A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2773 Regret

Speaking of Lu Fei, the three bosses couldn't help but sigh.

Since Lu Fei acted so decisively, the misunderstanding last time may not be easily resolved.

The Xiao family didn't know the details, but Lu Fei, who knew the details, had a grudge against the top management. This must be a huge loss to China.

"Actually, what Lu Fei did was definitely not just a misunderstanding.

This time he reacted very quickly. We didn't receive any information before, indicating that this kid had been prepared for a long time. Perhaps this misunderstanding was just the reason for him to withdraw. In fact, Lu Fei had already told us The attitude was suspicious. " Su Baozhen said.

Leader No. 3 nodded: "You are right, but this is what I am most worried about.

If it's just a misunderstanding, there must be a solution, but if Lu Fei doesn't trust us, it will be completely over.

This guy is so shrewd. "

Pan Xingzhou smiled helplessly: "Lu Fei is indeed shrewd. On the contrary, if he were not shrewd, he would not have achieved such a huge family business in less than two years.

I think it's not Lu Fei's fault, it's our attitude that made him feel uneasy! "

"Yes, this is indeed a mistake in our work.

Although Lu Fei is young, his position is still certain. We are sorry for him, and this is all our responsibility.

However, it is useless to say all this now. The most important thing right now is how to make Lu Fei change his mind.

If such a powerful entrepreneur and philanthropist is ostracized, it will not only be a loss for China, but if word spreads, who will dare to cooperate with us in the future?

Not to mention foreign companies, even our Chinese companies will have grudges, so this matter must be properly resolved as soon as possible. "Leader No. 3 said.

Pan Xingzhou nodded: "You are right, but in today's situation, it is difficult to do it in a short time!"

Leader No. 3 waved his hand: "No matter how difficult it is, we must try. At the very least, we must let Lu Fei know our attitude and position. We must let him know that China is his foundation and we are his solid backing.

Xiao Pan, as far as I know, both his wives are pregnant, and Lu Fei will not be back in a short time.

Please work hard. After Lu Fei's wedding is over, you go to Hong Kong Island to meet Lu Fei in person and explain our intentions to him clearly.

Tell him he's welcome back anytime.

In addition, we will also give him maximum support in terms of policy.

Mr. Chen is currently in Hong Kong Island. You have to say these words in front of his old man. If Mr. Chen is not confused, he will definitely support us. "

Pan Xingzhou nodded in agreement.

"Okay, in what time

God, I'll go there myself, but I suggest that Lao Su go with me.

After all, Lu Fei was once his old subordinate, and the friendship was still good. "

"Okay, then Lao Su, just work hard and go with Xiao Pan."

"no problem!"

Su Baozhen agreed without hesitation.

To be honest, he wanted Lu Fei to come back more than the other two bosses.

There were some things he couldn't say clearly. In fact, Su Baozhen was quite dissatisfied with the senior management's response this time.

Lu Fei has made such a great contribution to China, but when something happens, you are hesitant and slow to give a clear attitude. If it were him, he would be unhappy. Now do you regret it?

What did you do early?

To be honest, he supported Lu Fei's decision from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Fei withdrew from the group and the foundation ceased operations. In addition, Lu Fei invested in the island country's business, and his plan to set up a factory in China was temporarily shelved. What Leader No. 3 and the others saw was that Lu Fei's decision brought about A huge loss, and for their military, the loss was even greater.

Lu Fei resigned from his position as chief instructor. There was a huge response from below, and many people expressed dissatisfaction.

Lu Fei has made great contributions to the military over the past year or so.

Not to mention meritorious service, just talking about Lu Fei's donation of formulas to strengthen the soldiers' physique and the medicated diet military food factory he founded, no amount of credit can be exchanged for it.

Moreover, the value of Lu Fei is far more than that. Now that Lu Fei has withdrawn from the group, how can I lick my face and ask for help from others?

Mr. Su was quite dissatisfied, and even more dissatisfied with the efficiency of his leadership, so these days, he frequently visited the senior management.

On the surface, it was a discussion about work, but in fact, it was a disguised form of pressure on the leaders. They must solve all the negative impacts of this incident as soon as possible. On my side, I am still waiting to promote Lu Fei!

Now, the leaders finally couldn't wait any longer, and Su Baozhen let out a sigh of relief.

Pan Xingzhou stood up and was about to leave, but suddenly thought of something else.

"Leader, what about the general counsel?"

Before the three elder leaders could think about it, Su Baozhen became impatient.

"When has this happened, and you still want to send a consultant?

The most important thing at the moment is for Lu Fei to clear up the misunderstanding. It is best not to mention the general counsel's matter to avoid causing complications. "

Leader No. 3 nodded: "What Lao Su said makes sense. Let's not mention the general counsel's matter now. Let's talk about it later when Lu Fei comes back!

In addition, Mr. Guan has performed very well recently and has established a good prestige within the archaeological team. Over there, let him be the agent for the time being! "Speaking of Lu Fei, the three bosses couldn't help but sigh.

Since Lu Fei acted so decisively, the misunderstanding last time may not be easily resolved.

The Xiao family didn't know the details, but Lu Fei, who knew the details, had a grudge against the top management. This must be a huge loss to China.

"Actually, what Lu Fei did was definitely not just a misunderstanding.

This time he reacted very quickly. We didn't receive any information before, indicating that this kid had been prepared for a long time. Perhaps this misunderstanding was just the reason for him to withdraw. In fact, Lu Fei had already told us The attitude was suspicious. " Su Baozhen said.

Leader No. 3 nodded: "You are right, but this is what I am most worried about.

If it's just a misunderstanding, there must be a solution, but if Lu Fei doesn't trust us, it will be completely over.

This guy is so shrewd. "

Pan Xingzhou smiled helplessly: "Lu Fei is indeed shrewd. On the contrary, if he were not shrewd, he would not have achieved such a huge family fortune in less than two years. .??.??

I think it's not Lu Fei's fault, it's our attitude that made him feel uneasy! "

"Yes, this is indeed a mistake in our work.

Although Lu Fei is young, his position is still certain. We are sorry for him, and this is all our responsibility.

However, it is useless to say all this now. The most important thing right now is how to make Lu Fei change his mind.

If such a powerful entrepreneur and philanthropist is ostracized, it will not only be a loss for China, but if word spreads, who will dare to cooperate with us in the future?

Not to mention foreign companies, even our Chinese companies will have grudges, so this matter must be properly resolved as soon as possible. "Leader No. 3 said.

Pan Xingzhou nodded: "You are right, but in today's situation, it is difficult to do it in a short time!"

Leader No. 3 waved his hand: "No matter how difficult it is, we must try. At the very least, we must let Lu Fei know our attitude and position. We must let him know that China is his foundation and we are his solid backing.

Xiao Pan, as far as I know, both his wives are pregnant, and Lu Fei will not be back in a short time.

Please work hard. After Lu Fei's wedding is over, you go to Hong Kong Island to meet Lu Fei in person and explain our intentions to him clearly.

Tell him he's welcome back anytime.

In addition, we will also give him maximum support in terms of policy.

Mr. Chen is currently in Hong Kong Island. You have to say these words in front of his old man. If Mr. Chen is not confused, he will definitely support us. "

Pan Xingzhou nodded in agreement.

"Okay, in what time

God, I'll go there myself, but I suggest that Lao Su go with me.

After all, Lu Fei was once his old subordinate, and the friendship was still good. "

"Okay, then Lao Su, just work hard and go with Xiao Pan."

"no problem!"

Su Baozhen agreed without hesitation.

To be honest, he wanted Lu Fei to come back more than the other two bosses.

There were some things he couldn't say clearly. In fact, Su Baozhen was quite dissatisfied with the senior management's response this time.

Lu Fei has made such a great contribution to China, but when something happens, you are hesitant and slow to give a clear attitude. If it were him, he would be unhappy. Now do you regret it?

What did you do early?

To be honest, he supported Lu Fei's decision from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Fei withdrew from the group and the foundation ceased operations. In addition, Lu Fei invested in the island country's business, and his plan to set up a factory in China was temporarily shelved. What Leader No. 3 and the others saw was that Lu Fei's decision brought about A huge loss, and for their military, the loss was even greater.

Lu Fei resigned from his position as chief instructor. There was a huge response from below, and many people expressed dissatisfaction.

Lu Fei has made great contributions to the military over the past year or so.

Not to mention meritorious service, just talking about Lu Fei's donation of formulas to strengthen the soldiers' physique and the medicated diet military food factory he founded, no amount of credit can be exchanged for it.

Moreover, the value of Lu Fei is far more than that. Now that Lu Fei has withdrawn from the group, how can I lick my face and ask for help from others?

Mr. Su was quite dissatisfied, and even more dissatisfied with the efficiency of his leadership, so these days, he frequently visited the senior management.

On the surface, it was a discussion about work, but in fact, it was a disguised form of pressure on the leaders. They must solve all the negative impacts of this incident as soon as possible. On my side, I am still waiting to promote Lu Fei!

Now, the leaders finally couldn't wait any longer, and Su Baozhen let out a sigh of relief.

Pan Xingzhou stood up and was about to leave, but suddenly thought of something else.

"Leader, what about the general counsel?"

Before the three elder leaders could think about it, Su Baozhen became impatient.

"When has this happened, and you still want to send a consultant?

The most important thing at the moment is for Lu Fei to clear up the misunderstanding. It is best not to mention the general counsel's matter to avoid causing complications. "

Leader No. 3 nodded: "What Lao Su said makes sense. Let's not mention the general counsel's matter now. Let's talk about it later when Lu Fei comes back!

In addition, Mr. Guan has performed very well recently and has established a good prestige within the archaeological team. Over there, let him be the agent for the time being! "

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