A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2584 Six-pointed Star

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Wade was suddenly stunned.

He didn't expect Lu Fei to be so direct, and it was not difficult to tell from Lu Fei's words that he knew exactly what he was thinking.

At this moment, it seemed that he had no privacy in front of Lu Fei and was completely exposed. This feeling was terrible.

As a result, Wade became more convinced that his suspicion of Lu Fei's perception was correct.

"Ahem, Fei, why can't I understand what you are saying?" Wade said.

"Haha, didn't you send someone to investigate me? Is there anything else you don't understand?" Lu Fei sneered.

Wade's eyebrows twitched rapidly, and a trace of fierceness and determination flashed in his sapphire eyes.

However, Lu Fei's eyes were always on the white paper and he didn't see it at all.

Wade breathed a long sigh of relief, but let go the next second.

Since Lu Fei was open and honest, he had nothing to hide.

"Okay, in that case, let me make it clear, Fei, I don't understand why you and your family live in the Thomas family's lair. Don't you think it's dangerous?"

"Could it be that the Thomas family used some means to force you?"

"If this is the case, you should tell me, we are friends, and I will do my best to help you." Wade said.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "Thank you my friends, but they didn't threaten me. This was all of my own free will."

"Why?" Wade's voice rose twice, his eyes full of incomprehension.

"Well, this is a secret. I can't tell you yet, otherwise it would be boring."

"But you don't have to be too anxious. Get some rest and you will definitely know tomorrow. Believe me Wade, you will definitely be pleasantly surprised."

"Oh, I finally finished painting. I haven't painted for a long time and I'm exhausted."

In the first half of Lu Fei's words, Wade

I was so confused.



What the hell?

Why do I feel like this is an antonym?

Are you sure what you're going to give me tomorrow won't be a shock?

Just when he was about to ask further questions, Lu Fei put down his pencil and said the second half of his words. Wade subconsciously glanced at Lu Fei's paintings.

The video he had with Lu Fei was originally to test Lu Fei, but as for Lu Fei's paintings, he wasn't interested at all.

But after taking a casual glance out of curiosity, Wade felt an extremely powerful thunder explode in his mind, instantly blowing him to pieces.

Wade's sapphire eyes stared at the white paper, and Wade's mind suddenly went blank, and this blank period lasted for half a minute.

Half a minute later, Wade suddenly stood up and pulled his neck to shout out, but reason suppressed his excitement and quickly covered his mouth with both hands to stop him from shouting.

After a few seconds, Wade tried his best to suppress his excitement, took a few deep breaths, and asked in a slightly trembling voice: "Fei, what are you drawing?"

"A six-pointed star?"

"Friend, are you out of your mind? Don't tell me that you can't even recognize a six-pointed star. Then I will doubt whether your Hebrew blood is pure." Lu Fei said with a smile.


Wade took a few more deep breaths and then said: "Of course I know this is a six-pointed star, but this one you drew seems very special. What are the little dots in the twelve directions? I haven't seen this before. There are so many styles!”

Across the phone, Lu Fei pointed at twelve small dots in azimuths and said, "You

Are you talking about these? "


"Oh, these are inlaid gems. It's a pity that my painting skills are average and I can't use my brush to reflect their magnificence and luxury. It's a bit of a pity."



Wade's breathing quickened again.

"A six-pointed star inlaid with gems is so rare. At least I have never seen it before. Fei, why did you remember to draw this pattern? Is this a gift you designed for the bride?" Wade asked.

"Well, you are half right. The six-pointed star is a symbol of beauty, holiness and purity. My woman deserves such a gift, but it is a symbol of you Westerners and is not suitable for us Chinese people."

"Seeing my fiancée reminded me of this."

"You know my friend, I have so many collections that I can't possibly remember the names of them all."

"However, collecting is a sacred ritual. What is collected is the magnificence and historical heritage of the objects. Failure to remember them is the greatest blasphemy to the collection. Therefore, I will often recall those objects. In order to deepen the impression, I usually am used to Drawing them in their beautiful appearance will deepen my memory, which is also my attitude towards collecting."

"Friend, your family is also a big collecting family. You'd better try this habit of mine. It will really help deepen your impression."

Lu Fei talked a lot, but Wade didn't listen completely. He was only impressed by one sentence, which was the collection, Lu Fei's collection.

In other words, the entity of the six-pointed star drawn by Lu Fei was in his hands.

This concept was enough to make Wade's blood boil with excitement.

"Fei, you said this beautiful six-pointed star

Is it your collection? Wade asked excitedly.

"Of course, any questions?"

"Oh, of course, no problem, Fei, your behavior is really a good habit. I will definitely tell our clan leader. I believe he will learn from you with an open mind."

"By the way, is the current look on your drawing the true look of this beautiful work?" Wade asked.

Lu Fei shook his head slightly: "Of course not. The real thing is ten thousand times more beautiful than the one I drew."

"The gemstones set in twelve directions have different colors. Each one is extremely beautiful and gorgeous. And oh my God, damn it, I actually forgot the biggest feature of this piece. What a sin!"

"Wade, wait a moment, there are still a few transactions to be completed, I will talk to you later!"

Lu Fei said and picked up the pencil again. At this moment, Wade was extremely nervous. His excited heart was already in the air, and it was still rising rapidly. It had already floated to the vicinity of his Adam's apple, and he was about to come out.

At this time, Lu Fei started moving again, using the pencil in his hand to quickly outline the middle of the six-pointed star pattern.

Realize a large outline. This outline is oval and accounts for one-fifth of the entire six-pointed star. It is much larger than the twelve small dots in the directions.

Just by this big outline, Wade was already stunned, his eyes were wide open, his mouth was open to the extreme, his face was pale, and his Adam's apple was moving rapidly, as if this was the only way to suppress his extremely active heart from beating. Out.

A large outline was outlined, and Lu Fei quickly sketched it. A minute later, the oval shape had been painted black, but it was not pure black, but black with some extremely irregular lines.

Seeing this, Wade called out "Omaika" and almost fainted.

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