A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2745 I have experience

During this time, it was extremely quiet.

Lu Fei's phone was not turned off, but it rarely rang, as if it had been forgotten by the world.

Domestic business is going step by step, and no one is deliberately looking for trouble. Under the leadership of Xing Shuya and others, performance has steadily improved.

My mother, Xiao Tingfang, did not come to Greece for vacation.

Although she was worried about Wang Xinyi's health, she could rest assured that Lu Fei was with her.

There are so many things going on at home, and she, the head of the family, has no intention of taking a vacation. After Lu Fei and the others set off, she immediately returned to Australia. During this time, she often called to inquire about Wang Xinyi's condition, showing her mother-in-law's thoughtfulness. .

As for other matters, I have never mentioned them to Lu Fei.

Wade made a call to Lu Fei. Their family owner wanted to invite Lu Fei to Paradise Island as a guest, but he learned that Lu Fei was taking his family on vacation, so he had to postpone it.

It was rare for him to have some leisure time, and Lu Fei couldn't be more comfortable.

Accompanying Wang Xinyi to enjoy the sea breeze and watching everyone play every day. Although Wang Xinyi was unwilling to do so, Lu Fei still enjoyed it quite a lot.

A few days later, Lin Yongxiang sent an email and the wedding plan was finally made. Now, Wang Xinyi was no longer lonely and took Chen Xiang to discuss it together.

"Wow, this plan is so detailed!

Well, I feel that overall it's pretty good, but some details still need to be improved.

For example, here." Wang Xinyi felt too uncomfortable and kept giving pointers.

"I feel okay!"

Chen Xiang felt that Wang Xinyi was making a fuss out of a molehill.

"No, no, you're going to get married once in a lifetime. You must not make do with it. Xiang'er, listen to me. I have experience."

"Wait a minute, Xinyi, why do I feel like you're showing off to me?" Chen Xiang said deliberately with a straight face.


Wang Xinyi also realized that she had gone too far and apologized quickly.

"I'm sorry Xiang'er, I didn't mean that, I just, I."


Chen Xiang burst into laughter.

"Okay, I'm kidding you, I won't mind."


Damn it, you actually scared me on purpose. I have to deal with you today. "

The two girls no longer had any grudges in their hearts, they completely let go, and soon they started to make trouble.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, and take care of yourself!"

Lu Fei tried to persuade him, but was quickly ignored by the two girls. At this moment, the two girls showed unprecedented unity, and Lu Fei was speechless.

Of course, Chen Xiang also knew the appropriateness and started studying it again after a while.

The two girls spent a day putting forward some suggestions for improvement, which was considered a general improvement.

After passing the planning company's plan and sending the revised information, Lin Yongxiang burst into tears with excitement and made arrangements immediately.

In the sea view villa, Chen Xiang stretched out, smiled at Wang Xinyi and said, "Okay, pregnant woman, have a good rest. It's time for me to go play, bye!"

"Hey, Xiang'er, can you stay with me some more? I'm so bored!" Wang Xinyi said pitifully.

Chen Xiang pointed at Lu Fei and said with a smile: "Let your man accompany you. I don't want to miss such a beautiful view. Bye."

Chen Xiang ran away with a smile, and Wang Xinyi went crazy with anger.

“It’s unloyal, so unloyal.

Husband, can you let me go out and play for a while?

I know my body and I have a sense of proportion. "

Wang Xinyi's proposal was decisively rejected by Lu Fei.

"Don't even think about it. I'm a miracle doctor. The first few months of a woman's pregnancy are especially important. I can't let you take any risks."

"But, watching them play every day makes me go crazy!"

"That won't work either. Be obedient and be good!"

Wang Xinyi was extremely wronged. She suddenly felt that coming here together was the stupidest decision. This was not a vacation, it was simply being abused!

Fortunately, Wang Xinyi was not depressed for too long.

In the early morning at the end of August, while having breakfast, Chen Xiang just picked up a fried dough stick and suddenly felt nauseated. She covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom.

Jin'er and Wang Xueqing looked at each other, Tong Lan was slightly stunned, but Wang Xinyi's eyes emitted two blazing lights, and she turned back to look at Lu Fei with a bright smile.

"Husband, I feel like Xiang'er is pregnant. You should check her out quickly!"

Seeing Lu Fei in a daze, Wang Xinyi made a note.

"Trust me, I have experience."

puff! ! !

With one sentence, everyone at the dinner table laughed.

Recently, the words "experienced" have often been on Wang Xinyi's lips.

A few months ago, this woman was recognized as an iceberg beauty in China's top circles, but now, she has fully demonstrated her identity as someone who has come before her.

Especially her serious expression, not to mention how funny it is.

I was really fooled by the "people who came here".

After returning, after checking Lu Fei's pulse, Chen Xiang really had it.

During those few days in Hong Kong Island, Lu Fei's day and night struggle finally came to fruition. Lu Fei screamed excitedly and Wang Xinyi danced excitedly.

"Great, great, I finally have someone to keep me company.

Let me tell you Xiang'er, the first few months of pregnancy are particularly important. During this period, your diet must be regular, and you must not be stimulated, let alone strenuous exercise. From now on, you will stay with me.

Trust me, I have experience! "During this period, it was extremely quiet.

Lu Fei's phone was not turned off, but it rarely rang, as if it had been forgotten by the world.

Domestic business is going step by step, and no one is deliberately looking for trouble. Under the leadership of Xing Shuya and others, performance has steadily improved.

My mother, Xiao Tingfang, did not come to Greece for vacation.

Although she was worried about Wang Xinyi's health, she could rest assured that Lu Fei was with her.

There are so many things going on at home, and she, the head of the family, has no intention of taking a vacation. After Lu Fei and the others set off, she immediately returned to Australia. During this time, she often called to inquire about Wang Xinyi's condition, showing her mother-in-law's thoughtfulness. .

As for other matters, I have never mentioned them to Lu Fei.

Wade made a call to Lu Fei. Their family owner wanted to invite Lu Fei to Paradise Island as a guest, but he learned that Lu Fei was taking his family on vacation, so he had to postpone it. .??.

It was rare for him to have some leisure time, and Lu Fei couldn't be more comfortable.

Accompanying Wang Xinyi to enjoy the sea breeze and watching everyone play every day. Although Wang Xinyi was unwilling to do so, Lu Fei still enjoyed it quite a lot.

A few days later, Lin Yongxiang sent an email and the wedding plan was finally made. Now, Wang Xinyi was no longer lonely and took Chen Xiang to discuss it together.

"Wow, this plan is so detailed!

Well, I feel that overall it's pretty good, but some details still need to be improved.

For example, here." Wang Xinyi felt too uncomfortable and kept giving pointers.

"I feel okay!"

Chen Xiang felt that Wang Xinyi was making a fuss out of a molehill.

"No, no, you're going to get married once in a lifetime. You must not make do with it. Xiang'er, listen to me. I have experience."

"Wait a minute, Xinyi, why do I feel like you're showing off to me?" Chen Xiang said deliberately with a straight face.


Wang Xinyi also realized that she had gone too far and apologized quickly.

"I'm sorry Xiang'er, I didn't mean that, I just, I."


Chen Xiang burst into laughter.

"Okay, I'm kidding you, I won't mind."


Damn it, you actually scared me on purpose. I have to deal with you today. "

The two girls no longer had any grudges in their hearts, they completely let go, and soon they started to make trouble.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, and take care of yourself!"

Lu Fei tried to persuade him, but was quickly ignored by the two girls. At this moment, the two girls showed unprecedented unity, and Lu Fei was speechless.

Of course, Chen Xiang also knew the appropriateness and started studying it again after a while.

The two girls spent a day putting forward some suggestions for improvement, which was considered a general improvement.

After passing the planning company's plan and sending the revised information, Lin Yongxiang burst into tears with excitement and made arrangements immediately.

In the sea view villa, Chen Xiang stretched out, smiled at Wang Xinyi and said, "Okay, pregnant woman, have a good rest. It's time for me to go play, bye!"

"Hey, Xiang'er, can you stay with me some more? I'm so bored!" Wang Xinyi said pitifully.

Chen Xiang pointed at Lu Fei and said with a smile: "Let your man accompany you. I don't want to miss such a beautiful view. Bye."

Chen Xiang ran away with a smile, and Wang Xinyi went crazy with anger.

“It’s unloyal, so unloyal.

Husband, can you let me go out and play for a while?

I know my body and I have a sense of proportion. "

Wang Xinyi's proposal was decisively rejected by Lu Fei.

"Don't even think about it. I'm a miracle doctor. The first few months of a woman's pregnancy are especially important. I can't let you take any risks."

"But, watching them play every day makes me go crazy!"

"That won't work either. Be obedient and be good!"

Wang Xinyi was extremely wronged. She suddenly felt that coming here together was the stupidest decision. This was not a vacation, it was simply being abused!

Fortunately, Wang Xinyi was not depressed for too long.

In the early morning at the end of August, while having breakfast, Chen Xiang just picked up a fried dough stick and suddenly felt nauseated. She covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom.

Jin'er and Wang Xueqing looked at each other, Tong Lan was slightly stunned, but Wang Xinyi's eyes emitted two blazing lights, and she turned back to look at Lu Fei with a bright smile.

"Husband, I feel like Xiang'er is pregnant. You should check her out quickly!"

Seeing Lu Fei in a daze, Wang Xinyi made a note.

"Trust me, I have experience."

puff! ! !

With one sentence, everyone at the dinner table laughed.

Recently, the words "experienced" have often been on Wang Xinyi's lips.

A few months ago, this woman was recognized as an iceberg beauty in China's top circles, but now, she has fully demonstrated her identity as someone who has come before her.

Especially her serious expression, not to mention how funny it is.

I was really fooled by the "people who came here".

After returning, after checking Lu Fei's pulse, Chen Xiang really had it.

During those few days in Hong Kong Island, Lu Fei's day and night struggle finally came to fruition. Lu Fei screamed excitedly and Wang Xinyi danced excitedly.

"Great, great, I finally have someone to keep me company.

Let me tell you Xiang'er, the first few months of pregnancy are particularly important. During this period, your diet must be regular, and you must not be stimulated, let alone strenuous exercise. From now on, you will stay with me.

Trust me, I have experience! "

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