A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2714 Resignation

Pan Xingzhou was really anxious.

He believed that Lu Fei's character was correct, but as he was in a high position, he knew that in history, there were countless incidents where the government forced the people to rebel.

Lu Fei didn't think much about it at first, but if Lu Fei was pushed into a hurry, it would be hard to say.


Lu Fei is devoted to China.

He spent hundreds of billions to establish an archaeological foundation, donated treasures to the country free of charge, acted in accordance with the law, and paid taxes according to regulations. Moreover, for the sake of China's archaeological cause, he also agreed to serve as the general consultant of China's historical archaeology. .??.

You know, Lu Fei is a rich man with a net worth of hundreds of billions. He gives up his time to enjoy life to wipe the butt of the archaeological team. What a noble character and realm this is!

As a result, you are investigating others behind their backs and stumbling upon them at every turn. Anyone else would be disappointed.

And isn't Lu Fei's current behavior an expression of dissatisfaction?

If the misunderstanding continues and Lu Fei is really offended, the consequences will be disastrous!

Whether Lu Fei did something extreme or Lu Fei was determined not to serve the country in the future, it was a huge loss to China. Therefore, Pan Xingzhou couldn't sit still and came to the No. 3 leader to discuss and find a way to dispel Lu Fei's Misunderstand.

Why do you say it's a misunderstanding?

Because the investigation of Lu Fei was not done by them at all.

As for the reason, it is an internal problem within the top management. The current situation is that Pan Xingzhou has become the scapegoat. Do you think he can not be anxious?

Leader No. 3 understood what Pan Xingzhou meant and understood his mood.

"Xiao Pan, I understand everything you said, but you know the current internal situation, and we really don't have anything to say.

You must have confidence in Comrade Lu Fei. I believe that his original intention will not waver. Besides, with Lu Fei's emotional intelligence and wisdom, he should not misunderstand. I believe that he will be able to see through it. "


Before Pan Xingzhou could say anything, there was a knock on the door outside.

The person who came in was the wife of leader number three.

"What's going on?" Leader No. 3 asked.

"Someone looking for you."


"Mr. Su and Xiao Chen!"

Su Baozhen and Chen Honggang?

Why are they here?

Leader No. 3 was stunned for a moment and immediately stood up.


When Su Baozhen and Chen Honggang were invited in, their expressions were also quite ugly.

"Mr. Su, leader, you guys chat, I'll go back first."

It was obvious that Su Baozhen had something to report to leader No. 3. Although we usually have a good relationship with each other, Pan Xingzhou should avoid such occasions.

As a result, as soon as he said goodbye, Su Baozhen stopped him.

"Xiao Pan, you don't have to avoid it, I think we have to

It's all about the same problem. "

"Lu Fei?"

Su Baozhen nodded. Leader No. 3 felt a little headache.

Signaling everyone to sit down, Su Baozhen took a document from Chen Honggang and placed it on the coffee table.

"What is this?" Leader No. 3 asked.

"Lu Fei's resignation letter. He sent an email to the Wulong Brigade and the Military Department, applying to resign from the position of Wulong's chief instructor."


After listening to what Su Baozhen said, leader No. 3 stood up with an angry look on his face.


“What does he think this place is?

This is an appointment from the military department. Is it something he just wants to do if he doesn't want to do it?

What on earth does this bastard want to do? "

Leader No. 3 was furious, and Pan Xingzhou was also taken aback, looking at Chen Honggang in disbelief.

Pan Xingzhou really didn't understand why Lu Fei resigned from his position as chief instructor.

Doesn't he know what this position means to him?

Chief instructor of Wulong, with the rank of university, this is his amulet!

With this amulet, as long as he does not commit a heinous crime, he can be protected.

With this identity, ordinary monsters and demons would not dare to take his chances. This would not only be beneficial to him, but also beneficial to his business and family!

I don’t want such an awesome amulet anymore. Is this guy crazy?

Leader No. 3 vented his karmic anger. He sat down and breathed heavily. It took him a while to calm down, but his face was still frighteningly gloomy.

At this moment, Su Baozhen took out another document and put it on the coffee table.

Seeing this scene, Leader No. 3 felt that his blood pressure was rising again.

"What is this?" Leader No. 3 asked.

"This is the contract Lu Fei signed with the military, as well as the guarantee letter signed by Mr. Kong, and a copy of Lu Fei's appointment letter." Su Baozhen said.

"Signed contract?

What contract?

Why are you showing me this? "

Leader No. 3 was a little confused.

What kind of plane?

How come the military department still has a contract with Lu Fei?

This is not in accordance with the procedure!

"Leader, there is a reason why Lu Fei was hired as the chief instructor of Xuanlong.

At that time, the Special Branch and Xuanlong jointly investigated the Hongshan cultural smuggling case. As a result, the case investigation encountered difficulties. There was a lack of knowledgeable people to act as undercover agents and investigate secretly. It was for this reason that Mr. Kong recommended Lu Fei to Xuanlong. .

At that time, he was given the title of Xuanlong Chief Instructor, which was a nominal position so that he could dispatch Xuanlong personnel to cooperate with the case. Lu Fei later agreed, but he made a request to us, which was that he could resign from this position at any time. "Pan Xingzhou is really anxious.

He believed that Lu Fei's character was correct, but as he was in a high position, he knew that in history, there were countless incidents where the government forced the people to rebel.

Lu Fei didn't think much about it at first, but if Lu Fei was pushed into a hurry, it would be hard to say.


Lu Fei is devoted to China.

He spent hundreds of billions to establish an archaeological foundation, donated treasures to the country free of charge, acted in accordance with the law, and paid taxes according to regulations. Moreover, for the sake of China's archaeological cause, he also agreed to serve as the general consultant of China's historical archaeology.

You know, Lu Fei is a rich man with a net worth of hundreds of billions. He gives up his time to enjoy life to wipe the butt of the archaeological team. What a noble character and realm this is!

As a result, you are investigating others behind their backs and stumbling upon them at every turn. Anyone else would be disappointed.

And isn't Lu Fei's current behavior an expression of dissatisfaction?

If the misunderstanding continues and Lu Fei is really offended, the consequences will be disastrous!

Whether Lu Fei did something extreme or Lu Fei was determined not to serve the country in the future, it was a huge loss to China. Therefore, Pan Xingzhou couldn't sit still and came to the No. 3 leader to discuss and find a way to dispel Lu Fei's Misunderstand.

Why do you say it's a misunderstanding?

Because the investigation of Lu Fei was not done by them at all.

As for the reason, it is an internal problem within the top management. The current situation is that Pan Xingzhou has become the scapegoat. Do you think he can not be anxious?

Leader No. 3 understood what Pan Xingzhou meant and understood his mood.

"Xiao Pan, I understand everything you said, but you know the current internal situation, and we really don't have anything to say.

You must have confidence in Comrade Lu Fei. I believe that his original intention will not waver. Besides, with Lu Fei's emotional intelligence and wisdom, he should not misunderstand. I believe that he will be able to see through it. "


Before Pan Xingzhou could say anything, there was a knock on the door outside.

The person who came in was the wife of leader number three.

"What's going on?" Leader No. 3 asked.

"Someone looking for you."


"Mr. Su and Xiao Chen!"

Su Baozhen and Chen Honggang?

Why are they here?

Leader No. 3 was stunned for a moment and immediately stood up.


When Su Baozhen and Chen Honggang were invited in, their expressions were also quite ugly.

"Mr. Su, leader, you guys chat, I'll go back first."

It was obvious that Su Baozhen had something to report to leader No. 3. Although we usually have a good relationship with each other, Pan Xingzhou should avoid such occasions.

As a result, as soon as he said goodbye, Su Baozhen stopped him.

"Xiao Pan, you don't have to avoid it, I think we have to

It's all about the same problem. "

"Lu Fei?"

Su Baozhen nodded. Leader No. 3 felt a little headache.

Signaling everyone to sit down, Su Baozhen took a document from Chen Honggang and placed it on the coffee table.

"What is this?" Leader No. 3 asked.

"Lu Fei's resignation letter. He sent an email to the Wulong Brigade and the Military Department, applying to resign from the position of Wulong's chief instructor."


After listening to what Su Baozhen said, leader No. 3 stood up with an angry look on his face.


“What does he think this place is?

This is an appointment from the military department. Is it something he just wants to do if he doesn't want to do it?

What on earth does this bastard want to do? "

Leader No. 3 was furious, and Pan Xingzhou was also taken aback, looking at Chen Honggang in disbelief.

Pan Xingzhou really didn't understand why Lu Fei resigned from his position as chief instructor.

Doesn't he know what this position means to him?

Chief instructor of Wulong, with the rank of university, this is his amulet!

With this amulet, as long as he does not commit a heinous crime, he can be protected.

With this identity, ordinary monsters and demons would not dare to take his chances. This would not only be beneficial to him, but also beneficial to his business and family!

I don’t want such an awesome amulet anymore. Is this guy crazy?

Leader No. 3 vented his karmic anger. He sat down and breathed heavily. It took him a while to calm down, but his face was still frighteningly gloomy.

At this moment, Su Baozhen took out another document and put it on the coffee table.

Seeing this scene, Leader No. 3 felt that his blood pressure was rising again.

"What is this?" Leader No. 3 asked.

"This is the contract Lu Fei signed with the military, as well as the guarantee letter signed by Mr. Kong, and a copy of Lu Fei's appointment letter." Su Baozhen said.

"Signed contract?

What contract?

Why are you showing me this? "

Leader No. 3 was a little confused.

What kind of plane?

How come the military department still has a contract with Lu Fei?

This is not in accordance with the procedure!

"Leader, there is a reason why Lu Fei was hired as the chief instructor of Xuanlong.

At that time, the Special Branch and Xuanlong jointly investigated the Hongshan cultural smuggling case. As a result, the case investigation encountered difficulties. There was a lack of knowledgeable people to act as undercover agents and investigate secretly. It was for this reason that Mr. Kong recommended Lu Fei to Xuanlong. .

At that time, he was given the title of Xuanlong Chief Instructor, which was a nominal position so that he could dispatch Xuanlong personnel to cooperate with the case. Lu Fei later agreed, but he made a request to us, which was that he could resign from this position at any time. "

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