A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2604 Super Shocking

More than a dozen heads-of-state bosses appeared, and the celebrities were so excited that they went crazy.

They once wondered whether they were dreaming.

Usually, their activities are limited to the entertainment industry, and even capital tycoons are not easily accessible to them.

But they never expected that today they would not only see countless business tycoons, Prince Jason and Caroline, but also more than a dozen heads of state from various countries.

Big names who usually can only be seen on TV and newspapers are now standing in front of them alive. This is simply incredible.

The celebrities were so excited that if the occasion hadn't allowed them, they would have been crazy about it.

After receiving Lu Fei's invitation, they went from being surprised to being surprised to being shocked. Until now, they were extremely lucky.

They even felt that their mood had sublimated.

After going back today, they have the capital to brag for a lifetime. They can get together with these big guys for a party. They feel that they have surpassed the shackles of celebrities and have become the top big guys in the industry.

If it weren't for Lu Fei's invitation, they believed that they would never have such an opportunity in this life. This was the opportunity given to them by Lu Fei. At this moment, they already admired Lu Fei who they had never met.

Not only them, but also the business tycoons in the front row of celebrities were quite surprised.

Like celebrities, they were only invited by Lu Fei. As for who was attending or what the wedding process was, they had no idea.

Before, when the big guys saw a large group of celebrities, they instinctively frowned because they felt that appearing with these actors would lose their dignity. However, because of Lu Fei, they had no choice but to smile. Laughing too hard to cope.

Fortunately, a large group of colleagues showed up, so the atmosphere was not too awkward.

It was not until Zheng Zhicheng appeared that the business leaders breathed a sigh of relief. In terms of wealth, none of them was inferior to Zheng Zhicheng, but their status could not be compared with others.

After all, he is the king of a country and the supreme being.

The appearance of Zheng Zhicheng and Jason Caroline immediately raised the level of the wedding to a much higher level. The business leaders felt that this was suitable for their status.

But they never dreamed that so many heads of state would appear next. This moment exceeded their expectations and caught them off guard.

Only then did they realize how ridiculous their previous arrogance and disdain for celebrities was. Compared with these head-of-state bosses, weren't these business elites so high-ranking?

Even though these big guys in the business world are usually as stable as a rock, they are always trying to maintain their noble temperament.

It can be seen that when they saw these heads of state, they were more excited than the celebrities. Several business leaders almost stood up and acted as licking dogs for the heads of state. Fortunately, they suppressed their inner restlessness. If that happened, it would be embarrassing if word spread. Dead people.

Let’s talk about the veterans in the Chinese archeology community in front of them.

When the King of Sweden appeared, they were calm. That was because they did not recognize the King of Sweden.

But with so many heads of state appearing together, it’s not easy for the veterans. They usually read the news and newspapers. With so many heads of state, there are always people they are familiar with. Everyone whispered to each other and immediately figured out the identities of these heads of state. Clean, this time, the old guys were completely shocked.

"Damn it, didn't you admit the wrong person?"


"This isn't an international summit forum, it's the wedding of Taosha Fei's grandson, okay?"

"Why does it feel so unreal when so many heads of state come to attend Baolan Fei's wedding?"

"Oh my God, where did Guan Fei Fei get such a big reputation?"

Zhang Yanhe and Fu Yuliang looked at each other, shook their heads silently and sighed.

They thought they already knew Lu Fei quite well, but now it seems that it was not that time at all. Today's Baosha Fei is no longer the fledgling boy he was two years ago.

His current influence and strength have far exceeded their knowledge.

Not long ago, Lu Fei was bidding for a dog head in London, and he successfully bid for it at a bargain price of 100 pounds.

At that time, the veterans had a vague feeling that Lu Fei's strength abroad was not simple. Otherwise, how could no one compete with him and succeed at a ridiculous price?

But looking at it today, Lu Fei's strength abroad was far more terrifying than they thought.

This group of heads of state usually have a lot to do, but today they gathered from all directions to attend Lu Fei's wedding. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it was all true.

too exaggerated!

The old guys were surprised, and even a few old guys who usually had a good relationship with Lu Fei had begun to re-examine how they should get along with Lu Fei in the future.

With Lu Fei's current achievements and status, he is no longer on the same level as them. Is it appropriate to continue laughing and joking with each other when we meet like before?

Of course, there are also those who are determined.

Fatty Wang Zhang Yanhe and Fu Yuliang, who have the best relationship with Lu Fei, in their eyes, Lu Fei will always be the same Lu Fei.

They were sincerely happy for Lu Fei for his achievements today. At the same time, they also understood Lu Fei's character. Lu Fei would never neglect these old buddies because of his expansion in strength.

However, Lu Fei is now involved in many fields, but in the field of collection and archeology, everyone will always have a common topic, and of course they will be friends forever.

They firmly believe that no matter what height Lu Fei will reach in the future, Lu Fei's biggest hobby is still collecting, and this is enough.

Compared to the old guys, wealthy businessmen and celebrities, Prince Jason and Caroline were even more shocked.

A few months ago, the British royal family had some complaints about Lu Fei.

When they learned that Lu Fei was very close to the Thomas family, the royal family decided to befriend Lu Fei, and then Jason came to visit Lu Fei in person.

After the meeting, Jason had a very good impression of Lu Fei and gained a deeper understanding of Lu Fei. Only then did the royal family take Lu Fei seriously.

This time, in order to give Lu Fei face, the royal family sent Jason to attend Lu Fei's wedding in person with gifts.

This was the first time that the royal family sent a direct descendant to attend a private wedding. I thought that doing so would give Lu Feitian a lot of face. Jason also believed that apart from the two newlyweds, he must be the most handsome boy in St. Paul's Cathedral today. It must be the focus of everyone.

But here, Jason realized he was wrong.

Dozens of big-name celebrities can be ignored, and dozens of Fortune 500 CEOs can also be ignored, but the appearance of the Buddhist King Zheng Zhicheng was far beyond his expectation.

Although he is a prince, he and the king are two different concepts.

In order to give Lu Fei face, the British royal family sent a prince to congratulate him, but the king came directly in person, and the gap immediately became apparent. More than a dozen heads-of-state bosses appeared, and the celebrities were so excited that they went crazy.

They once wondered whether they were dreaming.

Usually, their activities are limited to the entertainment industry, and even capital tycoons are not easily accessible to them.

But they never expected that today they would not only see countless business tycoons, Prince Jason and Caroline, but also more than a dozen heads of state from various countries.

Big names who usually can only be seen on TV and newspapers are now standing in front of them alive. This is simply incredible. .??.

The celebrities were so excited that if the occasion hadn't allowed them, they would have been crazy about it.

After receiving Lu Fei's invitation, they went from being surprised to being surprised to being shocked. Until now, they were extremely lucky.

They even felt that their mood had sublimated.

After going back today, they have the capital to brag for a lifetime. They can get together with these big guys for a party. They feel that they have surpassed the shackles of celebrities and have become the top big guys in the industry.

If it weren't for Lu Fei's invitation, they believed that they would never have such an opportunity in this life. This was the opportunity given to them by Lu Fei. At this moment, they already admired Lu Fei who they had never met before.

Not only them, but also the business tycoons in the front row of celebrities were quite surprised.

Like celebrities, they were only invited by Lu Fei. As for who was attending or what the wedding process was, they had no idea.

Before, when the big guys saw a large group of celebrities, they instinctively frowned because they felt that appearing with these actors would lose their dignity. However, because of Lu Fei, they had no choice but to smile. Laughing too hard to cope.

Fortunately, a large group of colleagues showed up, so the atmosphere was not too awkward.

It was not until Zheng Zhicheng appeared that the business leaders breathed a sigh of relief. In terms of wealth, none of them was inferior to Zheng Zhicheng, but their status could not be compared with others.

After all, he is the king of a country and the supreme being.

The appearance of Zheng Zhicheng and Jason Caroline immediately raised the level of the wedding to a much higher level. The business leaders felt that this was suitable for their status.

But they never dreamed that so many heads of state would appear next. This moment exceeded their expectations and caught them off guard.

Only then did they realize how ridiculous their previous arrogance and disdain for celebrities was. Compared with these head-of-state bosses, weren't these business elites so high-ranking?

Even though these big guys in the business world are usually as stable as a rock, they are always trying to maintain their noble temperament.

It can be seen that when they saw these heads of state, they were more excited than the celebrities. Several business leaders almost stood up and acted as licking dogs for the heads of state. Fortunately, they suppressed their inner restlessness. If that happened, it would be embarrassing if word spread. Dead people.

Let’s talk about the veterans in the Chinese archeology community in front of them.

When the King of Sweden appeared, they were calm. That was because they did not recognize the King of Sweden.

But with so many heads of state appearing together, it’s not easy for the veterans. They usually read the news and newspapers. With so many heads of state, there are always people they are familiar with. Everyone whispered to each other and immediately figured out the identities of these heads of state. Clean, this time, the old guys were completely shocked.

"Damn it, didn't you admit the wrong person?"


"This isn't an international summit forum, it's the wedding of Taosha Fei's grandson, okay?"

"Why does it feel so unreal when so many heads of state come to attend Baolan Fei's wedding?"

"Oh my God, where did Guan Fei Fei get such a big reputation?"

Zhang Yanhe and Fu Yuliang looked at each other, shook their heads silently and sighed.

They thought they already knew Lu Fei quite well, but now it seems that it was not that time at all. Today's Baosha Fei is no longer the fledgling boy he was two years ago.

His current influence and strength have far exceeded their knowledge.

Not long ago, Lu Fei was bidding for a dog head in London, and he successfully bid for it at a bargain price of 100 pounds.

At that time, the veterans had a vague feeling that Lu Fei's strength abroad was not simple. Otherwise, how could no one compete with him and succeed at a ridiculous price?

But looking at it today, Lu Fei's strength abroad was far more terrifying than they thought.

This group of heads of state usually have a lot to do, but today they gathered from all directions to attend Lu Fei's wedding. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it was all true.

too exaggerated!

The old guys were surprised, and even a few old guys who usually had a good relationship with Lu Fei had begun to re-examine how they should get along with Lu Fei in the future.

With Lu Fei's current achievements and status, he is no longer on the same level as them. Is it appropriate to continue laughing and joking with each other when we meet like before?

Of course, there are also those who are determined.

Fatty Wang Zhang Yanhe and Fu Yuliang, who have the best relationship with Lu Fei, in their eyes, Lu Fei will always be the same Lu Fei.

They were sincerely happy for Lu Fei for his achievements today. At the same time, they also understood Lu Fei's character. Lu Fei would never neglect these old buddies because of his expansion in strength.

However, Lu Fei is now involved in many fields, but in the field of collection and archeology, everyone will always have a common topic, and of course they will be friends forever.

They firmly believe that no matter what height Lu Fei will reach in the future, Lu Fei's biggest hobby is still collecting, and this is enough.

Compared to the old guys, wealthy businessmen and celebrities, Prince Jason and Caroline were even more shocked.

A few months ago, the British royal family had some complaints about Lu Fei.

When they learned that Lu Fei was very close to the Thomas family, the royal family decided to befriend Lu Fei, and then Jason came to visit Lu Fei in person.

After the meeting, Jason had a very good impression of Lu Fei and gained a deeper understanding of Lu Fei. Only then did the royal family take Lu Fei seriously.

This time, in order to give Lu Fei face, the royal family sent Jason to attend Lu Fei's wedding in person with gifts.

This was the first time that the royal family sent a direct descendant to attend a private wedding. I thought that doing so would give Lu Feitian a lot of face. Jason also believed that apart from the two newlyweds, he must be the most handsome boy in St. Paul's Cathedral today. It must be the focus of everyone.

But here, Jason realized he was wrong.

Dozens of big-name celebrities can be ignored, and dozens of Fortune 500 CEOs can also be ignored, but the appearance of the Buddhist King Zheng Zhicheng was far beyond his expectation.

Although he is a prince, he and the king are two different concepts.

In order to give Lu Fei face, the British royal family sent a prince to congratulate him, but the king came directly in person, and the gap immediately became apparent.

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