A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2643 Lu Fei’s attitude

After confirming Lu Fei's attitude, Chen Xiang and Yao Meier looked at each other and smiled happily.

"Husband, I knew you were not that pedantic person." Chen Xiang said.

"Of course.

Having said that, who is the person you are talking about? Do I know him? Lu Fei asked.

Chen Xiang looked at Yao Meier, who gave her sister-in-law an encouraging look and generously gave Chen Xiang this opportunity to "show off".

Chen Xiang hesitated for a moment and stared at Lu Fei for several seconds, making Lu Fei feel uncomfortable.

Just when Lu Fei wanted to complain, Chen Xiang spoke.

"You do know this person."


who is it? "

Lu Fei guessed that he might know him, and when he received Chen Xiang's confirmation, he immediately became interested.

"It's Brother Yuan."


lofty? "

Lu Fei was shocked and stood up directly.

Chen Xiang was mentally prepared for Lu Fei's reaction and was not frightened. He just nodded slightly.

"That's right, it's Brother Yuan."

Chen Xiang affirmed again, and Lu Fei was stunned.

Then, Lu Fei frowned and sat down slowly.

He mechanically lit a cigarette and sat there silently, with no expression on his face.

This time, Chen Xiang and Yao Meier did not force him. They knew that the news was too unexpected for Lu Fei.

Gao Yuan is his good brother, and Zheng Wenjuan is his nominal stepmother. The relationship here is so complicated that it will be difficult to figure it out for a while. Lu Fei needs time to think carefully.

However, Chen Xiang and Yao Meier really guessed wrong this time. Lu Fei was indeed thinking, but not about that special relationship. He didn't even feel surprised.

Although Zheng Wenjuan is in her own

He had never revealed it in front of him, but Lu Fei didn't discover it at all.

Lu Fei had long noticed that something was wrong with Zheng Wenjuan's eyes, but Lu Fei didn't know what Zheng Wenjuan's attitude was.

When Chen Xiang said just now that Zheng Wenjuan was interested in someone, Lu Fei vaguely guessed that it might be Gao Yuan, but he was just not sure.

To be honest, Lu Fei doesn't care about those messy relationships.

What about stepmother, what about brothers?

This is not the reason that prevents others from having feelings. What Lu Fei cares about is why these words came out of Chen Xiang and Yao Meier. Gao Yuan's character is not so boring, right?

No, Lu Fei suddenly thought of something. A few months ago, outside the Yanqing Gate in Bianliang, Gao Yuan seemed to want to say something to him, but in the end he never said it. However, Lu Fei discovered that it was so rare to say anything. Blushed.

At that time, Lu Fei also teased him about whether he had a girl he liked, but Gao Yuan denied it.

Thinking about it now, what Gao Yuan wanted to tell him at that time was probably about the relationship between Zheng Wenjuan and him.

As for why he hasn't said anything yet, Lu Fei can probably guess. In the final analysis, it's because of the special relationship between Zheng Wenjuan and him.

Zheng Wenjuan is Lu Fei's legitimate stepmother, and Gao Yuan is Lu Fei's best brother.

The brother has acquired the stepmother of his best friend. If word spreads about this, it will be difficult to say or not to hear. Zheng Wenjuan will not be able to behave well if she is caught in the middle. From a moral and ethical point of view, this is a very real issue.

Gao Yuan didn't want to ruin the relationship between him and Lu Fei, and he didn't want Lu Fei to be criticized by outsiders because of him, so he didn't say anything in the end.

Or maybe Zheng Wenjuan didn't want Gao Yuan to say it, because their relationship would have a greater impact on Zheng Wenjuan.


Not only is she Lu Fei's stepmother, but she has also made it clear in front of Lu Fei that she will not leave the Lu family.

If he is really with Gao Yuan, he will go back on his word and will be looked down upon by others.

After all, the biggest obstacle was Lu Fei, so they never dared to tell Lu Fei.

After putting out the cigarette butt, Lu Fei looked at Chen Xiang: "Xiang'er, did Sister Zheng ask you to tell me this?"


How could they ask me to send a message?

Yaomeier and I feel that it is not an option for them to remain in a stalemate like this. Moreover, I think you have no reason to refuse. In this case, it is better to become an adult as soon as possible.

Brother Yuan and Sister Zheng are not young anymore. They can't afford it. The longer it takes, the more hesitant they will be. If they can't get together because of you, I'm worried that your relationship with Brother Yuan will be negatively affected. . "Chen Xiang said.

Lu Fei nodded, Chen Xiang was worried for good reason.

"By the way, how long have they been recovering? How did you find out?" Lu Fei asked.

Speaking of this, Yao Meier glared at Lu Fei again.

“Don’t ask for fame.

You still have the nerve to say it?

Everyone has noticed it a long time ago, but you, the head of the family, didn't notice it at all. Lu Fei, you are such a bastard. "


"Why are you talking to your brother?" Lu Fei rolled his eyes angrily.

Usually if you say that, I'll let it go and I won't argue with you, but the situation is different today. Didn't you see that your sister-in-law is still here?

Can't you save some face for me? How will your sister-in-law see me in the future?

It's a pity that Lu Fei's protesting eyes didn't work well with Yao Meier. Not only did the latter not realize his mistake, but he actually changed his mind.


"What's wrong? You didn't do it right and you don't want people to tell you. Are you too overbearing?

My sister-in-law is spoiling you, but I am not. If you can't handle this matter well, I won't be able to spare you. "

Yao Meier was really a little angry.

Although the matter between Zheng Wenjuan and Gao Yuan has not been made public, it is no longer a secret in the Lu family.

Although the two people did not express it publicly, nor did they cross the border, there was still a lot of subtle tacit understanding in their eyes. Everyone saw it, but Lu Fei, the head of the family, was the only one who didn't care. This was obviously a sign of concern for the family. It's not enough, which Yao Meier cannot accept.

At the same time, she also wanted to remind Lu Fei through this incident that you may have great success outside, but home is your foundation.

With a depressed look on his face, Lu Fei saw that Yao Meier had a shrewish physique, so he still chose to avoid her sharpness.

His own sister understands that it is unrealistic to reason with her at this time. Instead, she is asking for trouble and letting Chen Xiang watch the joke. Although Chen Xiang is his wife, as a man, Lu Fei also needs dignity. In front of my wife, I still try my best to show my perfect side.

Lu Fei quickly raised his hand and said, "Okay, did I say the wrong thing?"

"Don't you want my attitude?

I still say the same thing, I have no opinion and I agree with it with both hands.


Yao Meier sat down again and expressed that she was quite satisfied with Lu Fei's attitude, but then Lu Fei said "but" again, and her brows wrinkled again.

"but what?

What else are you going to do? Yao Meier asked with a dark face.

Lu Fei glared at her and said, "What is Yao Mozi?

Why do you speak so harshly? "

"I'm telling the truth, huh!"

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