A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2771 Give you another chance

Liu Song was dumbfounded.

He thought Lu Fei called him out because he was preparing to cooperate with him again, but he never expected that Lu Fei would tell him this.

Lu Fei's domineering aura and extremely serious words made Liu Song afraid to look at him, and he collapsed on the ground like a thunderbolt.

Looking down at Liu Song, who was mourning for his heir, Lu Fei had no sympathy at all. ??

"Liu Song, I have kept you until now, not because I don't dare to deal with you. If I want to deal with you, I will have 10,000 ways to deal with you.

As long as I say a word, you will be ruined immediately. It is easy to clean up and leave the house. It is also easy for you to disappear from this world. Do you believe it? "


Liu Song was so frightened that his three souls and seven souls were in a state of trance, his face was bloodless and he was sweating like rain.

"I, I believe, I believe."

"Humph, just believe it.

The reason why I didn't do anything to you was entirely because I was looking at Sister Guan.

Sister Guan is dedicated to your family, and she will give everything for your family.

Don't think that she can't live without you. With Sister Guan's academic qualifications and her connections in Tiandu, if she wants to do business, she will be ten thousand times better than you.

I didn’t deal with you just because I didn’t want Sister Guan to be sad, I didn’t want your father-in-law to worry, and I didn’t want your son’s family to be broken up.

Listen to me, I can give you a chance to live your life well and take care of your family wholeheartedly from now on.

If I find out and you do something sorry for Sister Guan again, you will know the consequences yourself.

In addition, I warn you, don't take any chances. Everything about you is under my control.

Can you do what I said? Lu Fei asked sharply.

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Liu Song felt like a felon who had committed the death penalty in ancient times. Before his execution, he heard the announcement of amnesty for the whole world. The feeling of surviving the disaster could not be expressed in words. He could only nod his head repeatedly.

"I know I know.

Mr. Lu, I promise you that I will never do it again. I swear, if you do it again, you will be struck with thunder. "

Lu Fei was right. Dealing with Liu Song had long been part of Lu Fei's plan.

Lu Fei had already started planning as early as the last time he bumped into this guy with that woman in Tiandu City.

Entrusting their company with the advertising production of the Dongdaihe project is part of the plan in itself.

When he signed the contract, Lu Fei had special requirements and had to sign with Guan Lina.

Because, with this requirement, Liu Song must not only give Guan Lina an extremely important position in the company, but also give her corresponding shares.

After the cooperation is completed, they publicly

After Si made money, Lu Fei was ready to have a showdown with the couple. Due to Liu Song's unilateral cheating, he had to leave the house.

Of course, there are countless ways Lu Fei wants to deal with Liu Song. The elf live broadcast with a market value of tens of billions of dollars can make him bankrupt in an instant, let alone his small company that is not popular at all.

But Lu Fei didn't do that. Lu Fei had to deal with him reasonably and legally, so that the Guan family could avoid the pressure of external public opinion.

This arrangement also allowed Guan Lina to familiarize herself with the company's business as quickly as possible, achieve cooperation, and also allow her to earn a large amount of assets in disguise. In order to help Guan Lina, Lu Fei took great pains.

However, as the person sent to monitor Liu Song reported to him, Lu Fei changed his original intention.

Lu Fei got the news that Guan Lina was passionately devoted to Liu Song, and she loved their family and their son deeply.

If their family is forcibly broken up, failure to protect the family will leave an indelible shadow on Guan Lina, and will also cause great harm to their child Dongdong.

As the saying goes, it would be better to demolish ten temples than ruin one marriage. In the final analysis, Lu Fei is just an outsider. If he intervenes forcefully, if it has the opposite effect, it will be Lu Fei's fault.

In addition, Lu Fei didn't want Guan Haishan to worry about his daughter. After much thought, Lu Fei decided to give Liu Song another chance.

Because, it is understood that Liu Song took good care of his wife and children, and the couple's relationship is still strong. It's just that after getting rich, he learned the common problem of men cheating. Generally speaking, this man can be saved.

Moreover, Lu Fei believed that even if he warned him once, Liu Song would never dare to do it again. If he did not change his nature, it would not be too late to deal with him.

"Liu Song, what are you going to do next?" Lu Fei asked.

“I I know, I know.

After I returned, I immediately severed ties with her and paid her a fee to leave Tianducheng. I promised that I would never contact her again in the future.

In addition, no matter how late I work in the future, I will never stay up late at night, and I will definitely take good care of their mother and daughter. "Liu Song assured.

Lu Fei nodded: "I hope you will do what you say.

The Dongdaihe Project Department mentioned to me that the plan you designed this time is quite good. It can be seen that you have put your heart into it.

If you can do everything you just said, I will give you another chance after this project is over. Of course, everything depends on your future performance. "

When Liu Song heard this, he was overjoyed. His trembling legs also regained some strength. He stood up holding on to the wall, nodded and bowed his head and thanked her again and again.

"Okay, go to the bathroom, wash your face, and tidy up your clothes. Sister Guan is a careful person. Don't let her see anything. Do you know what to do?"

"I know, I know." Liu Song was dumbfounded.

He thought Lu Fei called him out because he was preparing to cooperate with him again, but he never expected that Lu Fei would tell him this.

Lu Fei's domineering aura and extremely serious words made Liu Song afraid to look at him, and he collapsed on the ground like a thunderbolt.

Looking down at Liu Song, who was mourning for his heir, Lu Fei had no sympathy at all.

"Liu Song, I have kept you until now, not because I don't dare to deal with you. If I want to deal with you, I will have 10,000 ways to deal with you.

As long as I say a word, you will be ruined immediately. It is easy to clean up and leave the house. It is also easy for you to disappear from this world. Do you believe it? "


Liu Song was so frightened that his three souls and seven souls were in a state of trance, his face was bloodless and he was sweating like rain.

"I, I believe, I believe."

"Humph, just believe it.

The reason why I didn't do anything to you was entirely because I was looking at Sister Guan.

Sister Guan is dedicated to your family, and she will give everything for your family.

Don't think that she can't live without you. With Sister Guan's academic qualifications and her connections in Tiandu, if she wants to do business, she will be ten thousand times better than you.

I didn’t deal with you just because I didn’t want Sister Guan to be sad, I didn’t want your father-in-law to worry, and I didn’t want your son’s family to be broken up.

Listen to me, I can give you a chance to live your life well and take care of your family wholeheartedly from now on.

If I find out and you do something sorry for Sister Guan again, you will know the consequences yourself.

In addition, I warn you, don't take any chances. Everything about you is under my control.

Can you do what I said? Lu Fei asked sharply.

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Liu Song felt like a felon who had committed the death penalty in ancient times. Before his execution, he heard the announcement of amnesty for the whole world. The feeling of surviving the disaster could not be expressed in words. He could only nod his head repeatedly.

"I know I know.

Mr. Lu, I promise you that I will never do it again. I swear, if you do it again, you will be struck with thunder. "

Lu Fei was right. Dealing with Liu Song had long been part of Lu Fei's plan.

Lu Fei had already started planning as early as the last time he bumped into this guy and that woman in Tiandu City.

Entrusting their company with the advertising production of the Dongdaihe project is part of the plan in itself.

When he signed the contract, Lu Fei had special requirements and had to sign with Guan Lina.

Because, with this requirement, Liu Song must not only give Guan Lina an extremely important position in the company, but also give her corresponding shares.

After the cooperation is completed, they publicly

After Si made money, Lu Fei was ready to have a showdown with the couple. Due to Liu Song's unilateral cheating, he had to leave the house.

Of course, there are countless ways Lu Fei wants to deal with Liu Song. The elf live broadcast with a market value of tens of billions of dollars can make him bankrupt in an instant, let alone his small company that is not popular at all.

But Lu Fei didn't do that. Lu Fei had to deal with him reasonably and legally, so that the Guan family could avoid the pressure of external public opinion.

This arrangement also allowed Guan Lina to familiarize herself with the company's business as quickly as possible, achieve cooperation, and also allow her to earn a large amount of assets in disguise. In order to help Guan Lina, Lu Fei took great pains.

However, as the person sent to monitor Liu Song reported to him, Lu Fei changed his original intention.

Lu Fei got the news that Guan Lina was passionately devoted to Liu Song, and she loved their family and their son deeply.

If their family is forcibly broken up, failure to protect the family will leave an indelible shadow on Guan Lina, and will also cause great harm to their child Dongdong.

As the saying goes, it would be better to demolish ten temples than ruin one marriage. In the final analysis, Lu Fei is just an outsider. If he intervenes forcefully, if it has the opposite effect, it will be Lu Fei's fault.

In addition, Lu Fei didn't want Guan Haishan to worry about his daughter. After much thought, Lu Fei decided to give Liu Song another chance.

Because, it is understood that Liu Song took good care of his wife and children, and the couple's relationship is still strong. It's just that after getting rich, he learned the common problem of men cheating. Generally speaking, this man can be saved.

Moreover, Lu Fei believed that even if he warned him once, Liu Song would never dare to do it again. If he did not change his nature, it would not be too late to deal with him.

"Liu Song, what are you going to do next?" Lu Fei asked.

“I I know, I know.

After I returned, I immediately severed ties with her and paid her a fee to leave Tianducheng. I promised that I would never contact her again in the future.

In addition, no matter how late I work in the future, I will never stay up late at night, and I will definitely take good care of their mother and daughter. "Liu Song assured.

Lu Fei nodded: "I hope you will do what you say.

The Dongdaihe Project Department mentioned to me that the plan you designed this time is quite good. It can be seen that you have put your heart into it.

If you can do everything you just said, I will give you another chance after this project is over. Of course, everything depends on your future performance. "

When Liu Song heard this, he was overjoyed. His trembling legs also regained some strength. He stood up holding on to the wall, nodded and bowed his head and thanked her again and again.

"Okay, go to the bathroom, wash your face, and tidy up your clothes. Sister Guan is a careful person. Don't let her see anything. Do you know what to do?"

"I know I know."

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