A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2664 Royal Collection

The enthusiasm shown by Lu Fei moved the Queen and every member of the royal family.

This may be Lu Fei's noble character.

This may also be the way Eastern people conduct themselves in the world.

Regardless, it was a perfect meeting that made the Queen more confident in her purpose.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Lu Fei and the Queen, surrounded by everyone, went to the reception hall where the heads of state VIPs were received.

The waiter brought tea, dried fruits and various fruits. Looking closely, they were full of Chinese elements.

In fact, in the UK, tea is also one of the most popular drinks among locals. However, British people do not drink so many types of tea. They generally like to drink black tea.

What the royal family entertained Lu Fei today was the most famous Wuyi Mountain mother tree in China, the Dahongpao.

This tea is a species more precious than giant pandas in China. Being able to drink it in the royal family shows that they are full of sincerity. ??

It has to be said that the royal family's reception for Lu Fei was indeed very grand, but this made Wang Xinlei and Lu Fei very uncomfortable.

The reason is their innate aristocratic culture.

No matter what you do, you must pay attention to the sense of ceremony.

When Jason gave Lu Fei the treasure, just opening the box made Lu Fei's head hurt, not to mention there were so many rituals now.

But after all, this is a sign of respect for you, so you have to endure it even if you feel uncomfortable.

This is like when you are a guest at someone's house, and they give you the cigarettes they think are the best. Even if you disdain the cigarettes, you have to accept them happily, otherwise are you still a human being?

Anyway, Lu Fei, who has been born in two lifetimes, cannot do such shameless things, not to mention that he has no grudges against the royal family.

Everyone sat down, and the Queen and Lu Fei just chatted casually about home affairs.

For example, asking Lu Fei what his hobbies are, as well as various tidbits about yesterday's wedding, etc. As for the main topic, now is obviously not the time.

This is also a reflection of the royal family's diplomatic ability, which is simply experience.

After chatting for more than half an hour, everyone moved to the restaurant.

The queen arranged a sumptuous lunch for Lu Fei, most of which was Chinese cuisine.

Chinese food and Western food were put on the table at the same time, which seemed a bit nondescript, but this allowed Lu Fei to see the sincerity of the royal family. In short, he was very satisfied.

At the end of lunch, the Queen put down her knife and fork gracefully and smiled politely.

"Mr. Lu Fei, I heard that you love collecting. It just so happens that our royal family also collects some ancient Chinese art. If you are interested, you can ask Jason to accompany you to visit."

Speaking of collectibles, Lu Fei is certainly interested.

To be honest, what attracted Lu Fei here was their collection.


As for cooperation, Lu Fei doesn't care at all.

First of all, Lu Fei is not short of money.

To him, money is just a number, and Elder Ma's pretentious words could not be more appropriate for Lu Fei.

Lu Fei really has no interest in money.

With his status and reputation, if he wants to develop a project, people who take the initiative to cooperate with him can line up from here to Spain. There is no need for him to rush to find cooperation with the royal family.

On the contrary, their collections were extremely attractive to Lu Fei.

Overseas, apart from the British Museum, the British royal family is probably the family with the most Chinese cultural relics.

Moreover, in terms of quality, the royal family may be much higher than the British Museum.

The Chinese cultural relics in the British Museum were donated by the royal family and several dukes. You can appreciate the rest carefully.

If it were you, you would be donating in vain, and you would be donating ordinary things that you don’t like. You will definitely keep the good things for yourself to appreciate. Therefore, the royal family must have many good treasures. The gourd bottle that Jason gave to himself is just that. It explains everything.

Lu Fei showed no pretense, smiled and nodded.

"You are right. My biggest hobby is collecting. It is my honor to appreciate the royal family's collection. If it is convenient, I would like to visit it very much."

Seeing Lu Fei's expression, the queen was overjoyed.

Well, I guessed it right!

Lu Fei must have taken a fancy to their collection, and then he looked at Jason in a different light.


As long as you like it, if you can adapt to it, it will be a great help to our subsequent negotiations.

"Mr. Lu Fei, you're welcome.

In this case, let Jason and Alan accompany you to visit, and I will go back and take a rest.

After your visit, please move to the inner palace to drink tea. "

"Okay, please help yourself."

The queen left happily, and Jason and Allen guided Lu Fei and Wang Xinlei to the royal collection room.

The royal collection is a separate building. Its name is similar to a European castle. It has a semicircular design and a sense of age. It covers a total area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters.

This size is much larger than the exhibition halls of domestic provincial museums.

There was no security guard in front of the collection hall. It was unclear whether there had been none before or whether Lu Fei had deliberately left it to show his trust. In short, it made Lu Fei feel very comfortable.

"Mr. Lu Fei, this is the collection that our royal family has inherited for more than 400 years. It contains cultural and artistic treasures from many countries. I think you will like it."

Jason's face was full of pride when he said this. The enthusiasm shown by Lu Fei moved the Queen and every member of the royal family.

This may be Lu Fei's noble character.

This may also be the way Eastern people conduct themselves in the world.

Regardless, it was a perfect meeting that made the Queen more confident in her purpose.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Lu Fei and the Queen, surrounded by everyone, went to the reception hall where the heads of state VIPs were received.

The waiter brought tea, dried fruits and various fruits. Looking closely, they were full of Chinese elements.

In fact, in the UK, tea is also one of the most popular drinks among locals. However, British people do not drink so many types of tea. They generally like to drink black tea.

What the royal family entertained Lu Fei today was the most famous Wuyi Mountain mother tree in China, the Dahongpao.

This tea is a species more precious than giant pandas in China. Being able to drink it in the royal family shows that they are full of sincerity. ??

It has to be said that the royal family's reception for Lu Fei was indeed very grand, but this made Wang Xinlei and Lu Fei very uncomfortable.

The reason is their innate aristocratic culture.

No matter what you do, you must pay attention to the sense of ceremony.

When Jason gave Lu Fei the treasure, just opening the box made Lu Fei's head hurt, not to mention there were so many rituals now.

But after all, this is a sign of respect for you, so you have to endure it even if you feel uncomfortable.

This is like when you are a guest at someone's house, and they give you the cigarettes they think are the best. Even if you disdain the cigarettes, you have to accept them happily, otherwise are you still a human being?

Anyway, Lu Fei, who has been born in two lifetimes, cannot do such shameless things, not to mention that he has no grudges against the royal family.

Everyone sat down, and the Queen and Lu Fei just chatted casually about home affairs.

For example, asking Lu Fei what his hobbies are, as well as various tidbits about yesterday's wedding, etc. As for the main topic, now is obviously not the time.

This is also a reflection of the royal family's diplomatic ability, which is simply experience.

After chatting for more than half an hour, everyone moved to the restaurant.

The queen arranged a sumptuous lunch for Lu Fei, most of which was Chinese cuisine.

Chinese food and Western food were put on the table at the same time, which seemed a bit nondescript, but this allowed Lu Fei to see the sincerity of the royal family. In short, he was very satisfied.

At the end of lunch, the Queen put down her knife and fork gracefully and smiled politely.

"Mr. Lu Fei, I heard that you love collecting. It just so happens that our royal family also collects some ancient Chinese art. If you are interested, you can ask Jason to accompany you to visit."

Speaking of collectibles, Lu Fei is certainly interested.

To be honest, what attracted Lu Fei here was their collection.


As for cooperation, Lu Fei doesn't care at all.

First of all, Lu Fei is not short of money.

To him, money is just a number, and Elder Ma's pretentious words could not be more appropriate for Lu Fei.

Lu Fei really has no interest in money.

With his status and reputation, if he wants to develop a project, people who take the initiative to cooperate with him can line up from here to Spain. There is no need for him to rush to find cooperation with the royal family.

On the contrary, their collections were extremely attractive to Lu Fei.

Overseas, apart from the British Museum, the British royal family is probably the family with the most Chinese cultural relics.

Moreover, in terms of quality, the royal family may be much higher than the British Museum.

The Chinese cultural relics in the British Museum were donated by the royal family and several dukes. You can appreciate the rest carefully.

If it were you, you would be donating in vain, and you would be donating ordinary things that you don’t like. You will definitely keep the good things for yourself to appreciate. Therefore, the royal family must have many good treasures. The gourd bottle that Jason gave to himself is just that. It explains everything.

Lu Fei showed no pretense, smiled and nodded.

"You are right. My biggest hobby is collecting. It is my honor to appreciate the royal family's collection. If it is convenient, I would like to visit it very much."

Seeing Lu Fei's expression, the queen was overjoyed.

Well, I guessed it right!

Lu Fei must have taken a fancy to their collection, and then he looked at Jason in a different light.


As long as you like it, if you can adapt to it, it will be a great help to our subsequent negotiations.

"Mr. Lu Fei, you're welcome.

In this case, let Jason and Alan accompany you to visit, and I will go back and take a rest.

After your visit, please move to the inner palace to drink tea. "

"Okay, please help yourself."

The queen left happily, and Jason and Allen guided Lu Fei and Wang Xinlei to the royal collection room.

The royal collection is a separate building. Its name is similar to a European castle. It has a semicircular design and a sense of age. It covers a total area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters.

This size is much larger than the exhibition halls of domestic provincial museums.

There was no security guard in front of the collection hall. It was unclear whether there had been none before or whether Lu Fei had deliberately left it to show his trust. In short, it made Lu Fei feel very comfortable.

"Mr. Lu Fei, this is the collection that our royal family has inherited for more than 400 years. It contains cultural and artistic treasures from many countries. I think you will like it."

Jason's face was full of pride when he said this.

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