A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2606 Amazing the whole audience

"Oh, I bought it."

Hearing Fatty Wang say that the Dongzhu was a priceless treasure, the wealthy businessman who knew Chinese dialect suddenly exclaimed.

His voice aroused the curiosity of all the big guys around him, and they started asking like curious babies.

The wealthy businessman repeated what Fatty Wang said in English, and there were exclamations of surprise, and then the surroundings became completely agitated. .??.

"Sir, you are an expert, can you roughly estimate the value?" A group of wealthy businessmen were looking forward to Fatty Wang's answer.

Of course Fatty would not miss such a good opportunity to show off. He cleared his throat and said, "I can tell you responsibly that if Lu Fei is willing to put those Dongzhu up for auction, the value of each one will not be low." For $100 million."


"One hundred million dollars is too exaggerated. Would anyone spend such a big price to buy it?" asked the wealthy businessman.

In his eyes, this is just a beautiful jewelry at best. Even if it is valuable, how much is it worth?

How much does a diamond cost?

How much does Imperial Green cost?

One hundred million dollars is too scary, okay?

Fatty Wang smiled proudly and said: "The 100 million dollars I mentioned is just the lowest figure. This is beyond the scope of jewelry. This is a real treasure for collection. There are knowledgeable experts in China. If Lu Fei is willing to sell it, it will be The sky-high price of $200 million is nothing new."

"Oh God, it's crazy."

The decoration on Wang Xinyi's veil really surprised everyone.

After finally recovering from the shock, everyone looked at Wang Xinyi's wedding dress. Another high-pitched voice sounded, and people in the hall almost went crazy.

In addition to the eye-catching veil, Wang Xinyi's wedding dress is also extremely luxurious.

The chest is studded with gems of various colors.

East beads, rice beads, yellow diamonds, amethysts, diamonds, rubies, cornflowers.

Colorful gems are combined to form a colorful phoenix pattern.

The colorful phoenix display is lifelike, with its body stretched out, and the golden dragon of the groom looks at each other. It is extremely beautiful. Under the reflection of the lights, it glows with colorful rays, which is simply beautiful.

"Buy it!"

"It's too frivolous, too extravagant."

"God, how could there be such a luxurious wedding dress? When I see this wedding dress, I want to get married."

"Oh my god, every gemstone and diamond is a high-quality fine product. It's so beautiful and incredible. How much does this wedding dress cost?"

"Sir, how much do you think the bride's wedding dress is worth?"

The wealthy businessman took the trouble to ask the fat man again.

This time, Fatty Wang

Zi babbled, but there was no answer.

It wasn't that he didn't want to answer, but the fat man was actually shocked.

He is a connoisseur, and he understands the value of these things only too well.

What should be discussed now is not the value of the wedding dress, but where did the hundreds of rice beads, gems, and rags come from?

The gems on it all appear to be of top quality at first glance. Collecting so many of them is not something you can do if you have money.

There are so many other gemstones, but hundreds of Dongzhu rice beads are too difficult to find.

Even though Mi Zhu is small, she is still Dong Zhu after all!

This thing has been extinct for more than two hundred years. Even if you collect the Dongzhu from all the museums in China and add the treasure island treasures together, I'm afraid there won't be so many, right?

This shabby fly is really awesome.

The wedding dress and veil stunned all the guests. What surprised the guests even more was the beauty of the bride.

Normally, Wang Xinyi always looks aloof in front of outsiders. This is not because she is arrogant. People who know her well know that this is Wang Xinyi's character.

But today, she is the bride, the only hostess of this St. Paul's Cathedral. Walking here means that she and Lu Fei can walk together openly and accept the blessings of everyone present.

She is excited, she is happy, and today, she is the happiest woman in the world.

Therefore, Wang Xinyi's face is always filled with a happy smile.

Her cheeks were slightly red due to excitement. Coupled with her peerless appearance and snowy skin, she was simply the embodiment of a perfect goddess.

In Western aesthetic concepts, a sexy, plump, and charming woman is perfect.

But today, there is no doubt that Wang Xinyi has subverted their previous understanding. For the first time, they discovered that oriental women can be so beautiful.

There is no flaw in her temperament, appearance, skin, and slightly bulging belly. She is simply the embodiment of perfection!

Even Caroline, who was recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world, felt a little ashamed when she looked at today's bride.

As a result, people's applause became even more enthusiastic.

The bride is beautiful, and today’s groom is also extremely handsome.

More than 80% of the guests here today have never met Lu Fei.

But everyone was shocked by today's super lineup. Everyone had been looking forward to seeing what Lu Fei was like who could organize such a luxurious guest lineup.

Unfortunately, when meeting Lu Fei, everyone did not find Lu Fei's third eye, nor did they see his wings or extra arms.

Lu Fei is no different from other Chinese people.

Slender figure, yellow skin, black hair, all the same! ! "Oh, I bought it."

Hearing Fatty Wang say that the Dongzhu was a priceless treasure, the wealthy businessman who knew Chinese dialect suddenly exclaimed.

His voice aroused the curiosity of all the big guys around him, and they started asking like curious babies.

The wealthy businessman repeated what Fatty Wang said in English, and there were exclamations of surprise, and then the surroundings became completely agitated.

"Sir, you are an expert, can you roughly estimate the value?" A group of wealthy businessmen were looking forward to Fatty Wang's answer.

Of course Fatty would not miss such a good opportunity to show off. He cleared his throat and said, "I can tell you responsibly that if Lu Fei is willing to put those Dongzhu up for auction, the value of each one will not be low." For $100 million."


"One hundred million dollars is too exaggerated. Would anyone spend such a big price to buy it?" asked the wealthy businessman.

In his eyes, this is just a beautiful jewelry at best. Even if it is valuable, how much is it worth?

How much does a diamond cost?

How much does Imperial Green cost?

One hundred million dollars is too scary, okay?

Fatty Wang smiled proudly and said: "The 100 million dollars I mentioned is just the lowest figure. This is beyond the scope of jewelry. This is a real treasure for collection. There are knowledgeable experts in China. If Lu Fei is willing to sell it, it will be The sky-high price of $200 million is nothing new."

"Oh God, it's crazy."

The decoration on Wang Xinyi's veil really surprised everyone.

After finally recovering from the shock, everyone looked at Wang Xinyi's wedding dress. Another high-pitched voice sounded, and people in the hall almost went crazy.

In addition to the eye-catching veil, Wang Xinyi's wedding dress is also extremely luxurious.

The chest is studded with gems of various colors.

East beads, rice beads, yellow diamonds, amethysts, diamonds, rubies, cornflowers.

Colorful gems are combined to form a colorful phoenix pattern.

The colorful phoenix display is lifelike, with its body stretched out, and the golden dragon of the groom looks at each other. It is extremely beautiful. Under the reflection of the lights, it glows with colorful rays, which is simply beautiful.

"Buy it!"

"It's too frivolous, too extravagant."

"God, how could there be such a luxurious wedding dress? When I see this wedding dress, I want to get married."

"Oh my god, every gemstone and diamond is a high-quality fine product. It's so beautiful and incredible. How much does this wedding dress cost?"

"Sir, how much do you think the bride's wedding dress is worth?"

The wealthy businessman took the trouble to ask the fat man again.

This time, Fatty Wang

Zi babbled, but there was no answer.

It wasn't that he didn't want to answer, but the fat man was actually shocked.

He is a connoisseur, and he understands the value of these things only too well.

What should be discussed now is not the value of the wedding dress, but where did the hundreds of rice beads, gems, and rags come from?

The gems on it all appear to be of top quality at first glance. Collecting so many of them is not something you can do if you have money.

There are so many other gemstones, but hundreds of Dongzhu rice beads are too difficult to find.

Even though Mi Zhu is small, she is still Dong Zhu after all!

This thing has been extinct for more than two hundred years. Even if you collect the Dongzhu from all the museums in China and add the treasure island treasures together, I'm afraid you won't be able to collect so many, right?

This shabby fly is really awesome.

The wedding dress and veil stunned all the guests. What surprised the guests even more was the beauty of the bride.

Normally, Wang Xinyi always looks aloof in front of outsiders. This is not because she is arrogant. People who know her well know that this is Wang Xinyi's character.

But today, she is the bride, the only hostess of this St. Paul's Cathedral. Walking here means that she and Lu Fei can walk together openly and accept the blessings of everyone present.

She is excited, she is happy, and today, she is the happiest woman in the world.

Therefore, Wang Xinyi's face is always filled with a happy smile.

Her cheeks were slightly red due to excitement. Coupled with her peerless appearance and snowy skin, she was simply the embodiment of a perfect goddess.

In Western aesthetic concepts, a sexy, plump, and charming woman is perfect.

But today, there is no doubt that Wang Xinyi has subverted their previous understanding. For the first time, they discovered that oriental women can be so beautiful.

There is no flaw in her temperament, appearance, skin, and slightly bulging belly. She is simply the embodiment of perfection!

Even Caroline, who was recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world, felt a little ashamed when she looked at today's bride.

As a result, people's applause became even more enthusiastic.

The bride is beautiful, and today’s groom is also extremely handsome.

More than 80% of the guests here today have never met Lu Fei.

But everyone was shocked by today's super lineup. Everyone had been looking forward to seeing what Lu Fei was like who could organize such a luxurious guest lineup.

Unfortunately, when meeting Lu Fei, everyone did not find Lu Fei's third eye, nor did they see his wings or extra arms.

Lu Fei is no different from other Chinese people.

Slender figure, yellow skin, black hair, all the same! !

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