A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2676 Why should I help you?

Lu Fei refused, and Jason's face was full of frustration, but he still didn't give up.

"Mr. Lu Fei, Her Majesty the Queen attaches great importance to you. Although she may not necessarily adopt your opinions, there is still a great chance.

I don't ask you to help me sit in the position of crown prince. I just hope that you can tell Her Majesty the Queen that even if you can't, I will be very grateful. " Jason pleaded.

Lu Fei laughed when he heard this: "Jason, you think too highly of me. I am just an ordinary businessman, and I speak lightly!"

"No, no, no, that's because you are too modest. .??.

With your strength, we are highly motivated to cooperate with you. Her Majesty the Queen will definitely take your opinions seriously. Please give me your thanks. "

Jason looked sincere. Lu Fei did not refuse directly this time. He took a puff of cigarette and stared at Jason for a while, which made Jason's hair stand on end.

"Maybe what you said makes sense, but why should I help you?"


At this time, Jason was immediately stunned.

Why help yourself?

Boss, you just said it yourself that we are friends. Isn't it okay to say something to your friend?

At this moment, Jason suddenly had the illusion that he seemed to have been tricked by Lu Fei.

Before he could react, Lu Fei continued: "Maybe what I said just now was not very clear. What I meant was that I will help you talk to the queen. That's no problem. The key is, what can I get if I say it?" benefit?"


After hearing what Lu Fei said, Jason suddenly became enlightened.

It turns out it’s about benefits!

You should have told me earlier, it really scared me!

However, you are so powerful, but you openly ask for benefits from me. Is this appropriate?

"Ahem, you're right, I definitely can't let your help go in vain.

As long as you say a word, no matter whether it is possible or not, I, Jason, owe you a favor. As long as you can use me, I will not refuse. "Jason promised.

Lu Fei waved his hand: "What you said is too far. My patience can't wait for that day. I just want to know what benefits I can get now."

Jason suddenly understood after hearing this.

Lu Fei is not interested in his favor!

But there's nothing wrong with that. He's just a prince in name only, not a crown prince yet. Apart from his illusory name, he's no different from ordinary people.

With Lu Fei's status, if he had any difficulties, everyone rushing to help would have to queue up, let alone himself. He would never be useful.

"What Mr. Lu Fei said is that I am too arrogant.

Well, I know you love collecting, so I will give you two separate collections, the value of which is absolutely not high.

Do you think it will be lower than the two items you just looked at? "

Promises don't work, so Jason turned to an honest bribery again.

Lu Fei suddenly laughed after listening to Jason's words, which made Jason feel uncomfortable all over.

"Mr. Lu Fei, me"

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Fei interrupted him with a wave of his hand, went up and patted Jason on the shoulder and said: "Jason, you are too nervous, I am joking with you, can't you see?

Don't forget what I said, we are friends! "


Jason almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and was almost driven crazy by Lu Fei's torture.

Brother, you are on the east end and the west end, what do you want?

If what you said is true, you might as well kill me.

Seeing Jason's confused reaction, Lu Fei smiled even more heartily.

“Relax Jason, I was just kidding you.

We are friends, of course I hope you get better and better, and I will be very happy if I can help you.

Don't you just want me to praise you in front of Her Majesty the Queen? Don't worry, it's simple. I will definitely tell her when I see her later.

However, I can't guarantee whether it will work or not. " Lu Fei said.


Jason's head was buzzing when he heard it.

The ups and downs in life are so exciting that I can’t stand it!

Just a moment ago, Lu Fei had the face of a profiteer, but in an instant he turned into an angelic beacon. This huge change made Jason feel a little unreal.

"Are you telling the truth?" Jason asked anxiously.

Lu Fei shrugged: "Of course."


Jason almost jumped up with excitement after receiving Lu Fei's affirmation.

"Thank you, thank you so much.

Don't worry, I will keep my word. I will not break my promise to you. I will have the collection delivered to your manor later. Thank you very much. "Jason was so excited that he was a little incoherent.

"Forget it, I was joking with you just now. It's just a simple matter for me to speak for you. If I want benefits from you, the nature will change.

I don’t ask you to report. If you really become the crown prince, I will be happy, and I will also benefit from our cooperation in the future. "

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Jason completely believed it and was even moved to the point of almost crying.

Thinking that he was still complaining about Lu Fei in his heart just now, Jason wanted to slap himself in the mouth. He was simply judging a gentleman with a villain's heart. It was so shameless.

The more Lu Fei said this, the more Jason felt speechless and begged Lu Fei to accept his gift, but Lu Fei refused, and Jason finally compromised. Lu Fei refused, and Jason's face was full of frustration, but he still didn't give up.

"Mr. Lu Fei, Her Majesty the Queen attaches great importance to you. Although she may not necessarily adopt your opinions, there is still a great chance.

I don't ask you to help me sit in the position of crown prince. I just hope that you can tell Her Majesty the Queen that even if you can't, I will be very grateful. " Jason pleaded.

Lu Fei laughed when he heard this: "Jason, you think too highly of me. I am just an ordinary businessman, and I speak lightly!"

“No, no, no, that’s because you are too modest.

With your strength, we are highly motivated to cooperate with you. Her Majesty the Queen will definitely take your opinions seriously. Please give me your thanks. "

Jason looked sincere. Lu Fei did not refuse directly this time. He took a puff of cigarette and stared at Jason for a while, which made Jason's hair stand on end. ??

"Maybe what you said makes sense, but why should I help you?"


At this time, Jason was immediately stunned.

Why help yourself?

Boss, you just said it yourself that we are friends. Isn't it okay to say something to your friend?

At this moment, Jason suddenly had the illusion that he seemed to have been tricked by Lu Fei.

Before he could react, Lu Fei continued: "Perhaps what I said just now was not very clear. What I meant was that I will help you talk to the Queen. That's no problem. The key is, what can I get if I say it?" benefit?"


After hearing what Lu Fei said, Jason suddenly became enlightened.

It turns out it’s about benefits!

You should have told me earlier, it really scared me!

However, you are so powerful, but you openly ask for benefits from me. Is this appropriate?

"Ahem, you're right, I definitely can't let your help go in vain.

As long as you say a word, no matter whether it is possible or not, I, Jason, owe you a favor. As long as you can use me, I will not refuse. "Jason promised.

Lu Fei waved his hand: "What you said is too far. My patience can't wait for that day. I just want to know what benefits I can get now."

Jason suddenly understood after hearing this.

Lu Fei is not interested in his favor!

But there's nothing wrong with that. He's just a prince in name only, not a crown prince yet. Apart from his illusory name, he's no different from ordinary people.

With Lu Fei's status, if he had any difficulties, everyone rushing to help would have to queue up, let alone himself. He would never be useful.

"What Mr. Lu Fei said is that I am too arrogant.

Well, I know you love collecting, so I will give you two separate collections, the value of which is absolutely not high.

Do you think it will be lower than the two items you just looked at? "

Promises don't work, so Jason turned to an honest bribery again.

Lu Fei suddenly laughed after listening to Jason's words, which made Jason feel uncomfortable all over.

"Mr. Lu Fei, me"

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Fei interrupted him with a wave of his hand, went up and patted Jason on the shoulder and said: "Jason, you are too nervous, I am joking with you, can't you see?

Don't forget what I said, we are friends! "


Jason almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and was almost driven crazy by Lu Fei's torture.

Brother, you are on the east end and the west end, what do you want?

If what you said is true, you might as well kill me.

Seeing Jason's confused reaction, Lu Fei smiled even more heartily.

“Relax Jason, I was just kidding you.

We are friends, of course I hope you get better and better, and I will be very happy if I can help you.

Don't you just want me to praise you in front of Her Majesty the Queen? Don't worry, it's simple. I will definitely tell her when I see her later.

However, I can't guarantee whether it will work or not. " Lu Fei said.


Jason's head was buzzing when he heard it.

The ups and downs in life are so exciting that I can’t stand it!

Just a moment ago, Lu Fei had the face of a profiteer, but in an instant he turned into an angelic beacon. This huge change made Jason feel a little unreal.

"Are you telling the truth?" Jason asked anxiously.

Lu Fei shrugged: "Of course."


Jason almost jumped up with excitement after receiving Lu Fei's affirmation.

"Thank you, thank you so much.

Don't worry, I will keep my word. I will not break my promise to you. I will have the collection delivered to your manor later. Thank you very much. "Jason was so excited that he was a little incoherent.

"Forget it, I was joking with you just now. It's just a simple matter for me to speak for you. If I want benefits from you, the nature will change.

I don’t ask you to report. If you really become the crown prince, I will be happy, and I will also benefit from our cooperation in the future. "

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Jason completely believed it and was even moved to the point of almost crying.

Thinking that he was still complaining about Lu Fei in his heart just now, Jason wanted to slap himself in the mouth. He was simply judging a gentleman with a villain's heart. It was so shameless.

The more Lu Fei said this, the more Jason felt speechless and begged Lu Fei to accept his gift, but Lu Fei refused, and Jason finally compromised.

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