A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2629 Teasing Pete

Lu Fei, who was speaking on the stage, saw Wade returning, smiled slightly, and waved to him, and Wade also made a tacit gesture.

The interaction between the two attracted the attention of the people around them, and everyone discovered that there were three more white people among the guests.

The celebrities didn't know Wade, and they nodded politely when they saw that the young white man looked a bit handsome, but the heads-of-state bosses and top business leaders were shocked when they saw Wade.

Good guy!

The Xiao family lives here, the external affairs person of the Robert family has also arrived, and Lu Fei, who has annexed the Thomas family, all three major forces are here. This is a rare event in a hundred years, which shows how valuable today's gathering is.

Wade's appearance was just a small episode, Lu Fei on the stage continued to talk.

“In addition to thanking everyone for coming today, I would also like to thank the international fashion design master Mr. Peter and his wife Ms. Zheng Wanqiu. As you can see, my wife and I’s dresses are all designed by their couple.

The talents and achievements of their couple in the field of fashion design are really amazing. If anyone is planning to get married, I strongly recommend them to you. Wearing the wedding dress designed by their couple, you are guaranteed to be the most dazzling presence.

Of course, the design fee for the couple is not cheap, and Mr. Peter has a bit of a weird temper and is not very communicative. But please believe me, there is a saying in China that sincerity leads to spiritual success. Show your sincerity like pursuing your girlfriend. His persistence will surely impress Mr. Pitt. "


Lu Fei's words made the whole audience burst into laughter, and the atmosphere relaxed instantly.

Even Peter, who was watching from a distance, showed a long-lost smile.

He is unsmiling because he has extremely strict requirements on himself.

For clothing design, this Spaniard has an unimaginable paranoia.

After reaching a certain height, Peter encountered a bottleneck and could never design a work that satisfied him, which made his temper even weirder.

But after designing dresses for Lu Fei and his wife, Peter finally broke through the shackles and found a new direction. This also caused a great change in his personality, and he was extremely grateful to Lu Fei.

After the laughter, Lu Fei continued.

"It was just a joke, let's get down to the real topic. My wife, Ms. Wang Xinyi, is responsible for everything our company is entering Europe. However, due to special reasons, the current general managers of our company here are Mr. Xu Maochen and Mr. Murray. If If you are interested in cooperation, please contact them.

Next, I would like to focus on

Thanks to our friends from the European entertainment industry for coming.

We have never met before, but I am not that conservative. I also like the entertainment industry. Everyone in China knows that in China, I also have my own entertainment company.

Invite everyone to come. Firstly, we can benefit from the popularity of the celebrities. In addition, our company will also invest in the entertainment industry in the future. Maybe we will have a lot of cooperation in the future. "

Hearing what Lu Fei said, the celebrities present were flattered.

Taking advantage of their popularity?

It doesn't exist. Now they have a better understanding of Lu Fei's strength. Lu Fei's strength is ten thousand times stronger than the capital they are familiar with.

Such big guys can dominate the entertainment industry with just a few breaths, so why do they need to benefit from their popularity?

Lu Fei's words were obviously polite, but he gave them the greatest respect, which made them excited.

Lu Fei raised his eyes and looked at the stars below, pointed at a blond white beauty in the distance and said with a smile: "If I'm not mistaken, this is Ms. Mansari George. I have watched your movie " "Extreme 48 Hours", your performance was quite outstanding."


After being named by Lu Fei, the celebrity circle suddenly burst into cheers, and all eyes turned to Melissa.

Melissa was stunned for a moment, and she was sure that Lu Fei was calling her. She covered her mouth with her excited hands and widened her eyes with disbelief.

She never dreamed that a big boss like Lu Fei would know her, an A-list star. This was such a huge surprise that she almost cried with excitement.

After cheering, Lu Fei continued: "The medical doctor you played in "48 Hours" is simply perfect, especially the doctor's essence of saving lives and healing the wounded. In the eyes of many people, you are the most perfect image of a female doctor." .

Some time ago, our Yimei Investment acquired Rising Pharmaceutical Group, and a new generation of drugs is being intensively developed. Your temperament and image are very suitable for our company's endorsement. If you are interested, I will send someone to negotiate with your company. Please Do you agree to be the global spokesperson for our pharmaceutical company? "


"Buy it, Mansari is so lucky to be able to endorse Mr. Lu Fei's company. I'm so jealous."

"Oh my god, Mansari is about to take off!"

"I heard that after Yimei Investment acquired Ruixin Group, it increased investment and quickly opened up the market. Now its market value is nearly 50% higher than the previous Ruixin Group. Being a global spokesperson for their company is what countless people dream of. What an opportunity!" Lu Fei, who was speaking on the stage, saw Wade returning, smiled slightly, and waved to him, and Wade also made a tacit gesture.

The interaction between the two attracted the attention of the people around them, and everyone discovered that there were three more white people among the guests.

The celebrities didn't know Wade, and they nodded politely when they saw that the young white man looked a bit handsome, but the heads-of-state bosses and top business leaders were shocked when they saw Wade.

Good guy!

The Xiao family lives here, the external affairs person of the Robert family has also arrived, and Lu Fei, who has annexed the Thomas family, all three major forces are here. This is a rare event in a hundred years, which shows how valuable today's gathering is.

Wade's appearance was just a small episode, Lu Fei on the stage continued to talk.

“In addition to thanking everyone for coming today, I would also like to thank the international fashion design master Mr. Peter and his wife Ms. Zheng Wanqiu. As you can see, my wife and I’s dresses are all designed by their couple.

The talents and achievements of their couple in the field of fashion design are really amazing. If anyone is planning to get married, I strongly recommend them to you. Wearing the wedding dress designed by their couple, you are guaranteed to be the most dazzling presence.

Of course, the design fee for the couple is not cheap, and Mr. Peter has a bit of a weird temper and is not very communicative. But please believe me, there is a saying in China that sincerity leads to spiritual success. Show your sincerity like pursuing your girlfriend. His persistence will surely impress Mr. Pitt. "


Lu Fei's words made the whole audience burst into laughter, and the atmosphere relaxed instantly.

Even Peter, who was watching from a distance, showed a long-lost smile.

He is unsmiling because he has extremely strict requirements on himself.

For clothing design, this Spaniard has an unimaginable paranoia.

After reaching a certain height, Peter encountered a bottleneck and could never design a work that satisfied him, which made his temper even weirder.

But after designing dresses for Lu Fei and his wife, Peter finally broke through the shackles and found a new direction. This also caused a great change in his personality, and he was extremely grateful to Lu Fei.

After the laughter, Lu Fei continued.

"It was just a joke, let's get down to the real topic. My wife, Ms. Wang Xinyi, is responsible for everything our company is entering Europe. However, due to special reasons, the current general managers of our company here are Mr. Xu Maochen and Mr. Murray. If If you are interested in cooperation, please contact them.

Next, I would like to focus on

Thanks to our friends from the European entertainment industry for coming.

We have never met before, but I am not that conservative. I also like the entertainment industry. Everyone in China knows that in China, I also have my own entertainment company.

Invite everyone to come. Firstly, we can benefit from the popularity of the celebrities. In addition, our company will also invest in the entertainment industry in the future. Maybe we will have a lot of cooperation in the future. "

Hearing what Lu Fei said, the celebrities present were flattered.

Taking advantage of their popularity?

It doesn't exist. Now they have a better understanding of Lu Fei's strength. Lu Fei's strength is ten thousand times stronger than the capital they are familiar with.

Such big guys can dominate the entertainment industry with just a few breaths, so why do they need to benefit from their popularity?

Lu Fei's words were obviously polite, but he gave them the greatest respect, which made them excited.

Lu Fei raised his eyes and looked at the stars below, pointed at a blond white beauty in the distance and said with a smile: "If I'm not mistaken, this is Ms. Mansari George. I have watched your movie " "Extreme 48 Hours", your performance was quite outstanding."


After being named by Lu Fei, the celebrity circle suddenly burst into cheers, and all eyes turned to Melissa.

Melissa was stunned for a moment, and she was sure that Lu Fei was calling her. She covered her mouth with her excited hands and widened her eyes with disbelief.

She never dreamed that a big boss like Lu Fei would know her, an A-list star. This was such a huge surprise that she almost cried with excitement.

After cheering, Lu Fei continued: "The medical doctor you played in "48 Hours" is simply perfect, especially the doctor's essence of saving lives and healing the wounded. In the eyes of many people, you are the most perfect image of a female doctor." .

Some time ago, our Yimei Investment acquired Rising Pharmaceutical Group, and a new generation of drugs is being intensively developed. Your temperament and image are very suitable for our company's endorsement. If you are interested, I will send someone to negotiate with your company. Please Do you agree to be the global spokesperson for our pharmaceutical company? "


"Buy it, Mansari is so lucky to be able to endorse Mr. Lu Fei's company. I'm so jealous."

"Oh my god, Mansari is about to take off!"

"I heard that after Yimei Investment acquired Ruixin Group, it increased investment and quickly opened up the market. Now its market value is nearly 50% higher than the previous Ruixin Group. Being a global spokesperson for their company is what countless people dream of. What an opportunity!”

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