A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2711 It’s time to enjoy life

At 8pm China time, Lu Fei updated his Weibo updates.

As for the name Lu Fei, it has already become popular.

Today's Lu Fei is much more popular than those top artists.

People follow him from all ages and from all walks of life, and his popularity is truly unprecedented.

Although Lu Fei rarely updates his news, his popularity on the Internet cannot be underestimated.

Almost every moment, someone was paying attention to Lu Fei's every move.

While Lu Fei was updating his news, tens of thousands of netizens who were following Lu Fei suddenly discovered that Lu Fei's profile picture was finally flashing after more than half a year, which surprised them.

Good guy, when was the last time Mr. Lu updated us? .??.

Oh, by the way, Mr. Lu posted a photo last time. In the photo, Lu Fei was holding a golden knife studded with precious stones. Speaking of which, it has been at least more than half a year now, and Mr. Lu finally updated it again. .

Excited netizens couldn’t wait to click on it to check it out.


This time there was no golden sword, just a brief sentence.

【It’s time to enjoy life! 】


enjoy life?

You are a billionaire!

Aren’t you enjoying life all the time?

Post this now, what does it mean?

For a moment, netizens who saw the update were collectively stunned.

Well, it doesn’t matter if you’re confused, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. Anyway, it’s just Mr. Lu’s update that is the hot topic. Don’t say anything else and repost it quickly.

Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that others don't understand it. There will always be analysts who can analyze what Mr. Lu means by his words.

As a result, countless netizens immediately began to forward this sentence updated by Lu Fei.

In just ten minutes, Lu Fei's Weibo post was retweeted more than 300,000 times, and the data is still increasing exponentially.

What is flow? This is flow.

What is hot?

Lu Fei's popularity is booming.

While forwarding, the analyst who netizens were looking forward to did not disappoint everyone.

Less than a minute after Lu Fei updated his Weibo, another piece of explosive news swept across the Internet with lightning speed, almost paralyzing China's network.

[Shocking: The official website of Ascendas Group announced that Xing Shuya, the former president of Ascendas Pharmaceuticals, has taken over as the chairman of Ascendas Group. 】

[Extra: Han Bing, President of Ascendas Entertainment, takes over as Chairman of Ascendas Entertainment and serves as Vice President of Ascendas Group. 】

[Breaking news: Beauty Daily Chemical Company, a subsidiary of former Tengfei Pharmaceuticals, announced its independence. Yuan Yun

The deputy general manager of Long Group's Beida Region will serve as the chairman of the beauty company. 】

[Special news: Ms. Wang Xinyi, chairman of Yimei Investment Company, announced her withdrawal. From now on, former company president Mr. Qingtian Shituo will take over as chairman of Yimei Investment Company. 】

[Exclusive report: It is reported that Mr. Lu Fei, the former chairman of Ascendas Group, died due to physical reasons.]

[East China News Network: According to reliable information, Ms. Xing Shuya, the new chairman of Ascendas Group, will become the legal representative of Ascendas Group. 】


In a short period of time, various news about Ascendas Group and Yimei Investment sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

People were dumbfounded by the breaking news, and the various bizarre analyzes made it impossible for people to tell which one was true.

However, the official website of Ascendas Group, as well as the official websites of Yimei Investment and Meiyan Daily Chemicals, have updated the announcement simultaneously. This is to tell everyone that what is said on the Internet is absolutely true, and Ascendas Group has really changed its blood.

Combined with Lu Fei's updated news, this becomes clear at a glance.

Lu Fei is retiring and is ready to enjoy life.

Combining Lu Fei's Weibo updates with the company's official website announcement, the facts are clear at a glance. China was shocked and the business world was completely boiling.

Ascendas Group's website was completely paralyzed in less than two minutes, and the company's hotline was also flooded with calls.

All major mainstream news media immediately put aside all interviews and flew straight to Jincheng to obtain first-hand information.

The business leaders in China were collectively confused, the companies that Ascendas Group cooperated with were even more confused, and the agents under Ascendas Pharmaceuticals were all dumbfounded.

What on earth is going on!

I haven't heard any news before, so this won't affect their cooperation with Ascendas Group!

For a time, the partners were panicked and tried every means to contact the senior management of Ascendas Group, but the phone calls could not be reached at all.

These bosses finally couldn't sit still anymore and ordered the secretary to immediately buy a ticket to Jincheng and go to Jincheng headquarters to find out the situation.

Major websites and media are also going crazy. If they can't contact Xing Shuya, Han Bing and others, then they should contact the group executives.


Can't get in touch with the executives?

That's your business. I don't care what methods you use. You must figure out what happened to Ascendas Group as soon as possible.

For a time, countless reporters rushed here and there like headless flies. Everyone who had anything to do with Ascendas Group was not spared, and they were all chased and intercepted by the reporters.

Major websites and online platforms temporarily changed their programs and invited various experts to analyze the reasons for the sudden shock of Ascendas Group. For a while, the headlines about Lu Fei's retirement and Ascendas Group's replacement became popular throughout China. At 8pm China time, Lu Fei updated his Weibo updates.

As for the name Lu Fei, it has already become popular.

Today's Lu Fei is much more popular than those top artists.

People follow him from all ages and from all walks of life, and his popularity is truly unprecedented.

Although Lu Fei rarely updates his news, his popularity on the Internet cannot be underestimated.

Almost every moment, someone was paying attention to Lu Fei's every move.

While Lu Fei was updating his news, tens of thousands of netizens who were following Lu Fei suddenly discovered that Lu Fei's profile picture was finally flashing after more than half a year, which surprised them.

Good guy, when was the last time Mr. Lu updated us?

Oh, by the way, Mr. Lu posted a photo last time. In the photo, Lu Fei was holding a golden knife studded with precious stones. Speaking of which, it has been at least more than half a year now, and Mr. Lu finally updated it again. .

Excited netizens couldn’t wait to click on it to check it out.


This time there was no golden sword, just a brief sentence.

【It’s time to enjoy life! 】


enjoy life?

You are a billionaire!

Aren’t you enjoying life all the time?

Post this now, what does it mean?

For a moment, netizens who saw the update were collectively stunned.

Well, it doesn’t matter if you’re confused, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. Anyway, it’s just Mr. Lu’s update that is the hot topic. Don’t say anything else and repost it quickly.

Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that others don't understand it. There will always be analysts who can analyze what Mr. Lu means by his words.

As a result, countless netizens immediately began to forward this sentence updated by Lu Fei.

In just ten minutes, Lu Fei's Weibo post was retweeted more than 300,000 times, and the data is still increasing exponentially.

What is flow? This is flow.

What is hot?

Lu Fei's popularity is booming.

While forwarding, the analyst who netizens were looking forward to did not disappoint everyone.

Less than a minute after Lu Fei updated his Weibo, another piece of explosive news swept across the Internet with lightning speed, almost paralyzing China's network.

[Shocking: The official website of Ascendas Group announced that Xing Shuya, the former president of Ascendas Pharmaceuticals, has taken over as the chairman of Ascendas Group. 】

[Extra: Han Bing, President of Ascendas Entertainment, takes over as Chairman of Ascendas Entertainment and serves as Vice President of Ascendas Group. 】

[Breaking news: Beauty Daily Chemical Company, a subsidiary of former Tengfei Pharmaceuticals, announced its independence. Yuan Yun

The deputy general manager of Long Group's Beida Region will serve as the chairman of the beauty company. 】

[Special news: Ms. Wang Xinyi, chairman of Yimei Investment Company, announced her withdrawal. From now on, former company president Mr. Qingtian Shituo will take over as chairman of Yimei Investment Company. 】

[Exclusive report: It is reported that Mr. Lu Fei, the former chairman of Ascendas Group, died due to physical reasons.]

[East China News Network: According to reliable information, Ms. Xing Shuya, the new chairman of Ascendas Group, will become the legal representative of Ascendas Group. 】


In a short period of time, various news about Ascendas Group and Yimei Investment sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

People were dumbfounded by the breaking news, and the various bizarre analyzes made it impossible for people to tell which one was true.

However, the official website of Ascendas Group, as well as the official websites of Yimei Investment and Meiyan Daily Chemicals, have updated their announcements simultaneously. This is to tell everyone that what is said on the Internet is absolutely true, and Ascendas Group has really changed its blood.

Combined with Lu Fei's updated news, this becomes clear at a glance.

Lu Fei is retiring and is ready to enjoy life.

Combining Lu Fei's Weibo updates with the company's official website announcement, the facts are clear at a glance. China was shocked and the business world was completely boiling.

Ascendas Group's website was completely paralyzed in less than two minutes, and the company's hotline was also flooded with calls.

All major mainstream news media immediately put aside all interviews and flew straight to Jincheng to obtain first-hand information.

The business leaders in China were collectively confused, the companies that Ascendas Group cooperated with were even more confused, and the agents under Ascendas Pharmaceuticals were all dumbfounded.

What on earth is going on!

I haven't heard any news before, so this won't affect their cooperation with Ascendas Group!

For a time, the partners were panicked and tried every means to contact the senior management of Ascendas Group, but the phone calls could not be reached at all.

These bosses finally couldn't sit still anymore and ordered the secretary to immediately buy a ticket to Jincheng and go to Jincheng headquarters to find out the situation.

Major websites and media are also going crazy. If they can't contact Xing Shuya, Han Bing and others, then they should contact the group executives.


Can't get in touch with the executives?

That's your business. I don't care what methods you use. You must figure out what happened to Ascendas Group as soon as possible.

For a time, countless reporters rushed here and there like headless flies. Everyone who had anything to do with Ascendas Group was not spared, and they were all chased and intercepted by the reporters.

Major websites and online platforms temporarily changed their programs and invited various experts to analyze the reasons for the sudden shock of Ascendas Group. For a while, the headlines about Lu Fei's retirement and Ascendas Group's replacement became popular throughout China.

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