Back in the cruise ship auditorium, the banquet continues.

After more than half an hour's rest, Chen Xiang's strength and energy had recovered, and she was ready to entertain the guests with Lu Fei.

"Forget it, I can handle it myself, your health is important." Lu Fei said.

Chen Xiang shook his head: "No, I will experience this once in my life. I don't want to have any regrets."

"All right!"

Since his wife had said so, Lu Fei couldn't persuade him any more and asked Zheng Wenjuan, Jin'er, Liang Ruyi and Song Xiaojiao to accompany him and take care of him throughout the whole process.

In the huge auditorium, more than two thousand guests gathered here. The scene was very lively, but these people were also consciously divided into different levels.

On the outside, there are celebrities from all over the world.

Originally, Lu Fei had no intention of inviting them, but these people spontaneously came to Hong Kong Island and "sincerely" sent their blessings to Lu Fei in front of the media.

After discussing with Lao Bai, in order to maintain a good image, we invited a group of people on the spot, including some British celebrities who attended Wang Xinyi's wedding.

The celebrities who were invited to attend Lu Fei's wedding were extremely excited.

Of course, they are also self-aware.

In the entertainment industry, these superstars are extremely arrogant. But here, they can only keep a low profile and keep a low profile. As long as they can show their faces and the cameras can give them shots, they are content.

On the other side of the stars are business tycoons from all over the world.

No matter how much they are worth, all of them are concentrated in this area. This is not what Lu Fei asked, it is completely their spontaneous behavior.

They also understand their own status. Although they are much more senior than those celebrities, they are still far from the super bosses in business and politics next door.

Further inside, there are dozens of Asian and European heads of state invited by the Xiao family.

In fact, this is fine. At the same level, they are exposed to similar things and have corresponding topics. It would be a bit embarrassing if they were forcibly mixed together.

Finally, it was the friends from mainland China invited by Lu Fei.

Those who can be invited by Lu Fei are of course the group with the strongest relationship with Lu Fei.

There are more than a dozen old people with good connections in the archaeological team, several old friends in the collection industry, as well as respected seniors in calligraphy, painting, restoration and other fields, and all Lu Fei's partners.

As for relatives such as the Wang family, Chen family and Lu family, of course they cannot be arranged here. They are all drinking and chatting in another box.

Lu Fei and Chen Xiang gathered around outside and came to the box to toast their relatives. After that, Chen Yunfei called Lu Fei to his side, and together with Mr. Wang Zhenbang and Duan, they sandwiched Lu Fei in the middle.

"Boy, what a scene!" Wang Zhenbang said with emotion.

"Haha, not bad!"

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