A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2757 You can’t lose my grandson


Not only was Chen Yunfei not angry, but he burst into laughter.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine.

It's so happy, I haven't been this happy for a long time.

Boy, hurry up and get someone to report the target. Although I don’t have the strength to hold the gun, I can guarantee that this shot will definitely not miss the target! "

There is a medical box here at the shooting range. Chen Yunfei's jaw was cracked by the shock, but the problem was not serious. Lu Fei opened the medical box, took out sterile cotton and gauze and bandaged him himself.

The main purpose of giving him a few words of training was to make him understand that he must cherish his body. It was also a "warning" to him. As Chen Yunfei's doctor and grandson-in-law, Lu Fei had this right.

But Lu Fei could tell that the old man was really happy today, so he said no more.

After that, they checked carefully to confirm that the old man's bones were not injured and his organs were not damaged, and then he was asked to pick up the target.

The little brat Pip Pip Pian went to pick up the target in person. He trotted all the way there, but when he came back he was dawdling. His eyes and body language were all revealing surprise. When he arrived in front of everyone, his eyes widened in an exaggerated way. shouted.

“It’s incredible, it’s incredible, the old man actually shot ten rings.


Even if the gun is dropped, you can still get ten rings. Old man, you are so foolproof! "


The recoil just now did not hurt Chen Yunfei, but he was almost angered to death by the little milk dog's words.


You little bastard, I think you are looking for a beating! "

The little naughty dog ​​was used to talking in this tone. When the old man glared, he realized that something big had happened. He was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he quickly slapped the old man on the shoulders and flattered him.

The others were also extremely surprised. Only Chen Honggang, Lu Fei, Li Ping'an and Li Shengnan remained calm.

The first three are professional soldiers, and the latter, Lu Fei, was once considered one. Moreover, Lu Fei developed extremely superb marksmanship with his outstanding eyesight and stable shots during the Five Dragon Competition and Xuanlong Retreat.

After shooting too many guns, they all know one truth. The old man is right. After practicing too much, guns and people have become a natural fit. When you reach this state, you really don’t need to aim. You can shoot quite well with just your consciousness and muscle memory. good achievement.

For Chen Yunfei, a God of War who has been fighting for decades in the battlefield with bullets and bullets, his marksmanship is even more amazing. Even if he can't hold the gun steady, he can still rely on muscle memory at the moment of pulling the trigger. There are also practical experiences that are beyond ordinary people's consciousness and cannot be achieved by ordinary people. It is not surprising at all to score ten rings.

Li Ping'an smiled and shook his head: "Old leader, you are still more skilled, I am willing to be inferior."


Chen Yunfei laughed: "Boy, do you think I can't see that you are giving in to me?

When you were young, I knew you were unrealistic and only flattered you.

I was too lazy to talk to you at that time. Don't think that you can hide your little thoughts from me. When I was playing tricks, you were still wearing crotchless pants.

From this point of view, you are really not as good as Sheng Nan.

snort! "

One sentence made Li Ping'an blush. Li Shengnan raised his chin high, feeling proud.

Everyone laughed, which relieved Li Pingan's embarrassment.

After that, Chen Yunfei planned to shoot two more times with his left hand, but Lu Fei sternly refused, and the angry old man rolled his eyes.


What kind of world is this?

Even this melon dares to sit on my head and shit on me. It is really lawless. "

Chen Yunfei muttered to vent, but still couldn't change Lu Fei's decision, so he had to give up.

After leaving the shooting range, Lu Fei asked the driver to take the two old men for a tour of the villa. The two old men sighed repeatedly.

"Boy, that piece of land must be twenty acres, right? It's all vegetables?"

"Yes, this area is all organic vegetables, and there are special people to take care of it." Lu Fei said.


How many people do you have here?

Can you finish eating such a large vegetable field?

Isn't this a waste? "


"Well, people eat only a small part of it, and the rest is mainly fed to pigs, cattle and sheep."


"Hire people to grow vegetables and feed the pigs?"


Any questions? "


"Prodigal, prodigal!"

“Old man, you don’t know that the livestock we raise here are all raised according to the world’s most cutting-edge science.

Ever heard of Kobe beef?

Well, we follow their standards and not only feed vegetables, but also feed milk, fruits and various nutritious foods. Only the products raised in this way are of the best quality, rich in nutrients, and good for the body. "

"That's also a waste."

"Okay, you're right!"

"Is that an orchard in front?"


"You also feed the animals?"

"People eat it too."

"Hmph!" Chen Yunfei rolled his eyes.

After walking for a while, a large open land appeared in front of us, covering an area of ​​sixty or seventy acres. Various machinery was under construction inside and many people were busy inside.

"What is going to be built in this place?" Chen Yunfei asked.

"Here, a private playground is being built here, according to the standards of American Disney."

When the two elders heard this, their eyes widened.

"A playground is built in such a big place?"


"How much will this cost?"

"It's not much, just over a billion!"

"I'll be nice, so many?"

"Well, beautiful sword!"


"Evil capitalist, boy, you have gone too far."

"Old man, aren't I thinking about your grandson? I don't want to talk to others. I built a playground just for my children to play." Lu Fei said.

Chen Yunfei was stunned when he heard this, but his expression changed instantly.

"That's it!

Then build it bigger. If you have money, you can't lose it to my grandson. "

"Pfft" "Hahaha."

Not only was Chen Yunfei not angry, but he burst into laughter.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine.

It's so happy, I haven't been this happy for a long time.

Boy, hurry up and get someone to report the target. Although I don’t have the strength to hold the gun, I can guarantee that this shot will definitely not miss the target! "

There is a medical box here at the shooting range. Chen Yunfei's jaw was cracked by the shock, but the problem was not serious. Lu Fei opened the medical box, took out sterile cotton and gauze and bandaged him himself.

The main purpose of giving him a few words of training was to make him understand that he must cherish his body. It was also a "warning" to him. As Chen Yunfei's doctor and grandson-in-law, Lu Fei had this right.

But Lu Fei could tell that the old man was really happy today, so he said no more.

After that, they checked carefully to confirm that the old man's bones were not injured and his organs were not damaged, and then he was asked to pick up the target.

The little brat Pip Pip Pian went to pick up the target in person. He trotted all the way there, but when he came back he was dragging his feet. His eyes and body language were all revealing surprise. When he arrived in front of everyone, his eyes were widened in an exaggerated way. shouted. .??.

“It’s incredible, it’s incredible, the old man actually shot ten rings.


Even if the gun is dropped, you can still get ten rings. Old man, you are so foolproof! "


The recoil just now did not hurt Chen Yunfei, but he was almost angered to death by the little milk dog's words.


You little bastard, I think you are looking for a beating! "

The little naughty dog ​​was used to talking in this tone. When the old man glared, he realized that something big had happened. He was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he quickly slapped his shoulders and flattered the old man.

The others were also extremely surprised. Only Chen Honggang, Lu Fei, Li Ping'an and Li Shengnan remained calm.

The first three are professional soldiers, and the latter, Lu Fei, was once considered one. Moreover, Lu Fei developed extremely superb marksmanship with his outstanding eyesight and stable shots during the Five Dragon Competition and Xuanlong Retreat.

After shooting too many guns, they all know one thing. The old man is right. After practicing too much, guns and people have become a natural fit. When you reach this state, you really don’t need to aim. You can shoot quite well with just your consciousness and muscle memory. good achievement.

For Chen Yunfei, a God of War who has been fighting for decades in the battlefield with bullets and bullets, his marksmanship is even more amazing. Even if he can't hold the gun steady, he can still rely on muscle memory at the moment of pulling the trigger. There are also practical experiences that are beyond ordinary people's consciousness and cannot be achieved by ordinary people. It is not surprising at all to score ten rings.

Li Ping'an smiled and shook his head: "Old leader, you are still more skilled, I am willing to be inferior."


Chen Yunfei laughed: "Boy, do you think I can't see that you are giving in to me?

When you were young, I knew you were unrealistic and only flattered you.

I was too lazy to talk to you at that time. Don't think that you can hide your little thoughts from me. When I was playing tricks, you were still wearing crotchless pants.

From this point of view, you are really not as good as Sheng Nan.

snort! "

One sentence made Li Ping'an blush. Li Shengnan raised his chin high, feeling proud.

Everyone laughed, which relieved Li Pingan's embarrassment.

After that, Chen Yunfei planned to shoot two more times with his left hand, but Lu Fei sternly refused, and the angry old man rolled his eyes.


What kind of world is this?

Even this melon dares to sit on my head and shit on me. It is really lawless. "

Chen Yunfei muttered to vent, but still couldn't change Lu Fei's decision, so he had to give up.

After leaving the shooting range, Lu Fei asked the driver to take the two old men for a tour of the villa. The two old men sighed repeatedly.

"Boy, that piece of land must be twenty acres, right? It's all vegetables?"

"Yes, this area is all organic vegetables, and there are special people to take care of it." Lu Fei said.


How many people do you have here?

Can you finish eating such a large vegetable field?

Isn't this a waste? "


"Well, people eat only a small part of it, and the rest is mainly fed to pigs, cattle and sheep."


"Hire people to grow vegetables and feed the pigs?"


Any questions? "


"Prodigal, prodigal!"

“Old man, you don’t know that the livestock we raise here are all raised according to the world’s most cutting-edge science.

Ever heard of Kobe beef?

Well, we follow their standards and not only feed vegetables, but also feed milk, fruits and various nutritious foods. Only the products raised in this way are of the best quality, rich in nutrients, and good for the body. "

"That's also a waste."

"Okay, you're right!"

"Is that an orchard in front?"


"You feed the animals too?"

"People eat it too."

"Hmph!" Chen Yunfei rolled his eyes.

After walking for a while, a large open land appeared in front of us, covering an area of ​​sixty or seventy acres. Various machinery was under construction inside and many people were busy inside.

"What is going to be built in this place?" Chen Yunfei asked.

"Here, a private playground is being built here, according to the standards of American Disney."

When the two elders heard this, their eyes widened.

“A playground is built in such a big place?”


"How much will this cost?"

"It's not much, just over a billion!"

"I'll be a good boy, so many?"

"Well, beautiful sword!"


"Evil capitalist, boy, you have gone too far."

"Old man, aren't I thinking about your grandson? I don't want to talk to others. I built a playground just for my children to play." Lu Fei said.

Chen Yunfei was stunned when he heard this, but his expression changed instantly.

"That's it!

Then build it bigger. If you have money, you can't lose it to my grandson. "


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