A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2781 Finally here

After telling the story, the whole audience burst into laughter.

However, everyone also had a lot of regrets in their hearts. Just listening to the description was so enjoyable. One can imagine how interesting the scene of Yue Qifeng shrinking in front of Niu Niu must have been.

It's a pity that many people completely missed this famous scene.

While everyone was laughing, they had a new understanding of the eight-year-old child in front of them.

Smart, bold, and with a maturity that doesn't match her actual age, the students taught by Lu Fei are indeed monster-like existences!

"Master, did I do something wrong again?"

Seeing that her master always had a cold face, Niu Niu asked cautiously.

Lu Fei waved his hand: "No, you did a good job.

Standing up for senior brother puts the reputation and dignity of the teacher first, which is absolutely correct. "


Niuniu jumped up excitedly, while the people around her frowned at the same time.

Everyone just laughs and forgets it, but Lu Fei, you are so doting on your apprentice, is this really okay?

Yue Laona is a big shot like Mount Tai and Beidou. Looking at the entire China, who wouldn't respect him greatly when they see him?

But your little apprentice has ruined Mr. Yue's face, and you still encourage him. Is this appropriate?

As for what other people thought, Lu Fei didn't care at all.

Niu Niu and Liang Guanxing represent their sect, which means they represent Lu Fei's face. Yue Qifeng has done something wrong and should be punished. If you give him face, will I, Lu Fei, lose my face?


After Liang Guanxing's incident was revealed, it was Xue Taihe's turn to be dumbfounded.

He was also impressed by the courage and courage of this little junior sister. It was definitely not a bad thing to have such a thorny figure in the sect, but the key point was that it was time for him to express himself.

Senior brother Liang Guanxing gave a meeting gift, what should I give?

He didn't have anything that he could use, and even if he did, it was just ordinary stuff. He didn't want his junior sister to comment on it in public.

After thinking about it, Xue Taihe had an idea.

"Little junior sister, our master has a lot of good things. Senior brother, I won't give you those things. Let's do this. Senior brother, I have several properties in Tiandu. The location is pretty good. I will wait until next time I go to Tiandu. , Senior Brother will give you a set, so that you can travel around the world one day and have a place to stay when you arrive in Tiandu City."

"Thank you, senior brother!"

Niu Niu was full of joy, and Lu Fei didn't say anything. Lao Xue had a lot of real estate, so there was no problem in giving one to Niu Niu.

But Liang Guanxing regretted not falling.

Damn it!

Why didn't I think of this?

Giving away a house is much more noble than giving away a fake!

It seems that Lao Xue is still a thief!

After the small episode, everyone's life continues.

On this day, Yan Yonghui, Dapeng Xiaofei and others also returned to Hong Kong Island.

The industries in Bianliang were almost completely disposed of, with only the Brilliant Nightclub remaining.

That nightclub was the foundation of their fortune and had extraordinary commemorative significance. A few brothers were left to continue to maintain it, and the remaining brothers all came to Hong Kong Island to gather.

Lu Fei is here and has already made arrangements for them.

It's unrealistic to open a big company for them. It's just a bunch of big bosses, and they can't do it. Therefore, after Lu Fei and Yan Yonghui discussed it, they decided to stick to their old business, the entertainment and leisure industry.

Of course, the scale is not comparable to that of Bianliang Huihuang Nightclub. If we want to do it, we must be the best in Hong Kong Island.

Acquiring several nightclubs and high-end clubs was really easy for Lu Fei. Lu Fei didn't even have to step forward, leaving full control to Xiao Nai Gou and Yan Yonghui.

The best location on Hong Kong Island, the largest scale, the most luxurious decoration, and the most luxurious grade. Anyway, this is the purpose, everything must be the best.

The acquisition is simple, but the follow-up cannot be solved in a day or two. Therefore, starting from today, Xiao Nai Gou, Yan Yonghui and others became completely busy.

Two days later, a Cadillac sedan and an air-conditioned van drove to the entrance of the villa. The gatekeeper called to report that it was Mr. Jiang Hefeng from Tiandu who wanted to see them.

Lu Fei's eyes lit up when he heard this name. He has been waiting for you for several days and finally you are here.

Lu Fei did not let Brother Mengang receive him, but took Lao Bai to greet him at the door. This was considered as giving Jiang Hefeng enough face, and the latter was of course very moved.

"Fourth brother, welcome."

Lu Fei greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Lu, I sent you the photos from the museum. I hope you like them."

Jiang Hefeng barely slept these days. Why?

So excited!

This time I went to Hong Kong Island to attend Lu Fei's wedding, and I came back with a full load.

Not only did he meet Lu Fei, but Lu Fei also had a very good attitude towards him and even personally promised to take him to play with him.

In the entire Chinese business community, no matter which circle they were in, no one wanted to embrace Lu Fei's lap, but he had no chance, but he seized this rare opportunity. How could Jiang Hefeng not be excited?

In the past, relying on the contacts between his ancestors and his own operations, Jiang Hefeng was somewhat famous in Tiandu City. People in the circle called him "Fourth Brother". He had face in Tiandu City, but Jiang Hefeng was not satisfied. These.

Even though he was the number one in Tianducheng, outside of Sijiu City, even in Jinwei and Zhili, he couldn't use it, it was too limited.

And once he hugged Lu Fei's thigh, he would have the opportunity to become famous all over China like Lu Fei's brothers. This was a good opportunity to shine, how could he not be excited? After telling the story, the whole audience burst into laughter.

However, everyone also had a lot of regrets in their hearts. Just listening to the description was so enjoyable. One can imagine how interesting the scene of Yue Qifeng shrinking in front of Niu Niu must have been.

It's a pity that many people completely missed this famous scene.

While everyone was laughing, they had a new understanding of the eight-year-old child in front of them.

Smart, bold, and with a maturity that doesn't match her actual age, the students taught by Lu Fei are indeed monster-like existences!

"Master, did I do something wrong again?"

Seeing that her master always had a cold face, Niu Niu asked cautiously.

Lu Fei waved his hand: "No, you did a good job.

Standing up for senior brother puts the reputation and dignity of the teacher first, which is absolutely correct. "

"yeah!" .??.

Niuniu jumped up excitedly, while the people around her frowned at the same time.

Everyone just laughs and forgets it, but Lu Fei, you are so doting on your apprentice, is this really okay?

Yue Laona is a big shot like Mount Tai and Beidou. Looking at the entire China, who wouldn't respect him greatly when they see him?

But your little apprentice has ruined Mr. Yue's face, and you still encourage him. Is this appropriate?

As for what other people thought, Lu Fei didn't care at all.

Niu Niu and Liang Guanxing represent their sect, which means they represent Lu Fei's face. Yue Qifeng has done something wrong and should be punished. If you give him face, will I, Lu Fei, lose my face?


After Liang Guanxing's incident was revealed, it was Xue Taihe's turn to be dumbfounded.

He was also impressed by the courage and courage of this little junior sister. It was definitely not a bad thing to have such a thorny figure in the sect, but the key point was that it was time for him to express himself.

Senior brother Liang Guanxing gave a meeting gift, what should I give?

He didn't have anything that he could use, and even if he did, it was just ordinary stuff. He didn't want his junior sister to comment on it in public.

After thinking about it, Xue Taihe had an idea.

"Little junior sister, our master has a lot of good things. Senior brother, I won't give you those things. Let's do this. Senior brother, I have several properties in Tiandu. The location is pretty good. I will wait until next time I go to Tiandu. , Senior Brother will give you a set, so that you can travel around the world one day and have a place to stay when you arrive in Tiandu City."

"Thank you, senior brother!"

Niu Niu was full of joy, and Lu Fei didn't say anything. Lao Xue had a lot of real estate, so there was no problem in giving one to Niu Niu.

But Liang Guanxing regretted not falling.

Damn it!

Why didn't I think of this?

Giving away a house is much more superior than giving away a fake!

It seems that Lao Xue is still a thief!

After the small episode, everyone's life continues.

On this day, Yan Yonghui, Dapeng Xiaofei and others also returned to Hong Kong Island.

The industries in Bianliang were almost completely disposed of, with only the Brilliant Nightclub remaining.

That nightclub was the foundation of their fortune and had extraordinary commemorative significance. A few brothers were left to continue to maintain it, and the remaining brothers all came to Hong Kong Island to gather.

Lu Fei is here and has already made arrangements for them.

It's unrealistic to open a big company for them. It's just a bunch of big bosses, and they can't do it. Therefore, after Lu Fei and Yan Yonghui discussed it, they decided to stick to their old business, the entertainment and leisure industry.

Of course, the scale is not comparable to that of Bianliang Huihuang Nightclub. If we want to do it, we must be the best in Hong Kong Island.

Acquiring several nightclubs and high-end clubs was really easy for Lu Fei. Lu Fei didn't even have to step forward, leaving full control to Xiao Nai Gou and Yan Yonghui.

The best location on Hong Kong Island, the largest scale, the most luxurious decoration, and the most luxurious grade. Anyway, this is the purpose, everything must be the best.

The acquisition is simple, but the follow-up cannot be solved in a day or two. Therefore, starting from today, Xiao Nai Gou, Yan Yonghui and others became completely busy.

Two days later, a Cadillac sedan and an air-conditioned van drove to the entrance of the villa. The gatekeeper called to report that it was Mr. Jiang Hefeng from Tiandu who wanted to see them.

Lu Fei's eyes lit up when he heard this name. He has been waiting for you for several days and finally you are here.

Lu Fei did not let Brother Mengang receive him, but took Lao Bai to greet him at the door. This was considered as giving Jiang Hefeng enough face, and the latter was of course very moved.

"Fourth brother, welcome."

Lu Fei greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Lu, I sent you the photos from the museum. I hope you like them."

Jiang Hefeng barely slept these days. Why?

So excited!

This time I went to Hong Kong Island to attend Lu Fei's wedding, and I came back with a full load.

Not only did he meet Lu Fei, but Lu Fei also had a very good attitude towards him and even personally promised to take him to play together.

In the entire Chinese business community, no matter which circle they were in, no one wanted to embrace Lu Fei's lap, but he had no chance, but he seized this rare opportunity. How could Jiang Hefeng not be excited?

In the past, relying on the contacts between his ancestors and his own operations, Jiang Hefeng was somewhat famous in Tiandu City. People in the circle called him "Fourth Brother". He had face in Tiandu City, but Jiang Hefeng was not satisfied. These.

Even though he was the number one in Tianducheng, outside of Sijiu City, even in Jinwei and Zhili, he couldn't use it, it was too limited.

And once he hugged Lu Fei's thigh, he would have the opportunity to become famous all over China like Lu Fei's brothers. This was a good opportunity to shine, how could he not be excited?

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