Fei's heart was in his throat.

Because the three maps in my mother's hands were forged by Lu Fei.

Although the quality is almost the same as that of a real map, the directions of the mountains and rivers are quite different.

The real map is the Yanshan Mountains, and the direction is to exit through Gubeikou and go straight to Rehe.

But Lu Fei's self-made map extended the direction to Shanhaiguan, into Qinhuangdao, and out of Shanhaiguan straight to Suizhong. The two were completely different directions.

Lu Fei's imitation map is enough to look fake and real. If you say that experts can't see it, that's just bragging.

, but Lu Fei can guarantee that a great master like Guan Haishan will never find any faults without careful study for ten days and a half.

Experts like him are rare in the world, and they are not easy to find.

Of course, with the strength and financial resources of the Xiao family, it is not impossible to find such a master, but will they do it?

The map of the Seven-Star Sword is the core secret of the three major families. For the sake of the Seven-Star Sword, corpses were everywhere and blood flowed everywhere. Even now, the number of Seven-Star Swords can determine the fate of a family.

Would they let an outsider watch such a confidential matter?

Anyway, if it were Lu Fei himself, it would be absolutely impossible.

It was precisely because of this certainty that Lu Fei dared to make false claims.

But after all, the map in the Xiao family's knife is real. If it is taken out and it doesn't match the other three at all, it will be bad. It doesn't take an expert, even my mother can definitely see it. So, Lu Feicai was uneasy, staring at the map that was about to be pieced together, and even his breathing temporarily stopped.

When the map was put together, Lu Fei's anxious heart finally relaxed.

That’s it!

It is also a mountain range with a similar direction. It can be completely integrated with the three maps I forged. I am also lucky that I got the map of the Thomas family. If that map falls into my mother's hands, it will really happen. It's a big deal.

At this moment, Xiao Tingfang kept frowning while looking at the map.

"How could this happen? There are four of them, why can't you see any clues?"

Lu Fei put his arm around his mother's shoulders and comforted him: "Don't be too anxious. In fact, this situation is expected."

"Such a big secret must be done flawlessly. I estimate that only by collecting all the seven-star knives can we

It is possible to crack the answer. "

"What I'm most worried about right now is..."

When Lu Fei said this, he paused deliberately.

"What are you worried about?" Mom asked.

"Mom, what I'm most worried about is, will there be more than just the legendary five Seven-Star Swords? Will there be more Seven-Star Swords?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Xiao Tingfang said categorically: "There are clear records in our family history, and even the original text of the secret edict is preserved. There are five seven-star knives. This is absolutely correct."

Lu Fei sighed and said: "I'm just guessing. It seems that I can only reveal the answer by gathering five knives."

"You don't need to be too anxious. Think about it, no one has been able to find the map for hundreds of years, but you got four of the five at once. This is already a huge blessing. With four, you can collect all five." Zhang is no longer a dream. With your son and me as my lucky star, it is only a matter of time."

Xiao Tingfang nodded: "Yes, you are my mother's lucky star. You are my mother's greatest pride in her life. Besides, the Robert family's knife will be back soon."


Hearing this, Lu Fei couldn't help but be startled.

"You already have a plan?" Lu Fei asked.

Xiao Tingfang nodded: "Of course, destroy the Thomas family. Currently, we have strong troops and strong momentum. We are just in time to pursue the victory and destroy the Robert family in one go. This is the best opportunity."

"When you hold a wedding this time, our relationship must be made public. If the Robert family knows about our relationship, they will definitely hate you. When the time comes, you will be the first person they have to deal with."

"I will never allow anything to happen to my son, so I have to take the initiative."

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