A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2787 Full of Memories

The era reflected in the photo was the most corrupt and dangerous period of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

In the photo, the outside of Zhengyang Gate is still lively, but except for the nobles passing back and forth, during that period, almost all the lower class people gathered outside the front door. Those young merchants and hawkers also served ordinary people, people with status, Wouldn't even stop to take a second look.

Therefore, on the surface, the crowds of people look lively, but in fact, it is just the lower class people who are struggling to survive.

The Zhengyangmen building in the photo is also dilapidated. The gate tower is damaged, the arrow tower is damaged, and the walls collapse. It looks very desolate. This is not the Zhengyang Gate that Lu Fei was familiar with after he was born, but Lu Fei knew about Zhengyang Gate. all encounters.

Overall, it was a bad fate.

Although Zhengyangmen in the photo is dilapidated, this is still not what Zhengyangmen looked like during the most tragic period.

From the early Ming Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, during more than 470 years, Zhengyangmen was repeatedly destroyed to varying degrees due to wars or fires. It is recorded in historical records five times, with the most serious one occurring three years later.

On June 16, the twenty-sixth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu, the Boxers set fire to the Lao Deji foreign goods store in Dashilar, in order to support the Qing Dynasty and destroy foreign goods, and boycott foreign goods. At that time, there was a southwesterly wind, causing the fire to spread rapidly, and eventually the Zhengyangmen Archery Tower was burned to the ground. The city tower was destroyed by the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

On August 14, the invading coalition forces attacked Tiandu City, set up artillery positions at the Temple of Heaven, and bombarded the Zhengyangmen archery tower and city tower.

On September 27, British mercenaries stationed in Wengcheng lit a fire in the Zhengyangmen gate tower to keep warm. A fire broke out and burned all the towers. The fire was so fierce that the whole city was shocked. It was not extinguished until dawn.

In the 29th year of Guangxu's reign, Yuan Shikai, then governor of Zhili, and Chen Bi, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, were ordered to rebuild the Yangmen Gate Tower and Arrow Tower.

Since the engineering files of each city gate stored by the Ministry of Industry were destroyed in the war, the reconstruction of Zhengyangmen Gate Tower had to be enlarged and built according to the regulations of Chongwenmen Gate Tower and Xuanwumen Gate Tower. The reconstruction of Zhengyangmen Archery Tower was based on the regulations of Xuanwumen Archery Tower. The enlarged construction was completed in the 33rd year of Guangxu. This was the final reconstruction of Zhengyang Gate, and it was also what Lu Fei saw later.

Later, after the Zhengyangmen Station of the Beijing-Fenghuang Railway and the Beijing-Hankou Railway was built, the flow of people and vehicles around Zhengyangmen became very dense, and that was the real excitement.

There were a dazzling array of traders, cart pullers, and various vendors. In today’s terms, the daily flow of people was at least 20,000. In those days, this was quite impressive. Looking at the entire China, it was second only to In the modern city of Great Magic City.

In 1914, in order to alleviate traffic congestion, the Secretary of the Interior and

Tiandu Municipal Supervisor Zhu Qiqian presided over the reconstruction project.

The Zhengyangmen Urn City was demolished; there were two openings on each side of the city wall to form an east-west station square; a zigzag horse trail was added to the arrow tower and decorated in European style.

Today's Zhengyangmen Gate Tower and Arrow Tower are the result of reconstruction in the 33rd year of Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty and reconstruction in the early years of the Republic of China.

In 1928, the Nanjing National Government promulgated the policy of "protecting domestic products", and the Tiandu Domestic Products Exhibition Hall was established, located at the Zhengyangmen Arrow Tower.

During the Japanese and puppet rule, the Zhengyangmen Arrow Tower was turned into a cinema.

In 1949, Tiandu was liberated, and the ill-fated Zhengyangmen regained its vitality.

As a man of two generations, Lu Fei can be said to have witnessed the decline of Zhengyangmen back then and its current prosperity, so when he saw the scene in the photo, Lu Fei felt too much emotion in his heart.

Especially the people in the photos made Lu Fei feel more intimate.

A long time ago, Lu Fei also dressed like that in a green gown. Now, if someone dresses like that, it will be trending every minute, and netizens will definitely make him look hot.

But at that time, it was quite a fashionable dress. Ordinary people couldn't afford it if they wanted to wear it. In that era, if you were wearing a clean Tsing Yi gown, no one would dare to look down on you when walking on the street, because you were wearing this. The outfit represents one's status. At the very least, he has a few pieces of silver in his pocket. Although he is not as good as those Manchu nobles, he is still a master.

At that time, although Lu Fei was still studying art, he was really not short of money. As long as Lu Fei could remember, he seemed to have never worn patched clothes, let alone experienced the feeling of hunger and cold. Now I think about it. I think that being able to meet three masters in the first place was truly a blessing that I had cultivated for several lifetimes.

Otherwise, Lu Fei in his previous life would have either starved to death early or begged on the streets. Or, at best, he would have worked as a slave for a wealthy family and lived a life of mediocrity.

Thinking of these, Lu Fei would inevitably think of every detail of his previous life when he was studying art, and his heart would inevitably surge with heat.

In addition to dressing up, there were also the big, dark and shiny waist-length braids that filled the streets. In that era, no matter whether they had money or not, or whether they had enough to eat, everyone's braids had to be carefully taken care of. Lu Fei did the same in his previous life. In this way, cherish your braids as life.

Later, after the fall of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, pigtails were cut throughout the country, and Lu Fei was still a little reluctant. Later, Lu Fei was born, and Zhang Xun, the braid commander, was instigating the restoration. Although Lu Fei felt shameless, because of his reputation as a braid commander, Lu Fei was still in his heart. Give him a thumbs up, after all, those are memories of the past! The era reflected in the photo was the most corrupt and dangerous period of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

In the photo, the outside of Zhengyang Gate is still lively, but except for the nobles passing back and forth, during that period, almost all the lower class people gathered outside the front door. Those young merchants and hawkers also served ordinary people, people with status, Wouldn't even stop to take a second look.

Therefore, on the surface, the crowds of people look lively, but in fact, it is just the lower class people who are struggling to survive.

The Zhengyangmen building in the photo is also dilapidated. The gate tower is damaged, the arrow tower is damaged, and the walls collapse. It looks very desolate. This is not the Zhengyang Gate that Lu Fei was familiar with after he was born, but Lu Fei knew about Zhengyang Gate. all encounters.

Overall, it was a bad fate.

Although Zhengyangmen in the photo is dilapidated, this is still not what Zhengyangmen looked like during the most tragic period.

From the early Ming Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, during more than 470 years, Zhengyangmen was repeatedly destroyed to varying degrees due to wars or fires. It is recorded in historical records five times, with the most serious one occurring three years later. ??

On June 16, the twenty-sixth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu, the Boxers set fire to the Lao Deji foreign goods store in Dashilar, in order to support the Qing Dynasty and destroy foreign goods, and boycott foreign goods. At that time, there was a southwesterly wind, causing the fire to spread rapidly, and eventually the Zhengyangmen Archery Tower was burned to the ground. The city tower was destroyed by the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

On August 14, the invading coalition forces attacked Tiandu City, set up artillery positions at the Temple of Heaven, and bombarded the Zhengyangmen archery tower and city tower.

On September 27, British mercenaries stationed in Wengcheng lit a fire in the Zhengyangmen gate tower to keep warm. A fire broke out and burned all the towers. The fire was so fierce that the whole city was shocked. It was not extinguished until dawn.

In the 29th year of Guangxu's reign, Yuan Shikai, then governor of Zhili, and Chen Bi, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, were ordered to rebuild the Yangmen Gate Tower and Arrow Tower.

Since the engineering files of each city gate stored by the Ministry of Industry were destroyed in the war, the reconstruction of Zhengyangmen Gate Tower had to be enlarged and built according to the regulations of Chongwenmen Gate Tower and Xuanwumen Gate Tower. The reconstruction of Zhengyangmen Archery Tower was based on the regulations of Xuanwumen Archery Tower. The enlarged construction was completed in the 33rd year of Guangxu. This was the final reconstruction of Zhengyang Gate, and it was also what Lu Fei saw later.

Later, after the Zhengyangmen Station of the Beijing-Fenghuang Railway and the Beijing-Hankou Railway was built, the flow of people and vehicles around Zhengyangmen became very dense, and that was the real excitement.

There were a dazzling array of traders, cart pullers, and various vendors. In today’s terms, the daily flow of people was at least 20,000. In those days, this was quite impressive. Looking at the entire China, it was second only to In the modern city of Great Magic City.

In 1914, in order to alleviate traffic congestion, the Secretary of the Interior and

Tiandu Municipal Supervisor Zhu Qiqian presided over the reconstruction project.

The Zhengyangmen Urn City was demolished; there were two openings on each side of the city wall to form an east-west station square; a zigzag horse trail was added to the arrow tower and decorated in European style.

Today's Zhengyangmen Gate Tower and Arrow Tower are the result of reconstruction in the 33rd year of Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty and reconstruction in the early years of the Republic of China.

In 1928, the Nanjing National Government promulgated the policy of "protecting domestic products", and the Tiandu Domestic Products Exhibition Hall was established, located at the Zhengyangmen Arrow Tower.

During the Japanese and puppet rule, the Zhengyangmen Arrow Tower was turned into a cinema.

In 1949, Tiandu was liberated, and the ill-fated Zhengyangmen regained its vitality.

As a man of two generations, Lu Fei can be said to have witnessed the decline of Zhengyangmen back then and its current prosperity, so when he saw the scene in the photo, Lu Fei felt too much emotion in his heart.

Especially the people in the photos made Lu Fei feel more intimate.

A long time ago, Lu Fei also dressed like that in a green gown. Now, if someone dresses like that, it will be trending every minute, and netizens will definitely make him look hot.

But at that time, it was quite a fashionable dress. Ordinary people couldn't afford it if they wanted to wear it. In that era, if you were wearing a clean Tsing Yi gown, no one would dare to look down on you when walking on the street, because you were wearing this. The outfit represents one's status. At the very least, he has a few pieces of silver in his pocket. Although he is not as good as those Manchu nobles, he is still a master.

At that time, although Lu Fei was still studying art, he was really not short of money. As long as Lu Fei could remember, he seemed to have never worn patched clothes, let alone experienced the feeling of hunger and cold. Now I think about it. I think that being able to meet three masters in the first place was truly a blessing that I had cultivated for several lifetimes.

Otherwise, Lu Fei in his previous life would have either starved to death early or begged on the streets. Or, at best, he would have worked as a slave for a wealthy family and lived a life of mediocrity.

Thinking of these, Lu Fei would inevitably think of every detail of his previous life when he was studying art, and his heart would inevitably surge with heat.

In addition to dressing up, there were also the big, dark and shiny waist-length braids that filled the streets. In that era, no matter whether they had money or not, or whether they had enough to eat, everyone's braids had to be carefully taken care of. Lu Fei did the same in his previous life. In this way, cherish your braids as life.

Later, after the fall of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, pigtails were cut throughout the country, and Lu Fei was still a little reluctant. Later, Lu Fei was born, and Zhang Xun, the braid commander, was instigating the restoration. Although Lu Fei felt shameless, because of his reputation as a braid commander, Lu Fei was still in his heart. Give him a thumbs up, after all, those are memories of the past!

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