A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2613 Cartilage

"How to do how to do??"

"God, is God going to destroy our Robert family?"

"We have gone through a lot of hardships to achieve what we have today, and I am not willing to accept it!"

"Oh God!"

"We Hebrews have gone through too many hardships, please protect us." ??

The two pieces of bad news brought by Carter were like a bolt from the blue. The elders of the Robert family, who usually did not change their color despite the collapse of the mountain, were completely panicked.

Even the clan leaders were flustered, frowning and pacing.

For a moment, the conference room was in chaos.

After a few minutes, the patriarch managed to calm down.

"Shut up, shut up!"

"When something happens, what kind of behavior is there to panic and cause chaos?"

"Our great Robert family has never experienced any hardships, and this little difficulty cannot defeat us."

The patriarch's voice plays a certain role.

However, although everyone stopped making noise, everyone's expression was not optimistic.

The firmness and confidence in the past were all gone, and panic and fear were written on everyone's faces.

"Master Patriarch, what should we do?" Jesse asked.

"Calm down Jesse, although the Xiao family is powerful and Lu Fei is cunning, our Robert family is not easy to bully."

"In America, our Robert family still rules. We have so many resources. It is absolutely impossible for them to defeat us in one go."

"Now, what you need to do is to calm down, continue to collect intelligence, and activate your intelligence network. We need real-time updates about the Xiao family and Lu Fei, and we need the most accurate updates. There must be no mistakes. "

"There is a saying in China that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. Only by understanding their motives can we take action in time."

React, Jesse, can you do it? "The clan leader said seriously.

"Don't worry, I will personally supervise the formation and guarantee that we will fulfill our mission." Jesse said.

"Wade, where are you now?" The patriarch looked at the screen.

"I'm still in London, currently on my plane."

Wade also has several luxury homes in London, but he still chose a private jet.

Knowing that Lu Fei had annexed the Thomas family, especially knowing that Lu Fei and Xiao Tingfang were related as mother and son, Wade did not dare to stay in his villa.

As Lu Fei said, London now belongs to him, and with the Xiao family watching eagerly from the sidelines, he may be in danger at any time.

To be on the safe side, it was better to stay on the plane. If anything happened, he would take off immediately and leave this place of right and wrong.

When he heard that Wade was on his plane, the clan leader frowned slightly and cursed in his heart that this guy was a weakling. But now Wade still has a very important mission, so he definitely couldn't say this, and he couldn't let Wade feel discouraged, right?

"Very well, Wade, you did a good job. Now, your safety is the most important thing."

"Thank you, patriarch, for your understanding!"


I sympathize with your mother, you are a coward, you have really brought shame on the Robert family.

Even though the patriarch is not in London, he can still think of the situation there.

He was sure that Wade's life was definitely not in danger.

Lu Fei and Xiao Tingfang had a showdown with him in front of him. If they wanted to go against him, no matter how many people were around Wade, they would have to be wiped out.

Wade was able to leave St. Paul's Cathedral safely and still be on his plane

The fact that he posted a video with himself shows that they have no intention of dealing with him at all. Poor this weakling, he was so frightened by that bitch Lu Fei and Xiao Tingfang that he didn't even dare to go back to his villa. How pitiful!

The reason why the clan leader can still remain calm is because of this.

Although he didn't know why Xiao Tingfang didn't attack Wade, he knew that there must be a reason, and this reason might be the turning point of the Robert family. If he hadn't seen this, he would have been as confused as Jesse. .

"Wade, think about it carefully and tell me exactly what Xiao Tingfang and Lu Fei said to you."


Wade wiped the cold sweat from his head and thought about it carefully.

He was really scared just now. As he grew up, no matter where he went, people would look at his face. Even if he had difficulties, someone would come forward to help him solve it. This was the first time Wade felt a fatal threat.

Fortunately, after this period of buffering, he finally calmed down. .??.

After thinking for a while, he told the patriarch everything that happened in the church.

After hearing what Wade said, the eyes of the clan leader and elders suddenly lit up.

"Wade, you said Xiao Tingfang asked you to bring me a message. She and Lu Fei don't plan to go to war with us?" the clan leader asked.

Wade nodded: "Yes, that's what the Xiao family master said."

In the church before, he felt Xiao Tingfang's aura firsthand. Wade felt that his heart was almost crushed by her aura, so much so that when he talked about Xiao Tingfang, he respectfully called him "Master Xiao".

This title made the clan leader even more unhappy.

Fortunately, Wade is still of great use at this moment, otherwise the clan leader would have scolded this weakling.


The head of the family said that Lu Fei had no choice but to annex the Thomas family. Last time, the Thomas family captured Lu Fei's people, threatened Lu Fei to hand over the Seven-Star Sword, and threatened Lu Fei's life. Therefore, the Xiao family, together with Lu Fei, fought The Thomas family was caught off guard. As a result, without preparation, the Thomas family was defeated. Then Murray joined forces and occupied the Thomas family's nest overnight and replaced it. "

"In the past few months, Lu Fei has been secretly integrating various forces of the Thomas family, and finally took over the Thomas family in the near future."

"Before, the head of the Xiao family planned to start a war with us. It was Lu Fei who persuaded her. Lu Fei said that there is no big grudge between us. It is completely meaningless to start a war to grab territory and cause both sides to lose. And no matter which side If you win, you will suffer heavy losses. Without ten or twenty years, it will be difficult to recover."

"So, Lu Fei hopes to live in peace with us. As long as we don't covet his interests, he will never do anything to us. Lu Fei believes that it is the last word for everyone to cooperate and develop together."

"Furthermore, Lu Fei successfully persuaded his mother, the head of the Xiao family, to cancel all previous plans for our family. The head of the Xiao family asked me to tell you that after Lu Fei's wedding, she will personally speak to you on the phone, and there are still some details. Discuss with you." Wade said.

After saying this, Wade let out a sigh of relief and felt inexplicably much more relaxed.


Fei and his mother have both said they want to coexist peacefully with us. Am I so nervous?

Damn, this is so embarrassing!

At this time, Wade woke up and realized that he had been too nervous before. When he raised his head and looked at the way the patriarch looked at him, Wade suddenly felt bad.

The patriarch didn't say anything, but from his eyes, Wade could see that the patriarch was a little disappointed with his performance, which was not a good sign.

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