A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2706 Something must be done

Lu Fei guessed that his company was investigated because Chen Honggang made a report to the senior management.

Moreover, Lu Fei was also sure that this situation would only occur if Chen Honggang reported it in person.

However, Lu Fei didn't resent his second uncle at all.

Because, from his perspective, he did exactly the right thing.

It is his duty and his mission to always be prepared for the safety of China.

Although he is his niece-in-law, personal gains and losses are insignificant in the face of national justice and the interests of China.

This is the mark engraved in the bones of an iron-blooded soldier that will never go away.

Similarly, if it were Chen Yunfei, he would definitely do the same.

Not to mention reporting truthfully, there is danger in joining China, and if Chen Yunfei can resolve this crisis by killing his own children, the old man will shoot his own children without hesitation, yes, without hesitation.

This is national justice.

Of course, Chen Honggang's report was just an introduction, and it was not up to him to decide how to take the next step.

Therefore, of course Lu Fei would not blame him, but Lu Fei would not remain indifferent either, because Lu Fei knew that the higher-ups were wary of, or even suspicious of, him.

If the leader believes in himself, even if Chen Honggang reports, he will not easily investigate himself.

Even if you take action against yourself, you must contact yourself beforehand and judge through conversation whether Lu Fei will do something that will harm the national interests, and then launch an investigation in an open and honest manner.

If this was the process, Lu Fei would have no complaints, but their current behavior really chilled Lu Fei.

After listening to Lu Fei's simple analysis, Chen Xiang complained a little.

She is no better than Chen Honggang. Although she is of the Chen family's blood, Chen Xiang's education is completely different from that of the previous generation.

In Chen Xiang's thinking, Lu Fei is the most important thing.

Lu Fei is his man. His second uncle doubted his man and reported it to the leader, making the leader suspicious of Lu Fei. This made Chen Xiang unable to accept it.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and said, "Don't blame my second uncle. An old man would do the same thing. Besides, the situation on my side will spread out sooner or later. My second uncle just accelerated the process."

"But we are a family after all!

Doesn't he take our feelings into consideration when he does this? "Chen Xiang said displeased.

"As I said, this is his duty.

Think about it, what would the leader think if he found out in the future that he knew what he knew but did not report it?

If that were the case, we would be unable to explain it even more clearly, and we would have to ask you to explain

The family is implicated.

We are not afraid of slanting shadows, let alone their investigations.

Besides, we had communicated with my second uncle before he went back, so I was mentally prepared.

Also, this is just my guess, maybe it’s not the case? " Lu Fei said.

"Impossible. I know him. From your analysis, it must be him who said it." Chen Xiang was still filled with indignation.

"Okay, let's stop this matter. You must not question my second uncle, otherwise it will affect the relationship between us.

I believe that even if he reported to the superiors, he would not doubt me, otherwise the situation would not be like this. " Lu Fei said.

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Chen Xiang nodded and relaxed a little.

However, thinking of the current situation, Chen Xiang frowned again: "If they are investigating like this, nothing will really happen, right?"

After the two received their certificates, Lu Fei made everything clear about his situation to Chen Xiang.

Of course, what he talked about was only about business. Lu Fei didn't talk about his collecting experience, and there was no need for it.

When he came to London this time, Lu Fei briefly talked to Chen Xiang about the situation in Europe and the Xiao family.

Knowing Lu Fei's true strength, Chen Xiang was also shocked. Because of this, Chen Xiang was very worried when he learned that Lu Fei was under investigation.

With such a large stall, it is difficult to cover everything. No one can guarantee that every detail is perfect. If some problems are found, it will be troublesome.

Moreover, Chen Xiang is well aware of the urinary nature of some officials in China. If they want to deal with you, they can just accuse you. Anyway, secretly investigating Lu Fei will be quite detrimental to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei shook his head: "I will tell you what I said to my second uncle again, China is my root, and I will never do anything to regret China.

Moreover, I was prepared and nothing would happen. However, their approach made me feel very uncomfortable. "

Chen Xiang nodded empathetically.

Lu Fei obviously thinks about China all the time.

Spend hundreds of billions to establish a foundation to fully support China’s archaeological undertakings.

Traveling around the world, trying every means to collect the twelve zodiac signs, donating them for free, investing outside, moving the company back to China, paying taxes to China, and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, etc., etc., etc., Lu Fei can be said to be wholeheartedly For the sake of Shenzhou, the result was distrust, and a secret investigation of Lu Fei was launched, which would be chilling for anyone else.

"Then what are you going to do?

Husband, I believe you will not do anything that will endanger China, but I think we must do something, otherwise, they will only become more emboldened in the future. "Lu Fei guessed that his company was investigated because Chen Honggang made a report to the senior management.

Moreover, Lu Fei was also sure that this situation would only occur if Chen Honggang reported it in person.

However, Lu Fei didn't resent his second uncle at all.

Because, from his perspective, he did exactly the right thing.

It is his duty and his mission to always be prepared for the safety of China.

Although he is his niece-in-law, personal gains and losses are insignificant in the face of national justice and the interests of China.

This is the mark engraved in the bones of an iron-blooded soldier that will never go away.

Similarly, if it were Chen Yunfei, he would definitely do the same.

Not to mention reporting truthfully, there is danger in joining China, and if Chen Yunfei can resolve this crisis by killing his own children, the old man will shoot his own children without hesitation, yes, without hesitation.

This is national justice.

Of course, Chen Honggang's report was just an introduction, and it was not up to him to decide how to take the next step.

Therefore, of course Lu Fei would not blame him, but Lu Fei would not remain indifferent either, because Lu Fei knew that the higher-ups were wary of, or even suspicious of, him.

If the leader believes in himself, even if Chen Honggang reports, he will not easily investigate himself.

Even if you take action against yourself, you must contact yourself beforehand and judge through conversation whether Lu Fei will do something that will harm the national interests, and then launch an investigation in an open and honest manner.

If this was the process, Lu Fei would have no complaints, but their current behavior really chilled Lu Fei.

After listening to Lu Fei's simple analysis, Chen Xiang complained a little.

She is no better than Chen Honggang. Although she is of the Chen family's blood, Chen Xiang's education is completely different from that of the previous generation.

In Chen Xiang's thinking, Lu Fei is the most important thing.

Lu Fei is his man. His second uncle doubted his man and reported it to the leader, making the leader suspicious of Lu Fei. This made Chen Xiang unable to accept it.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and said, "Don't blame my second uncle. An old man would do the same thing. Besides, the situation on my side will spread out sooner or later. My second uncle just accelerated the process."

"But we are a family after all!

Doesn't he take our feelings into consideration when he does this? "Chen Xiang said displeased.

"As I said, this is his duty.

Think about it, what would the leader think if he found out in the future that he knew what he knew but did not report it?

If that were the case, we would be unable to explain it even more clearly, and we would have to ask you to explain

The family is implicated.

We are not afraid of slanting shadows, let alone their investigations.

Besides, we had communicated with my second uncle before he went back, so I was mentally prepared.

Also, this is just my guess, maybe it’s not the case? " Lu Fei said.

"Impossible. I know him. From your analysis, it must be him who said it." Chen Xiang was still filled with indignation.

"Okay, let's stop this matter. You must not question my second uncle, otherwise it will affect the relationship between us.

I believe that even if he reported to the superiors, he would not doubt me, otherwise the situation would not be like this. " Lu Fei said.

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Chen Xiang nodded and relaxed a little.

However, thinking of the current situation, Chen Xiang frowned again: "If they are investigating like this, nothing will really happen, right?"

After the two received their certificates, Lu Fei made everything clear about his situation to Chen Xiang.

Of course, what he talked about was only about business. Lu Fei didn't talk about his collecting experience, and there was no need for it.

When he came to London this time, Lu Fei briefly talked to Chen Xiang about the situation in Europe and the Xiao family.

Knowing Lu Fei's true strength, Chen Xiang was also shocked. Because of this, Chen Xiang was very worried when he learned that Lu Fei was under investigation.

With such a large stall, it is difficult to cover everything. No one can guarantee that every detail is perfect. If some problems are found, it will be troublesome.

Moreover, Chen Xiang is well aware of the urinary nature of some officials in China. If they want to deal with you, they can just accuse you. Anyway, secretly investigating Lu Fei will be quite detrimental to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei shook his head: "I will tell you what I said to my second uncle again, China is my root, and I will never do anything to regret China.

Moreover, I was prepared and nothing would happen. However, their approach made me feel very uncomfortable. "

Chen Xiang nodded empathetically.

Lu Fei obviously thinks about China all the time.

Spend hundreds of billions to establish a foundation to fully support China’s archaeological undertakings.

Traveling around the world, trying every means to collect the twelve zodiac signs, donating them for free, investing outside, moving the company back to China, paying taxes to China, and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, etc., etc., etc., Lu Fei can be said to be wholeheartedly For the sake of Shenzhou, the result was distrust, and a secret investigation of Lu Fei was launched, which would be chilling for anyone else.

"Then what are you going to do?

Husband, I believe you will not do anything that will endanger China, but I think we must do something, otherwise, they will only become more emboldened in the future. "

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