A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2655 My beauty is only for you

Lu Fei was not surprised when Mo Xueqing agreed and nodded with satisfaction.

"Then I'll leave it to you Xinyi. If this happens, your wedding date will probably be changed to next year. Is that okay?"

"no problem!"

Mo Xueqing already lives with Tianbao, and getting married is just a situation. It doesn't matter if it comes sooner or later. After all, they are still very young.

"Okay, let's go back. After the second phase of the project is approved, I will ask the legal affairs department to find you to sign the contract."

"Thank you, Brother Fei!" Mo Xueqing said gratefully.

“You’re welcome, we’re all family.

So what, you go back and rest first, I will chat with Tianbao for a while. "


Mo Xueqing left, Lu Fei locked the door, and Tian Bao sat up straight.

For more than a year, he had been with Lu Fei inseparably. Lu Fei locked the door, and he immediately knew that Lu Fei was going to discuss business with him.

"Do you have any objection to asking you to change the date of your wedding?"

Tianbao took the cigarette from Lu Fei and smiled: "You have the final say, I have no objection."

"Haha, if you have an opinion, just say it, although I may not necessarily agree with it."


After the two brothers laughed, Lu Fei got down to business.

"Tianbao, I plan to keep you in Europe to protect Xinyi's safety. Can you do it?"

Letting Mo Xueqing stay was actually giving Tianbao an excuse to stay.

Recently, Lu Fei has something very important to do and cannot be with Wang Xinyi.

Although there are Murray and Xu Maochen here, Lu Fei is still worried about Wang Xinyi's safety. Only when Tianbao stays can he sit back and relax.

Tianbao nodded solemnly: "Brother Fei, don't worry, no one can touch my sister-in-law unless I die."

"Damn, don't say it so harshly, it's so scary."


Lu Fei made a joke, and the atmosphere instantly became much more relaxed.


"Tianbao, I asked you to stay and protect Xinyi. Do you know what you are mainly on guard against?" Lu Fei asked.

Tianbao thought for a while and said: "Murray, there are more"

"what else?"

"And the Xiao family!" Tianbao said, staring at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei reached out and patted his shoulder and smiled slightly: "Then I'll leave it to you."

Outsiders thought that Tianbao was a reckless man, somewhat heartless.

But Lu Fei knows that whoever has such an idea is a fool!

For more than a year, Tianbao has always been by Lu Fei's side. No one knows him better than Lu Fei.

This guy looks rough on the surface, but he's actually very careful.

Lu Fei was a little slow when we first met him, but that was just because of his illness and lack of experience.

Nowadays, Tianbao has completely recovered from his illness. He has traveled all over the world with Lu Fei and has gained a lot of knowledge. He has already developed it.

Moreover, he and Lu Fei formed an indescribable tacit understanding. Looking at these little brothers, except for the two unreliable young men, no one is better than Tianbao.

And the most important point is that except Lu Fei, no one knows the Xiao family better than Tianbao, so Lu Fei chose to let him stay. This is Lu Fei's greatest trust in him.

"One year, only one year, one year later, Brother Fei will give you the future you want, please brother." Lu Fei said seriously.

"Brother Fei, I wouldn't be where I am today without you, so don't worry!"


After Lu Fei finished speaking, he took out a picture from his bag and handed it to Tianbao.

"This is the secret defense map of this manor. Only you, me and Zhang Zhiyu know the entire manor. Please read it carefully and return it to me after reading it.


Tianbao said nothing, took it with both hands, and looked at it seriously.

This picture is the core secret of this manor.

The Thomas family has been operating here for hundreds of years. If you think it is a seemingly airtight security force, you are totally wrong.

In this manor, there are the most core high-tech systems, the most top-notch defenses, and the most sophisticated defensive weapons.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the elites of the Five Dragons Brigade come, they will not be able to attack in a short time. Even if they can, the people inside can escape intact.

Of course, these are all in the dark and are the core secrets of the Thomas family.

It took Lu Fei a long time to fully grasp it after taking over, and he made extensive changes behind Murray's back.

Before, only Lu Fei and his security team captain transferred from China, Zhang Zhiyu, a former member of the Zhulong combat team, knew about it.

Lu Fei left Tianbao in charge of security, and of course he had to know about it. .??.

Half an hour later, Tianbao remembered it completely and returned the map to Lu Fei.

"After I leave, the second brother here will be responsible for the external affairs, and the internal affairs will all depend on you.

You must always be wary of Murray. Although he seems quite honest, he is not one of our own. If there is any abnormality, please notify me as soon as possible. "


"Also, if someone from the Xiao family comes, no matter who they are, they must be strictly checked. Except for my mother, no one from the Xiao family can get close to Xinyi. Do you understand?"

Tianbao patted his chest and promised, and Lu Fei explained some details before letting him leave.

After checking the time, Lu Fei went out to say hello to everyone and returned to his new house.

Entering the wedding room, Lu Fei's eyes lit up.

The festive wedding room is filled with fragrance.

The overhead light is turned off and the bedside lamp is turned on to a minimum, creating a dark and mysterious atmosphere in the room.

The graceful bride dressed in bright red is sitting on the bedside

, wearing a big red mandarin duck hijab on his head, full of mystery.

It seems like you haven’t rehearsed this show before?

Whose idea was this?

Very creative!

"Xinyi, I'm back."

Lu Fei spoke, but the bride did not answer.

Hey, you know how to play!

Seeing this, Lu Fei put aside all trivial matters, and his little heart jumped with excitement.

The bride didn't answer, so Lu Fei had to walk over quietly.

Still two meters away from the bride, Lu Fei could already hear her nervous breathing.


Taking off his coat and putting it aside, Lu Fei couldn't wait to come to the bride, held a corner of the hijab, and wanted to lift it but became inexplicably nervous.


It’s a bit exciting!


One corner of the hijab was slowly lifted up, the movement was gentle and full of ritual.

After opening it a little bit, the familiar body fragrance made Lu Fei unable to stop. His hormone secretion accelerated and his palms started to sweat.

Finally, the white and round chin appeared in Lu Fei's sight, followed by the sexy and moist red lips, the suet-like nose, and then the slightly beating, elf-like long eyelashes and the slightly closed beautiful eyes.

Appreciating a single organ is already extremely beautiful.

But when they are blended together, they instantly become a perfect work that is hard to find in the world or in heaven. Its beauty is simply astonishing.

After taking off the hijab, the beautiful bride Wang Xinyi slowly opened her eyes, raised her head and looked at Lu Fei, with a charming and happy smile on her face.

"Do you like it?" Wang Xinyi asked sweetly.

"Xinyi, you are so beautiful."

"My beauty is only for you."

"Nice to have you!"

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