A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2608 Chinese Style

Lu Fei's wedding was completely unconventional.

According to Western habits, the guests in the audience have already imagined many romantic details before the wedding begins.

For example, confession balloons, peace doves, celebrity singing, both parties telling their romantic love history to share with everyone, etc.

Lu Fei's scene is so grand, the more programs there are, the more qualified it will be.

For this reason, the guests had prepared peanuts, melon seeds and popcorn, and were waiting to cooperate with Lu Fei's performance. But what puzzled everyone was that the wedding routine was completely different from what they imagined.

None of those tedious details and romantic confessions.

Lu Fei first gave a speech to thank everyone, and then Clawson came out to witness the marriage and read out the vows.

What's even more puzzling is that after the oath was read, nothing happened to Clausen.

Lu Fei nodded to Clausen, who congratulated the newlyweds and left, leaving all the guests confused.

Is this the ultimate simplicity?

But it's so simple, completely inconsistent with today's luxurious lineup?

The guests were still suspicious, when Murray stepped off the stage, and Xu Maochen walked up wearing a bright red Tang suit.

Xu Maochen made a brilliant appearance, and the experienced Chinese people present seemed to have figured out something, and couldn't help but smile.

Xu Maochen first gave Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi a fist, and said with a smile: "Brothers, brothers and sisters, congratulations on your sweethearts finally getting married. My second brother wishes you a long life together and a son soon!"

"Thank you, second brother!" Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi said at the same time.

These three people all spoke Chinese dialect. Apart from Lu Fei's family and old friends, not many people present could understand. Many foreign guests looked at each other and were dumbfounded.

What about translation?

What on earth were they talking about?

Let us bless you, and you have to let us know what's going on, right?

What kind of fun is this?


Fortunately, there were a few translators who understood the Chinese dialect and explained it to the people around them. Although the explanation was not particularly clear, the guests also understood the general idea.

At this time, almost everyone understood that Lu Fei was going to have a Chinese-style wedding!

Damn it!

Is it so appropriate to hold a Chinese wedding in St. Paul’s Cathedral in Europe?

So are we, the people who believe in God, just like nothing?

At the moment, many guests are unhappy.

But thinking of Lu Fei's unfathomable strength, they didn't dare to attack, so they could only curse silently in their hearts.

However, Lu Fei didn't care at all how they felt.

They guessed right, Lu Fei was going to have a Chinese wedding.

He and Wang Xinyi are both from China, and their beliefs are different from theirs, so there is no need to join them.

In order to obtain legal certificates, they had no choice but to hold the wedding in a European church, but Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi always believed that the formal ceremony must follow the traditional Chinese routine.

Lu Fei still has Chen Xiang, but Wang Xinyi only has this wedding, and Lu Fei can't let her have any regrets.

As for what the guests thought, Lu Fei had no control over it, but Lu Fei expected that none of them would dare to cause trouble here.

The guests here today are divided into four categories.

Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi’s family and friends will definitely support them unconditionally and will not have any objections.

Besides, everyone also likes traditional Chinese weddings.

The second category is Lu Fei's partners. These people all understand Lu Fei's methods and they dare not object.

The third category is celebrities and European business tycoons, these are all represented by Murray


Murray represents the Thomas family, which has been dominant in Europe for hundreds of years. All the business leaders here know clearly, who dares to assassinate him?

Although the celebrities don't know it, they are not blind and they can distinguish any form. Even the waiters are people they can't afford to mess with. How can they dare to object?

Don't want to mess around anymore?

As for the most powerful group, there are more than a dozen heads of state from various countries.

Lu Fei didn't know any of these people. They were all invited by his mother, Xiao Tingfang.

Although they don't know Lu Fei, they know the strength of the Xiao family clearly.

The king, prime minister, prime minister, may seem to have great glory, but in front of the Xiao family, they are not worth mentioning at all.

To put it bluntly, you are qualified only if the Xiao family asks you to be the head of state. If they don't want you to do it, you can't do it. Don't doubt it, the Xiao family has this strength.

Not only the Xiao family, the Thomas family and the Robert family also have this strength. ??

Why are the three major families so terrifying, and what is their background?

The so-called strength is not just money, but more importantly, power.

The three major families have been dominant in Europe, America, and Asia for hundreds of years. The years have changed and wars have broken out, but they have remained standing and their power is still growing. This is the foundation.

With hundreds of years of heritage, countless connections and resources, it can be said that on their territory, they have absolute say in every industry, including political power.

This is the scariest thing about them.

Without this strength, we would have been surrounded and suppressed by the army, so why are we just playing around?

Therefore, the most powerful heads of state are even more afraid to object, and they also pretend to express blessings from the heart.

This is the most enviable strength.

According to the Chinese wedding, Xu Maochen served as the master of ceremonies.

Next is the part of worshiping heaven and earth.

It was the first time for many foreigners to see this form, and they found it refreshing. Coupled with the booing from veterans in the archaeological community, they soon forgot their dissatisfaction.

After serving tea to both parents, the second master introduced a Western element and the two parties exchanged wedding rings.

The sudden insertion of this link confused the foreigners again. As for what tricks will follow, no one wants to guess, because they know that their brain circuits will never keep up with Lu Fei's rhythm.

The wedding ring Lu Fei gave to Wang Xinyi was a top-grade pink diamond, which could be said to be extremely luxurious.

Normally, this would have definitely aroused cheers from the audience, but everyone had seen Wang Xinyi's bejeweled appearance before, so they weren't surprised.

After the rings were exchanged and the couple kissed, the atmosphere reached its climax.

Afterwards, Xu Maochen announced that the ceremony was completed and invited everyone to attend the banquet at Lu Fei's manor.

This unique wedding at St. Paul's Cathedral shocked everyone.

Luxurious lineups, luxurious wedding dresses, different routines, topics like this abound, but unfortunately, no reporter can master these topics, otherwise it will definitely shock the world.

After the wedding, everyone gathered in the small square outside the church to wait for the host's arrangements.

Later, someone will guide everyone to Lu Fei's manor for a party.

At this moment, everyone was talking a lot in the small square, and the scene was quite lively.

The heads of state gathered together to greet each other, and the businessmen kept in touch on the other side. The most unusual ones were the veterans of the Shenzhou Archaeological Team, who actually became the focus of all the female guests in the room, and were surrounded by all the female guests. surrounded.

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