A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2572 Sacred Mission

Caesar's Club is a famous aristocratic club in London, where the Thomas family also has shares.

At this moment, the club has been cleared, and a dozen little brothers including Murray, Wang Xinlei and Ji Yong are waiting for the arrival of a dozen of Cameron's dudes.

Cameron and others moved quickly and arrived one after another in less than half an hour.

When they were taken to the conference room by the staff, they were fine when they saw Murray. However, when they saw Wang Xinlei and a dozen other Chinese young people, these dudes suddenly became nervous.

Although these dandies are usually arrogant in London, due to their status, they are not qualified to contact Murray. It is Wang Xinlei and other young Chinese people who have left an indelible shadow on them.

Yesterday, this group of people smashed their sports cars wantonly, and Wang Xinlei even set one on fire!

Although Cameron and the others have done many wicked things, they swore that they were still several levels behind Wang Xinlei and the others, so when they saw Wang Xinlei and the others, they instinctively felt a little nervous.

"Everyone, sit down and talk!"

Murray spoke without being angry or arrogant. Even without their father's instructions and warnings, Murray's momentum intimidated these dudes, and they quickly sat down in a polite manner.

At this moment, these dozen dandies suddenly transformed into professional soldiers, with their pens straight and their sitting postures standard.

"Everyone, relax. I don't mean to call you here with any malice. I just need your help with some things." Murray said.

A dozen dudes looked at Cameron at the same time.

Although Cameron's performance yesterday disappointed them a bit, in their hearts, the image of Cameron as the boss has long been ingrained. When encountering this kind of situation, they are still accustomed to acting based on Cameron's eyes.

Cameron, who had been seriously warned by Josh, did not dare to be presumptuous. He stood up and said respectfully: "It is our honor to work for you. Please give us your orders."


Not wanting to talk nonsense, he motioned for him to sit down and continued: "I'm calling you here this time, just for one thing."

"I believe you may have heard from your elders that Mr. Lu Fei's wedding will be held in three days."

"Mr. Lu Fei's wedding requires the distribution of some invitations. In order to show respect for the guests, it is more appropriate to find some local Londoners to distribute them on his behalf. Therefore, I have decided to entrust this glorious mission to you. I hope you will live up to it." Mission, complete this mission brilliantly.”

After Murray finished speaking, more than a dozen dudes were immediately stunned.

Their father told them that Murray was a very powerful person, and whatever he asked them to do must be a great task.

On the way here, they thought about several possibilities, but they never dreamed that this glorious and sacred task would be to help Lu Fei distribute invitations.

After Murray finished speaking, these dudes almost cried.

Brother, although we are dudes, we are still respectable people in London, okay?

Business bosses, celebrities, celebrities, police and urban management, all kinds of religions, and even gangsters on the street, almost everyone doesn't know them.

In their eyes, we all have the aura of super young men, which is the envy of countless people, but you let us act as postmen to deliver invitations. Is this really good?

Don't you think it's a bit overkill?

If word of this spreads, how could you make us feel so embarrassed?

Woohoo! !

What a grievance!

These dandies dare not say that, but there are more than a dozen

Bitter Melon Face has betrayed them.

Murray's face darkened: "Why, you don't want to?"

The dandies looked at each other, and then lowered their heads almost at the same time.

"not talking?"

"Haha, I know what you are thinking. Do you think that since you are all wealthy young men, doing such a thing would embarrass you?"

Murray said and looked at the crowd. Still no one spoke.

When we opened, their father gave many instructions not to be stubborn. Everyone there is someone you can't afford to offend, especially Murray. If you anger him, our family will go bankrupt. From now on, you guys Just go drink the northwest wind!

Therefore, today's dudes are quite honest.

Murray continued: "I'm telling you, if you think that way, you're dead wrong."

"There are many people who are vying to accept this task. It is your honor that I can find you. I believe that you will also feel the same after completing this task."

"At this time, I don't want to talk nonsense to you. This is an order, and you must execute it to the letter."

"Later, I will distribute the invitation letters to you, and then set off immediately. Before noon tomorrow, the invitation letters in your hands must be delivered to the invitees by hand."

"Remember, no matter who the inviter is, your attitude must be respected. At that time, Mr. Ji Yong and others will supervise your every move. I hope you will not disappoint me."

puff! !

The dandies almost cried when they heard this.


It's so wronged.

It doesn’t matter if we are asked to do this despicable job, but we have to have a good attitude, that’s it, what’s more

What is excessive is that we need to find someone to supervise us.

Damn, are you treating us as prisoners?


Countless mythical beasts surged through the hearts of the dandies, and they greeted Murray and Lu Fei several times, but thinking of their father's instructions, they did not dare to get angry even if they were reluctant.

In contrast, Ji Yong and his brothers were beaming with excitement.

Supervise this bunch of dudes.

Hehe, this is a good job!

Ji Yong and the others could clearly see the appearance of this gang of dandies yesterday, it was so exciting.

Obviously, in London itself, this group of teenagers must be notorious and arrogant.

Now, I can lead such a dandy, not only can suppress their arrogance, but also call them in exchange for being my subordinate, which feels so good.

Ji Yong opened the two trolley cases and took out a pile of fiery red invitations and placed them on the table.

Then, Fang Mingliang and others classified the invitations based on the positions of the invitees that had been investigated long ago. After everything was prepared, the distribution began.


Hearing Ji Yong's shout, Cameron reluctantly raised his head. When he saw that a young man from China was calling his name, his face suddenly darkened.

Your uncle!

In London, everyone used to be polite to me.

Except for the boss, he calls himself the respected Mr. Cameron. No one has ever dared to call him by his name directly except his father.

Now this record has been broken, and what's even more annoying is that it was broken by a young Asian man.

Cameron was so aggrieved that he wanted to cry when he was bullied by outsiders.

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