A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2617 A leak or a trap?


The great elder smashed the teacup in his hand in anger.

He was really angry.

Wade hid on the private plane, and he was very unhappy.

The patriarch pampered Wade, but in his opinion, this was a sign of cowardice and brought shame to the Robert family.

He was already angry, but now Wade denied him in public, how could he not be angry?

Besides, even if you have objections to my opinions, why the hell can't you be more tactful? .??.

Also, what were you doing earlier?

I just said so much, but you didn't say a word. When I finished, everyone gave a positive attitude. At this time, you raised objections. Aren't you kidding me?

Is it easy for me to pretend just once?

In his opinion, Wade is just inflated.

I joined the family council of elders at such a young age, and it has already grown so big, but don’t forget, I am the second in charge of this family, and besides the patriarch, I am the biggest.

The great elder's fierce reaction shocked everyone and they were all stunned.

The patriarch glared at him and said, "We are studying a major decision, can you calm down?"

When the clan leader spoke, the elder was filled with resentment and did not dare to express his anger. He just glared at Wade fiercely. Through the screen, Wade was not afraid of him.

In Wade's goal, they are all stepping stones for him to rise to the top. Wade's goal is to one day control the entire family and lead the Robert family to the top of the world.

In his heart, he really didn't care too much about the Great Elder.

Now that he has the patriarch to support him, he is not afraid that the elder will put his shoes on, not to mention that he is now a member of the family elders' council, and his status is not much lower than that of the elder.

"Wade, you continue."


After speaking, everyone turned their attention to Wade.

Wade chuckled and apologized to the great elder first.

"I'm sorry, Great Elder. I didn't mean to offend you. I am also thinking about the family. If I am really offended, I apologize to you and hope to get your forgiveness."

We are all a family, so Wade apologized in public, and the elder couldn't hold on to him. It would make him look stingy, so he snorted coldly and then looked away from Wade with his fierce eyes.

"Okay, we are all a family, no need to be so polite. The situation outside is very unfavorable to us now. We must unite and tide over the difficulties together.

Wade, did you have a different opinion on the Great Elder’s opinion just now? asked the clan leader.

Wade nodded: "Yes, but I am definitely not denying the Great Elder's suggestion. Based on the analysis of the situation, the Great Elder's opinion is undoubtedly the best way. If it succeeds, it will be of great benefit to us.


As I said before, everyone is excited.

Reaching their current heights, they have almost no desires and desires. Only by pursuing higher heights can they feel the slightest excitement.

If the previous great elder's method was successful, it would be perfect. The long-lost excitement once again flooded everyone's hearts, but Wade's "but" immediately poured cold water on everyone's head, and everyone's expressions froze.

Wade continued: "However, you have all overlooked one thing, and that is Lu Fei's IQ."

"Before, you all kept saying that Lu Fei was cunning and that Lu Fei was deep in the city, but you still underestimated Lu Fei and Lu Fei's wisdom.

, far more powerful than you all imagine.

I have had more contact with Lu Fei and know him fairly well.

In the process of getting to know him, Lu Fei has never lost no matter what. It can be said that he has no plans and every step is taken. Such wisdom and methods are really terrible.

Just now, the Great Elder said that we could seize Lu Fei's territory and power for our own use. I think this is absolutely impossible.

Think about it, everyone, we can think of this, can't Lu Fei not think of it?

I thought, this is impossible! ??

With Lu Fei's wisdom, he must be able to think of this, so the question is, now that he has thought of it, do you think he will give us a chance to catch it?

If he is not absolutely sure, he can continue to keep the secret, so that he can safely survive the dangerous period and quietly integrate all the forces of the Thomas family. So, do you think that he will be stupid and deliberately leak the news to give us an advantage? Opportunity?

Please, wake up, everyone, this is absolutely impossible. It is impossible for Lu Fei to make such a low-level mistake.

The Thomas family is so huge. Lu Fei can eliminate them overnight. Doesn't this arouse everyone's vigilance?

We have been fighting openly and secretly with the Xiao family and the Thomas family for several years. Our two families were unable to do anything against them, but Lu Fei did it easily. Do you think this is all a coincidence?

No, absolutely not, but Lu Fei has unimaginable means and wisdom.

Even the Thomas family can handle it easily, how could he make a low-level mistake? "

After Wade finished speaking, the senior members of the family slumped down like deflated rubber balls. Even the elder who was dissatisfied with Wade just now became honest.

Wade was right. They thought the problem was too simple. How could a smart person like Lu Fei make such a low-level mistake? It was absolutely impossible.

"Everyone, please don't doubt it. I can guarantee that this is a trap set by Lu Fei. He is deliberately testing us.

There must be other reasons for him and the Xiao family to stop taking action against us. Perhaps the Xiao family has a special situation, or there are differences of opinion between Lu Fei and the Xiao family, but they are definitely not afraid of us.

While they propose peaceful coexistence, they also need to beware of us. Peaceful coexistence may be true, but once they discover that we pose a slight threat to them, I can guarantee that they will take action against us immediately, and they will spare no effort. How can we resist until then?

Therefore, I think the great elder's method is not advisable. Not only will it not succeed, it will completely anger them and give them a reason to deal with us with all their strength. That will be a nightmare and a talisman for our family! "

Everyone heard it and took a breath of air.

What Wade said makes sense. Lu Fei is too cunning and no one can guarantee it. This is a trap used by Lu Fei to test them. If he makes a wrong move, he will definitely be doomed.

The people who had supported the Great Elder just now felt shuddering and had goosebumps all over their bodies after hearing Wade's analysis.

"Wade, what you said makes sense, but do you have a better way?" The great elder changed his attitude and asked humbly.

Wade was against him just now, and he was indeed unhappy, but that was just an internal conflict within the family.

Now is the most difficult moment for the whole family. Personal grudges are no longer important. Everyone must unite to fight against foreign enemies.

Otherwise, if the family is wiped out, what's the point of personal grudges?

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