A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2635 Everything is right

When Lu Fei mentioned the attitude of Murray and Ques towards the housekeeper Jack, Wade frowned slightly, but racked his brains to recall but couldn't think of anything.

"You didn't notice it, but I did. Murray and Quess were quite gentle and even respectful towards Jack.

If it were an ordinary family, and they had been with the housekeeper for decades and developed a relationship like a family member, this might happen, but in the Thomas family, it would never happen.

What's more, Quess is also a member of the Thomas Family Presbyterian Church. How could he and such an arrogant being be so polite to a housekeeper?

If it were you Wade, would you do it? "

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Wade seemed to have thought of something.

Lu Fei continued: "Of course, the two of them concealed it perfectly, but Roy, that loser, doesn't have such high acting skills.

Roy was usually so arrogant, but in front of Jack, he was as obedient as a kitten. He didn't even dare to come within five meters of Jack. Even his eyes when he looked at Jack were full of fear. "


After Lu Fei guided him like this, Wade finally recalled it.

Indeed, Jack, the butler at that time, seemed to have a very good reputation.

Not only does he speak steadily, he also has a good temperament, especially his eyes, which are bright and full of confidence.

But he didn't notice the details Lu Fei said.

"You mean, that housekeeper is not simple?" Wade asked.


At first I was just skeptical, then I started to test it out.

Do you remember the many times I asked Jack to give me a massage in front of Murray and Quess? "

Wade nodded.

He knew this. Lu Fei asked him to try it at that time, but in order to maintain his image, he didn't agree.

"That's what happened. You also praised Jack's superb massage skills." Wade said.

"Haha, you only remember these, but you didn't notice that I proposed

When making this request, were the eyes of Murray and Ques already filled with murderous intent? "


Wade suddenly stood up after hearing this.

"According to you, Jack's status in the Thomas family is quite high, at least higher than Murray?"

Lu Fei smiled and nodded: "Your analysis is good, but your imagination is still too weak.

Not only does he have a higher status than Murray, but he is also much more powerful than Quess, because he is the patriarch of the Thomas family, Thomas Holling. "

boom! !

As if struck by lightning, Wade took two steps back, bumped into the corner of the sofa, and sat down using the inertia.

"You said he is the patriarch of the Thomas family?"

“Oh God, how is this possible?

No, this is absolutely not true. How could the patriarch serve you in the name of butler?

No, that's crazy, there's no way this is true. "

Wade held his head and kept shaking, screaming like a madman.

It took him two minutes to calm down, and he raised his head to look at Lu Fei's smiling face, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Fei, you must be joking, right?"

"Haha, do I need to joke with you?" Lu Fei said.

Wade looked away and shook his head: "No, I still can't believe it. Why would he do this?"

"Of course it's to test me, because they want to get my Seven-Star Sword at the minimum price.

Huo Lin has an in-depth study of the Chinese art of war. There is a saying in the Chinese art of war that if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in any battle.

To achieve his goals, he needs to understand my temper, my habits and what I really want.

, this is very important.

If you want to get to know me, of course you have to get close to me and be my temporary housekeeper. This idea is quite good. Most people will never think of this, at least, none of you have thought of it. " Lu Fei said.

After hearing Lu Fei's analysis, Wade gradually calmed down.

"What you said seems to make sense, but how do you know he is the patriarch of the Thomas family?

You wouldn't have had the chance to meet him before. "Wade said.

"Haha, it's not that difficult. As I said just now, Mulequis and the others are very respectful to Jack. Think about it, looking at the entire Thomas family, except the patriarch, who can do it?

Also, although I have never met Huo Lin, the head of the Xiao family and the patriarch of your family must have met him. "

At this time, Wade was speechless.


Besides the clan leader, who else could Queis treat with respect?

The head of the Xiao family was Lu Fei's mother. Lu Fei had doubts, so he just took a photo for her to identify, which was not difficult at all.

But he didn't know that things were not what he thought at all. Of course, it was impossible for Lu Fei to expose Lang Lijing.

Wade picked up a cigarette and lit one, lost in thought.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly asked: "That night, the incident in the villa was a scene directed by you?

It wasn't Zhu Tianbao and Nina who were kidnapped, it was you who kidnapped the Thomas family patriarch, right? "

Lu Fei laughed and gave Lu Fei a thumbs up.

"You guessed it, how about it, are my acting skills excellent?

Is there any chance of becoming an Oscar winner? "

Wade smiled bitterly and shook his head, suddenly enlightened.


Everything clicked.

No wonder Murray and Quess were so anxious at the time. It turned out they were not worried about nothing.

Fa told Lu Fei that it was because they had lost the patriarch of their family!

This is so incredible.

Lu Fei didn't need to tell him the rest, he could figure it out by himself.

Lu Fei took control of the Thomas family patriarch and used Huo Lin as a threat, and the rest was much easier.

It is entirely possible to lay out a plan and then defeat them one by one, destroying the leaderless and panic-stricken Thomas family within the sky.

What a shame!

With hundreds of years of foundation, a dignified European overlord actually came to seek abuse. Isn't this playing with fire and setting oneself on fire?

So pathetic.

But thinking about it carefully, Huo Lin thought of going undercover next to Lu Fei. I have to say that this is indeed a clever strategy. Not only does it have the opportunity to find out Lu Fei's real background, but he even has the opportunity to take action unexpectedly.

However, although the strategy was good, they underestimated Lu Fei's wisdom.

After all, Lu Fei is too scary.

"Fei, when you went out that night, did you direct and act yourself?"

That night, Lu Fei received a call and went out to rescue Zhu Tianbao. Now that he thought about it, it was probably arranged by Lu Fei in order to confuse him.

Lu Fei shook his head and said, "No, to be honest, that's more of a coincidence."

"Well, what's going on?" Wade asked.

“That was not a play directed by me, but a trap set for me by the Thomas family.

They lied that Zhu Tianbao was in their hands and called me just to test me.

Although they suspected that Huolin was controlled by me, they were not sure.

In this way, if I don't go to the appointment, it means that I have a guilty conscience and they can find a way to deal with me.

If I go, it means that Huolin is not with me, and I am also a victim, but they also want to control me and force me to hand over the Seven-Star Knife. "

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