A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2737 Is there any more?

That night, Lu Fei received a call from Dong Jianye.

Dong Jianye received the order to prepare to evacuate Hong Kong Island. Before leaving, he wanted to invite Lu Fei to have a meal and chat, but Lu Fei refused.

"Just a casual chat."

"I have nothing to talk to you about."

"I invite you to dinner."

"forget it!

The cost of one of my meals is more than your year's salary, and you can't afford it. "


"No. It's human nature to not be full of melon seeds. Give me some face!"

"No time!"

"Depend on!

You've made me miserable all day, why don't you give me some face? "


It's none of my business that you've been messing with me all day?

I blame you for being greedy. Did I force you to eat carrots? "

"Damn it. Dududu."

"Your uncle"

In the end, Lu Fei didn't give Dong Jianye a chance to treat him, so Boss Dong could only leave Hong Kong Island unwillingly.

After the matter was settled, Lu Fei completely relaxed.

In the next few days, everything went smoothly at home and in Europe. In addition to working hard every day to make Chen Xiang pregnant, Lu Fei also did something serious.

After the Jewish land was acquired, Lu Fei asked Wade to help him find a playground planning and design master from Orlando to help plan and build a private playground for his children.

For several days in a row, no news was received from Lu Fei that he was preparing to immigrate. The senior leaders of China also breathed a sigh of relief and put Lu Fei's matter aside for the time being.

On this day, Guan Haishan, the headquarters of the Chinese Archaeological Team, received an email.

The second expansion of the Hong Kong Island Museum is opening. Guan Haishan is invited to go to Hong Kong Island to cut the ribbon.

Under normal circumstances, he, the general leader, would not come forward for this kind of matter, and would just send someone to act as his agent.

But then he received a message that made Guan Haishan change his mind.

The next day, Guan Haishan flew directly to Hong Kong Island with his secretary. The ribbon-cutting event went smoothly the next day. After the ribbon-cutting was completed, Guan Haishan was surrounded by leaders of the Hong Kong Island Museum and came to the reception room on the third floor. However, only Guan Haishan entered.

In fact, the purpose of coming here to cut the ribbon was not. The real purpose was that someone wanted to see him.

Opening the door, he saw the extremely familiar and thin figure. For a moment, Guan Haishan had a lot to say to him, but he didn't know where to start.

"Sit down!

It's a real honor for Lu Fei that Mr. Guan could take time out of his busy schedule to come and see me. Come on, come on, try the jasmine tea I brewed for you. Does it suit your taste? "

That's right, the person who wants to see Guan Haishan is Lu Fei.

Chen Honggang's guess was right. Lu Fei could let go of anything except

China’s archaeological undertaking cannot be let go.

Kong Fanlong's will is one of them. In addition, this is also Lu Fei's biggest wish.

Since he has decided not to take over the position of General Consultant of China Archeology for the time being, there is no one more suitable for this position than Guan Haishan for the time being.

However, this old guy's abilities are limited. In order to prevent the archaeological team from being destroyed in his hands, Lu Fei needs to make some explanations.

Guan Haishan picked up the tea cup and smelled it, then rolled his eyes.

"Are you really going to drink jasmine for me?

It’s so high breaking!

The rags are flying to your uncle, can you really learn to be a human being?

You have a net worth of one trillion yuan, and the tea leaves you usually use to cook tea eggs are of the highest quality. Why are you just giving me this to drink?

You are such a grandson!

Damn Fei, let me tell you, you will really be punished for being so wicked! "

Guan Haishan was full of complaints and his mouth was firing like a machine gun, but in the end he picked up the teacup and drank.

Lu Fei laughed.

"I am me, you are you, don't you drink this at home?

I'm afraid that with your little salary, you'll be able to keep it in your mouth, and you won't be able to drink other tea later.

I'm doing this for your own good! "

As soon as Lu Fei said these words, Guan Haishan's hand holding the tea cup couldn't help but pause, feeling inexplicably emotional in his heart.

Speaking of which, when Guan Haishan and Lu Fei talked about everything before, when Guan Haishan arrived at Lu Fei's place, it was as if he was at his own home.

No, even more generous than at home.

Lu Fei's good tea, he didn't miss Mixi at that time.

He made several cakes such as Dongding Oolong, Mingqian Longjing, Zishu Dahongpao, top-quality Jin Junmei, and even Lu Fei's old Pu'er.

At that time, whether at home or in the office, Guan Haishan's tea cans were of extraordinary quality, and they had experienced the life of a rich man for a while.

But before he knew it, that time had become a thing of the past. The good wine and tea were gone. Zhang Yiyuan once again became his spiritual sustenance. He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had been to Lu Fei's house.

I have to say that things in the world are unpredictable and fate has its way with people!

Lu Fei seemed to have read through his thoughts, and took out an ordinary black food bag from behind the sofa and pushed it over.

"Okay, don't be so emotional, I've prepared it for you!

These are tea leaves given to me by others. I am not used to drinking them. You can take them back when you leave and show off! "

Not used to drinking?

These words are obviously suspected of dismissing beggars. If others say it, Guan Haishan will definitely fall out, but when these words come from Lu Fei's mouth, why does Mr. Guan feel so excited and excited?

Guan Haishan blinked his red eyes, smiled, and pulled the food bag over unceremoniously.

"What, that's it?

Any more? "That night, Lu Fei received a call from Dong Jianye.

Dong Jianye received the order to prepare to evacuate Hong Kong Island. Before leaving, he wanted to invite Lu Fei to have a meal and chat, but Lu Fei refused.

"Just a casual chat."

"I have nothing to talk to you about."

"I invite you to dinner."

"forget it!

The cost of one of my meals is more than your year's salary, and you can't afford it. "


"No. It's human nature to not be full of melon seeds. Give me some face!"

"No time!"

"Depend on!

You've made me miserable all day, why don't you give me some face? "


It's none of my business that you've been messing with me all day?

I blame you for being greedy. Did I force you to eat carrots? "

"Damn it. Dududu."

"Your uncle"

In the end, Lu Fei didn't give Dong Jianye a chance to treat him, so Boss Dong could only leave Hong Kong Island unwillingly.

After the matter was settled, Lu Fei completely relaxed.

In the next few days, everything went smoothly at home and in Europe. In addition to working hard every day to make Chen Xiang pregnant, Lu Fei also did something serious.

After the Jewish land was acquired, Lu Fei asked Wade to help him find a playground planning and design master from Orlando to help plan and build a private playground for his children.

For several days in a row, no news was received from Lu Fei that he was preparing to immigrate. The senior leaders of China also breathed a sigh of relief and put Lu Fei's matter aside for the time being.

On this day, Guan Haishan, the headquarters of the Chinese Archaeological Team, received an email.

The second expansion of the Hong Kong Island Museum is opening. Guan Haishan is invited to go to Hong Kong Island to cut the ribbon.

Under normal circumstances, he, the general leader, would not come forward for this kind of matter, and would just send someone to act as his agent.

But then he received a message that made Guan Haishan change his mind.

The next day, Guan Haishan flew directly to Hong Kong Island with his secretary. The ribbon-cutting event went smoothly the next day. After the ribbon-cutting was completed, Guan Haishan was surrounded by leaders of the Hong Kong Island Museum and came to the reception room on the third floor. However, only Guan Haishan entered.

In fact, the purpose of coming here to cut the ribbon was not. The real purpose was that someone wanted to see him.

Opening the door, he saw the extremely familiar and thin figure. For a moment, Guan Haishan had a lot to say to him, but he didn't know where to start.

"Sit down!

It's a real honor for Lu Fei that Mr. Guan could take time out of his busy schedule to come and see me. Come on, come on, try the jasmine tea I brewed for you. Does it suit your taste? "

That's right, the person who wants to see Guan Haishan is Lu Fei.

Chen Honggang's guess was right. Lu Fei could let go of anything except

China’s archaeological undertaking cannot be let go.

Kong Fanlong's will is one of them. In addition, this is also Lu Fei's biggest wish.

Since he has decided not to take over the position of General Consultant of China Archeology for the time being, there is no one more suitable for this position than Guan Haishan for the time being.

However, this old guy's abilities are limited. In order to prevent the archaeological team from being destroyed in his hands, Lu Fei needs to make some explanations.

Guan Haishan picked up the tea cup and smelled it, then rolled his eyes.

"Are you really going to drink jasmine for me?

It’s so high breaking!

The rags are flying to your uncle, can you really learn to be a human being?

You have a net worth of one trillion yuan, and the tea leaves you usually use to cook tea eggs are of the highest quality. Why are you just giving me this to drink?

You are such a grandson!

Damn Fei, let me tell you, you will really be punished for being so wicked! "

Guan Haishan was full of complaints and his mouth was firing like a machine gun, but in the end he picked up the teacup and drank.

Lu Fei laughed.

"I am me, you are you, don't you drink this at home?

I'm afraid that with your little salary, you'll be able to keep it in your mouth, and you won't be able to drink other tea later.

I'm doing this for your own good! "

As soon as Lu Fei said these words, Guan Haishan's hand holding the tea cup couldn't help but pause, feeling inexplicably emotional in his heart.

Speaking of which, when Guan Haishan and Lu Fei talked about everything before, when Guan Haishan came to Lu Fei's place, it was as if he was at his own home.

No, even more generous than at home.

Lu Fei's good tea, he didn't miss Mixi at that time.

He made several cakes such as Dongding Oolong, Mingqian Longjing, Zishu Dahongpao, top-quality Jin Junmei, and even Lu Fei's old Pu'er.

At that time, whether at home or in the office, Guan Haishan's tea cans were of extraordinary quality, and they had experienced the life of a rich man for a while.

But before he knew it, that time had become a thing of the past. The good wine and tea were gone. Zhang Yiyuan once again became his spiritual sustenance. He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had been to Lu Fei's house.

I have to say that things in the world are unpredictable and fate has its way with people!

Lu Fei seemed to have read through his thoughts, and took out an ordinary black food bag from behind the sofa and pushed it over.

"Okay, don't be so emotional, I've prepared it for you!

These are tea leaves given to me by others. I am not used to drinking them. You can take them back when you leave and show off! "

Not used to drinking?

These words are obviously suspected of dismissing beggars. If others say it, Guan Haishan will definitely fall out, but when these words come from Lu Fei's mouth, why does Mr. Guan feel so excited and excited?

Guan Haishan blinked his red eyes, smiled, and pulled the food bag over unceremoniously.

"What, that's it?

Any more? "

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