A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2638 That’s a shame

Lu Fei's words made Wade frightened.

Lu Fei longs for peace, but is not afraid of war. This is obviously meant for his family to hear.

Lu Fei just had to call his name directly. In fact, Wade could understand it without calling his name.

Lu Fei wanted to tell them that if their family dared to go against him, Lu Fei would definitely try his best to fight them to the end.

Lu Fei observed carefully and was extremely cunning. He annexed the huge Thomas family in a short period of time. He was an extremely terrifying opponent. No one was willing to go against such a person.

Wade decided that after returning, he must inform the clan leader and never challenge Lu Fei's bottom line. Based on his understanding of Lu Fei, Wade even felt that Lu Fei was much more terrifying than the Xiao family. Wrong thinking is definitely an unwise choice.

“Fei, don’t worry, we also long for peace.

You are right. We develop peacefully and enjoy life together. This is also the situation we hope for. "

Lu Fei nodded: "I hope your clan leader has the same idea as you."

The two looked at each other and were silent for a few seconds, saying nothing.

"Fei, I have one last question."

"you say!"

"Do you have the six-pointed star you drew last night?" Wade asked nervously.


"What, can you let me see that thing?

As you know, the six-pointed star is the totem of us Hebrews. This is the first time I have seen such a special six-pointed star. I hope to take a closer look. Can you give me this opportunity? "Wade asked.


Lu Fei made a long note, and Wade stretched his neck, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Wade, I feel that you are very interested in that thing. Isn't there something special about that six-pointed star?" Lu Fei asked.

Wade's heart tightened, thinking that you guessed it right, it does have a very special meaning, but I can't possibly tell you!

"Ahem, Fei, you are thinking too much. I just want to see it. After all, it is the totem of our nation."

"Oh, since it doesn't have any special meaning, let's forget it!"

"That thing has been in my hands for too long. For a while, I couldn't remember where I put it. It's very troublesome to find it!" Lu Fei said.


Wade almost vomited blood. Lu Fei's answer was completely different from what he imagined!

Could it be that Lu Fei did this on purpose?

"How about this, Fei, you trade the six-pointed star to me, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory reward?" Wade asked.


Wade, you still said that thing has no special meaning?

I know you too well, what about ordinary stuff?

Can I be as discerning as you?

You are asking questions and want to trade with me. That thing must not be simple. Tell me, what is the value of that thing? Lu Fei asked curiously.

Wade's head was pounding.

Damn it, am I too anxious or is Lu Fei too cunning?

Is this guy too difficult to deal with?

But think about it, you can't blame Lu Fei. Lu Fei's big appetite is completely accustomed to him by his family.

Now that he actively wants to trade the Big Star, it would be strange for Lu Fei not to doubt him. It seems that he is still not mature enough!

"Fei, you are really worried.

You know what the six-pointed star means to our nation, but it really has nothing special to do with me personally or our family. I just simply like and admire it. "Wade said.

"Oh, since it doesn't have any special meaning, I think let's forget it. I really don't have time to help you find it. I'll call you when I find it when I take inventory, okay?"


Wade was so anxious that he was almost sweating, but it was not easy to explain too much.

how to explain?

Tell him that it is the Star of David, a symbol of the patriarch of our Robert family, and it is also related to the great treasure left behind by our Hebrew nation when they migrated?

Don't be kidding, if that happens, there will be no chance of getting it. Even if Lu Fei is willing to trade, it will cost a huge price.

After thinking about it, Wade felt that it was not too hasty, so he smiled and shook his head, intending to drop the topic, but he didn't expect Lu Fei to be interested.

"It really has no special meaning?" Lu Fei asked.


"Oh, okay, if that's the case, by the way, if you find it, what chips are you going to use to trade with me?"


Wade was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't answer this. This was obviously a hole Lu Fei dug for him!

"Haha, I just asked casually, and it doesn't necessarily require a transaction." Wade said.

"Oh, that's a shame.

Originally I planned to trade it to you, but it seems you don’t have much interest. I’ll wait until I find a buyer willing to bid!”


Damn it. You are talking inside and outside, how do you want me to answer?

This damn Lu Fei was so cunning. Wade almost blurted out and asked Lu Fei to trade, but past experience told him that he must not do this. He must be patient when facing Lu Fei and wait until he has the opportunity to talk again!

Then, Wade and Lu Fei chatted about some innocuous topics. During the conversation, he kept showing his goodwill to Lu Fei and testing Lu Fei. Finally, Wade got an answer. Lu Fei should not be prepared to go to war with their family, at least. , not in a short time, this is the only good news for him today. Lu Fei's words made Wade frightened.

Lu Fei longs for peace, but is not afraid of war. This is obviously meant for his family to hear.

Lu Fei just had to call his name directly. In fact, Wade could understand it without calling his name.

Lu Fei wanted to tell them that if their family dared to go against him, Lu Fei would definitely try his best to fight them to the end.

Lu Fei observed carefully and was extremely cunning. He annexed the huge Thomas family in a short period of time. He was an extremely terrifying opponent. No one was willing to go against such a person.

Wade decided that after returning, he must inform the clan leader and never challenge Lu Fei's bottom line. Based on his understanding of Lu Fei, Wade even felt that Lu Fei was much more terrifying than the Xiao family. Wrong thinking is definitely an unwise choice.

“Fei, don’t worry, we also long for peace.

You are right. We develop peacefully and enjoy life together. This is also the situation we hope for. "

Lu Fei nodded: "I hope your clan leader has the same idea as you."

The two looked at each other and were silent for a few seconds, saying nothing.

"Fei, I have one last question."

"you say!"

"Do you have the six-pointed star you drew last night?" Wade asked nervously.


"What, can you let me see that thing?

As you know, the six-pointed star is the totem of us Hebrews. This is the first time I have seen such a special six-pointed star. I hope to take a closer look. Can you give me this opportunity? "Wade asked.


Lu Fei made a long note, and Wade stretched his neck, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Wade, I feel that you are very interested in that thing. Isn't there something special about that six-pointed star?" Lu Fei asked.

Wade's heart tightened, thinking that you guessed it right, it does have a very special meaning, but I can't possibly tell you!

"Ahem, Fei, you are thinking too much. I just want to see it. After all, it is the totem of our nation."

"Oh, since it doesn't have any special meaning, let's forget it!"

"That thing has been in my hands for too long. For a while, I couldn't remember where I put it. It's very troublesome to find it!" Lu Fei said.


Wade almost vomited blood. Lu Fei's answer was completely different from what he imagined!

Could it be that Lu Fei did this on purpose?

"How about this, Fei, you trade the six-pointed star to me, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory reward?" Wade asked.


Wade, you still said that thing has no special meaning?

I know you too well, what about ordinary stuff?

Can I be as discerning as you?

You are asking questions and want to trade with me. That thing must not be simple. Tell me, what is the value of that thing? Lu Fei asked curiously.

Wade's head was pounding.

Damn it, am I too anxious or is Lu Fei too cunning?

Is this guy too difficult to deal with?

But think about it, you can't blame Lu Fei. Lu Fei's big appetite is completely accustomed to him by his family.

Now that he actively wants to trade the Big Star, it would be strange for Lu Fei not to doubt him. It seems that he is still not mature enough!

"Fei, you are really worried.

You know what the six-pointed star means to our nation, but it really has nothing special to do with me personally or our family. I just simply like and admire it. "Wade said.

"Oh, since it doesn't have any special meaning, I think let's forget it. I really don't have time to help you find it. I'll call you when I find it when I take inventory, okay?"


Wade was so anxious that he was almost sweating, but it was not easy to explain too much.

how to explain?

Tell him that it is the Star of David, a symbol of the patriarch of our Robert family, and it is also related to the great treasure left behind by our Hebrew nation when they migrated?

Don't be kidding, if that happens, there will be no chance of getting it. Even if Lu Fei is willing to trade, it will cost a huge price.

After thinking about it, Wade felt that it was not too hasty, so he smiled and shook his head, intending to drop the topic, but he didn't expect Lu Fei to be interested.

"It really has no special meaning?" Lu Fei asked.


"Oh, okay, if that's the case, by the way, if you find it, what chips are you going to use to trade with me?"


Wade was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't answer this. This was obviously a hole Lu Fei dug for him!

"Haha, I just asked casually, and it doesn't necessarily require a transaction." Wade said.

"Oh, that's a shame.

Originally I planned to trade it to you, but it seems you don’t have much interest. I’ll wait until I find a buyer willing to bid!”


Damn it. You are talking inside and outside, how do you want me to answer?

This damn Lu Fei was so cunning. Wade almost blurted out and asked Lu Fei to trade, but past experience told him that he must not do this. He must be patient when facing Lu Fei and wait until he has the opportunity to talk again!

Then, Wade and Lu Fei chatted about some innocuous topics. During the conversation, he kept showing his kindness to Lu Fei and testing Lu Fei. Finally, Wade got an answer. Lu Fei should not be prepared to go to war with their family, at least. , not in a short time, this is the only good news for him today.

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