A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2641 I have a request

Lu Fei looked stunned, but Yao Meier sat upright and became serious.

It was rare for this girl to have such an expression, which made Lu Fei very uncomfortable.

"Why are you being so serious? It's so scary."

Lu Fei made a joke, but Yao Meier did not cooperate and remained serious.

"Lu Fei, I want to discuss a very serious issue with you. It's best if you don't make a playful face with me."


"What happened?" Lu Fei was confused on the spot.

Yaomei'er thought for a while and asked Lu Fei to wait for her, then turned around and went out. After a while, the girl invited a foreign aid and pulled her sister-in-law Chen Xiang in.

Today, Chen Xiang has been standing behind the scenes, but she has not been idle. She has done a lot of the coordination work by herself.

As a woman, it was too unfair for her to watch her husband and another woman hold a grand wedding in front of everyone's eyes, and she had to pay silently behind the scenes.

Although Chen Xiang didn't say anything, Lu Fei was inexplicably moved in his heart. He quickly pulled Chen Xiang to sit next to him, put his arms around her waist, greeted her with care and concern, and made Yaomei'er roll his eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's enough for you. We are discussing the problem, not for you to spread dog food here."

Chen Xiang heard this and smiled, not caring about Yao Meier's protest, but Chen Xiang's face turned slightly red.

"Lu Fei, please be serious, I'm telling you something serious!"

Yao Meier jumped up and down in anger, pointed at Lu Fei and shouted sternly.

Lu Fei raised his hands to show weakness: "Okay, tell me, what do you want to discuss with me?"

Yao Meier sat down again, thought for a while and looked at Chen Xiang: "Sister-in-law, do you say it or should I say it?"

Lu Fei also looked at Chen Xiang, instinctively feeling that Yao Meier was not joking.

What worries him most

Even if there is a problem at home, he immediately puts away his playful smile and becomes serious.

"Xiang'er, what's going on?" Lu Fei asked.

Chen Xiang nodded and sat up straight: "Okay, let me say it.

Husband, you are now married and have a career. Yao Meier is also married, and Sister Zheng is the only one left at home. What do you think about this problem?

Lao Lu has been gone for almost two years, but Sister Zheng is still young. Should we just let her die alone? "

Lu Fei was slightly stunned when he heard what Chen Xiang said.

To be honest, he really hasn't thought about this issue.

When Lu Fei ran away and went to school in Bianliang alone, the reason was indeed because he was angry with Zheng Wenjuan and Lao Lu, because he couldn't accept that he suddenly had a baby mother who was only seven years older than him.

But when Zheng Wenjuan came to Bianliang to attend his funeral and fainted in front of him, Lu Fei's attitude towards her had changed.

Waiting for Lao Lu's funeral, Lu Fei looked at Zheng Wenjuan differently.

After learning the real reason why Lao Lu married her and Zheng Wenjuan's experience, Lu Fei was completely relieved. From that moment on, Lu Fei regarded her as his own family from the bottom of his heart.

At that time, Lu Fei had an honest conversation with Zheng Wenjuan. Lu Fei said that he fully respected Zheng Wenjuan's choice as to where to go. The latter also made it clear that he would not leave this home, and Lu Fei admired her even more.

From then on, Zheng Wenjuan worked hard for the family and took good care of everyone, but she never asked Lu Fei for any material things. Lu Fei saw all of this.

Later, Lu Fei took advantage of her and opened a kindergarten for her.

, and then transferred 30% of the beauty shares he owned to Zheng Wenjuan. This was Lu Fei's heartfelt and willing gift.

After that, Zheng Wenjuan fully integrated into the family. In addition to working, she helped Lu Fei run the family. It can be said that Lu Fei was able to venture outside with peace of mind mainly because of the stability of the rear, and among them, Zheng Wenjuan had the greatest contribution.

It can be said that no one in this family can do without her now.

Precisely because habits have become natural, Lu Fei did not pay too much attention to observe her personal life. This was also his mistake.

Chen Xiang was right. Although Zheng Wenjuan was willing to pay silently for everyone, she was a normal woman after all, and she was still very young.

She also needs to have her family, and she also needs someone who can take care of her. She can't be allowed to serve everyone all her life and be a nanny for so many people. This is too unfair to her.

Lu Fei nodded: "You're right, it was my mistake and I didn't care enough about Sister Zheng.

I am not a pedantic person, and our Lu family does not have so many overbearing rules. Besides, in my heart, Sister Zheng is our family and an inseparable part of our family.

I would like to express my position here. If Sister Zheng likes someone, I will never stop him, and I agree with both hands. However, I only have one request, and it is best to find someone who can step in. "

Hearing Lu Fei make this request, Yao Meier and Chen Xiang were completely shocked. They stared at Lu Fei like they were looking at monsters, full of disbelief.

"Husband, why do you have such a request? Do you know that this is too much?" Chen Xiang said disappointedly.

Chen Xiang was a little better, but Yao Meier had a bad temper and jumped up.

"Lu Fei, tell me, what do you think?

You can say such shameless things, but you still

person? "

Lu Fei waved his hand and quickly interrupted the two women.

Good guy, if we don't stop it, there will be a denouncement meeting.

"Don't worry, listen to me. I said this is just a request of mine, but I didn't say it was a necessary condition, right?

The intrusion I mentioned was just a concept, and I didn't say that the man should change his name or the surname after giving birth to a child.

Our family’s living conditions are good, so isn’t it also a consideration for the man to come and live with us? "

Speaking of this, Lu Fei peeked at his children's expressions and saw that they were still gnashing their teeth and looking like they were going to eat him alive, so he spread his hands helplessly.

"Okay, I'm showing off my cards. I'm used to living with Sister Zheng at home. If she marries outside, I'm afraid I won't be able to adapt to it, and I won't be able to bear it. Also, I won't feel at ease letting her live outside.

I won’t be shameless for once, that’s what I ask for. "


After hearing what Lu Fei said, Chen Xiang and Yao Meier, who were originally serious, broke into laughter at the same time.

Chen Xiang shook his head and chuckled, still maintaining the restraint of a lady, but Yaomei'er went too far, laughing so hard that tears flowed out.

Seeing her look like that, Lu Fei rolled his eyes angrily.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny? What I told is the truth. Are you willing to let Sister Zheng live outside?

Have you ever thought about how difficult it would be to live outside?

What if a man bullies her?

What if the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fails?

What should I do if I suffer domestic violence?

Have you considered these?

Don't be too selfish, okay? "

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