A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2568 Don’t mind

Wade went to find Little Dog to continue studying the sport of mahjong, while Lu Fei invited Mr. Xu and Murray to the office.

Lu Fei had no intention of sending invitations before.

Those who came to watch the ceremony from China were all their relatives, and their friends were only a few of Di Chaodong and Feng Yuanyang.

Overseas, they are all business partners of his company. Most of these people are self-organized. A considerable number of them have already arrived in London and are staying in hotels arranged by Lu Fei. Therefore, Lu Fei previously thought that sending invitations was not necessary at all.

But today Prince Jason suddenly arrived, and Lu Fei promised to send invitations to the royal family, which must be carried out.

However, if the invitation was only given to the royal family, it would be somewhat unpleasant to spread, so Lu Fei called the second master and Murray in to discuss what should be done. .??.

Before everyone communicated, Murray talked about another topic.

"Boss, someone was following me just now."

"Wade's people?" Lu Fei asked.

"The boss knew everything. It was Carter, but I got rid of him."


Lu Fei sneered and said: "It doesn't matter. In two days at most, they should know that an ugly daughter-in-law must meet her parents-in-law. This day will come sooner or later."

"Xiao Fei, what if Wade and the others cause trouble?" the second master asked.

"Second brother, don't worry, they don't dare."

"They are not fools. Even if they wanted to cause trouble, they would not cause trouble at my wedding. Do they really think that I, Lu Fei, and the Xiao family are just the breadwinners?"

"As for the future, I will have my own way to deal with them."

Lu Fei was full of confidence, and the second master was relieved.

Let's get down to the topic. In fact, Lu and Fei mainly wanted to hear Murray's opinion.

The cultural differences between China and the West are quite big. In order to avoid accidents, you still have to comply with the customs here.

"Boss, here in Europe, sending invitations is a very formal act. There are generally two ways. The first is to send the invitation letter to the other party's email by email."

"Another way is to send someone to deliver it directly to the invitee. This way is more respectful. I don't know what method you plan to use?" Murray asked.

"Of course I'll send someone over. The royal family's status is unusual, not to mention Jason's visit in person. We must be particularly respectful and not lose our grace."

"I'm just confused. I always feel a little awkward just sending invitations to the royal family." Lu Fei said.

"Boss, you are right. It is indeed a bit embarrassing to just send invitations to the royal family. In my opinion, it is better to send some invitations to local dignitaries in London and some celebrities, cultural and sports stars."

"The boss's business is here. If you want to develop stably and sustainably and integrate into society, it is necessary to get everyone's support."

"Before, our family relied on strength. Family members didn't bother to do this. Those collaborators and subordinate companies did not dare to object because they were afraid of the strength and heritage of the Thomas family, but they may not surrender from the heart."

"This situation means that the family must remain strong, otherwise once something goes wrong, it is likely to lead to a situation where everyone will take advantage of it."

"I have always believed that this approach is too overbearing and disrespectful. If we want to achieve sustained and stable development, it is best to find a way to convince them to work for us willingly. There is a saying in China that harmony brings wealth. This is very important. .”

Lu Fei and Er

After hearing this, I immediately admired Murray.

What this guy said makes so much sense. In fact, this is what Lu Fei wants to see most.

After taking over the Thomas family, Lu Fei has been trying every means to conceal the news. In fact, he is not afraid of the Robert family. He has many ways to deal with them and is not afraid of them causing trouble at all.

In fact, what Lu Fei is most worried about is the betrayal of the Thomas family's partners and senior executives.

For many years, they have been living under the oppression of the Thomas family, no different from slaves. They are definitely not happy, they just dare to be angry and dare not speak out.

But once they know that the Thomas family that oppressed them has fallen, they will inevitably explode.

One or two companies are easy to deal with, but there are so many companies affiliated and cooperating with the Thomas family. Once it breaks out, it will be a devastating disaster that even the fire brigade cannot stop.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a thing from happening, Lu Fei tried his best to keep it secret and used this time to integrate the Thomas family's assets bit by bit and transfer them all to his own name.

Now that everything is done, all worries are gone.

Lu Fei had always thought that the people of the Thomas family had their eyes set above their heads, but he didn't expect that Murray, who is a direct descendant of the family, would have such an awareness. It was really rare!

"Murray, you are absolutely right, but why didn't you suggest your family do this in the first place?" Lu Fei asked.

Murray smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Boss, you think too highly of me. In everyone's eyes, I am the person who speaks to the outside world of the family, but in fact, I speak lightly in the family. Such policy-oriented decisions are made by the patriarch and the family. No one will listen to me when it comes to elders matters."

Murray didn't dare to say a word. If the old antiques in the family were willing to listen to his opinions and win people's hearts, even if Lu Fei captured the patriarch and elders and controlled the entire Thomas family, he would still have a chance to make a comeback.

With the huge assets of his family, he could make a call from above, and everyone below would respond. With these assets and channels, he had some wishful thinking against the Xiao family and the Robert family, but he still had a good chance of winning against Lu Fei.

Unfortunately, everything is over.

"Murray, what are you going to do? Are you going to invite all the people you mentioned?" Lu Fei asked.

Murray nodded: "I do think so. Boss, although you are not afraid of local dignitaries, it will be much more convenient for you to have a good relationship with them. At least you will avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"If we get along well, there will even be unexpected gains."

"As for those social celebrities and cultural and sports stars, although their strength is insignificant, their popularity cannot be underestimated."

"With your status and strength, just being a little friendly to them in the future will be enough to make them excited and stand firmly on your side."

"Getting their heartfelt support is equivalent to getting the support of hundreds of millions of fans. This will have huge benefits for your future development and reputation. And you just sent an invitation letter. This business is simply too big." It’s a good deal,” Murray said.


Lu Fei and Mr. Xu nodded frequently.

"Murray, what you said is so good."

Lu Fei smiled and said, "Don't worry about it!"

"I've dealt with you before. To be honest, I didn't realize that you had such a high status. I always thought of you as something like that. Ahem, forget it. Just pretend I didn't say anything!" Wade went to find Xiao. Nai Gou continued to study the game of mahjong, while Lu Fei invited Mr. Xu and Murray to the office.

Lu Fei had no intention of sending invitations before.

Those who came to watch the ceremony from China were all their relatives, and their friends were only a few of Di Chaodong and Feng Yuanyang.

Overseas, they are all business partners of his company. Most of these people are self-organized. A considerable number of them have already arrived in London and are staying in hotels arranged by Lu Fei. Therefore, Lu Fei previously thought that sending invitations was not necessary at all.

But today Prince Jason suddenly arrived, and Lu Fei promised to send invitations to the royal family, which must be carried out.

However, if the invitation was only given to the royal family, it would be somewhat unpleasant to spread, so Lu Fei called the second master and Murray in to discuss what should be done.

Before everyone communicated, Murray talked about another topic.

"Boss, someone was following me just now."

"Wade's people?" Lu Fei asked.

"The boss knew everything. It was Carter, but I got rid of him."


Lu Fei sneered and said: "It doesn't matter. In two days at most, they should know that an ugly daughter-in-law must meet her parents-in-law. This day will come sooner or later."

"Xiao Fei, what if Wade and the others cause trouble?" the second master asked.

"Second brother, don't worry, they don't dare."

"They are not fools. Even if they wanted to cause trouble, they would not cause trouble at my wedding. Do they really think that I, Lu Fei, and the Xiao family are just the breadwinners?"

"As for the future, I will have my own way to deal with them."

Lu Fei was full of confidence, and the second master was relieved.

Let's get down to the topic. In fact, Lu and Fei mainly wanted to hear Murray's opinion.

The cultural differences between China and the West are quite big. In order to avoid accidents, you still have to comply with the customs here.

"Boss, here in Europe, sending invitations is a very formal act. There are generally two ways. The first is to send the invitation letter to the other party's email by email."

"Another way is to send someone to deliver it directly to the invitee. This way is more respectful. I don't know what method you plan to use?" Murray asked.

"Of course I'll send someone over. The royal family's status is unusual, not to mention Jason's visit in person. We must be particularly respectful and not lose our grace."

"I'm just confused. I always feel a little awkward just sending invitations to the royal family." Lu Fei said.

"Boss, you are right. It is indeed a bit embarrassing to just send invitations to the royal family. In my opinion, it is better to send some invitations to local dignitaries in London and some celebrities, cultural and sports stars."

"The boss's business is here. If you want to develop stably and sustainably and integrate into society, it is necessary to get everyone's support."

"Before, our family relied on strength. Family members didn't bother to do this. Those collaborators and subordinate companies did not dare to object because they were afraid of the strength and heritage of the Thomas family, but they may not surrender from the heart."

"This situation means that the family must remain strong, otherwise once something goes wrong, it is likely to lead to a situation where everyone will take advantage of it."

"I have always believed that this approach is too overbearing and disrespectful. If we want to achieve sustained and stable development, it is best to find a way to convince them to work for us willingly. There is a saying in China that harmony brings wealth. This is very important. ."

Lu Fei and Er

After hearing this, I immediately admired Murray.

What this guy said makes so much sense. In fact, this is what Lu Fei wants to see most.

After taking over the Thomas family, Lu Fei has been trying every means to conceal the news. In fact, he is not afraid of the Robert family. He has many ways to deal with them and is not afraid of them causing trouble at all.

In fact, what Lu Fei is most worried about is the betrayal of the Thomas family's partners and senior executives.

For many years, they have been living under the oppression of the Thomas family, no different from slaves. They are definitely not happy, they just dare to be angry and dare not speak out.

But once they know that the Thomas family that oppressed them has fallen, they will inevitably explode.

One or two companies are easy to deal with, but there are so many companies affiliated and cooperating with the Thomas family. Once it breaks out, it will be a devastating disaster that even the fire brigade cannot stop.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a thing from happening, Lu Fei tried his best to keep it secret and used this time to integrate the Thomas family's assets bit by bit and transfer them all to his own name.

Now that everything is done, all worries are gone.

Lu Fei had always thought that the people of the Thomas family had their eyes set above their heads, but he didn't expect that Murray, who is a direct descendant of the family, would have such an awareness. It was really rare!

"Murray, you are absolutely right, but why didn't you suggest your family do this in the first place?" Lu Fei asked.

Murray smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Boss, you think too highly of me. In everyone's eyes, I am the person who speaks to the outside world of the family, but in fact, I speak lightly in the family. Such policy-oriented decisions are made by the patriarch and the family. No one will listen to me when it comes to elders matters."

Murray didn't dare to say a word. If the old antiques in the family were willing to listen to his opinions and win people's hearts, even if Lu Fei captured the patriarch and elders and controlled the entire Thomas family, he would still have a chance to make a comeback.

With the huge assets of his family, he could make a call from above, and everyone below would respond. With these assets and channels, he had some wishful thinking against the Xiao family and the Robert family, but he still had a good chance of winning against Lu Fei.

Unfortunately, everything is over.

"Murray, what are you going to do? Are you going to invite all the people you mentioned?" Lu Fei asked.

Murray nodded: "I do think so. Boss, although you are not afraid of local dignitaries, it will be much more convenient for you to have a good relationship with them. At least you will avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"If we get along well, there will even be unexpected gains."

"As for those social celebrities and cultural and sports stars, although their strength is insignificant, their popularity cannot be underestimated."

"With your status and strength, just being a little friendly to them in the future will be enough to make them excited and stand firmly on your side."

"Getting their heartfelt support is equivalent to getting the support of hundreds of millions of fans. This will have huge benefits for your future development and reputation. And you just sent an invitation letter. This business is simply too big." It’s a good deal,” Murray said.


Lu Fei and Mr. Xu nodded frequently.

"Murray, what you said is so good."

Lu Fei smiled and said, "Don't worry about it!"

"When I dealt with you before, to be honest, I didn't realize that you had such a high status. I always thought of you as something like that. Ahem, forget it, just pretend that I didn't say anything!"

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