A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2808 Meeting

Seeing the back figures of a man and a woman in the photo, Lu Fei's blood was so excited that he couldn't help it.

Even though it was just their backs, Lu Fei could recognize their identities at a glance. He didn't even need to be clear about them. It was just a rough outline, and he would definitely recognize them.

Because the thin young man on the right is also named Lu Fei.

That's right, that figure from the back is none other than Lu Fei from the previous life.

Since his rebirth, Lu Fei has consulted too many historical materials and various folklore and anecdotes, but unfortunately, no matter where he is, Lu Fei has not found a single word about himself in his previous life. Yes, there is not a single bit. .

In this regard, Lu Fei forced himself to give himself several explanations.

He believed that Lu Fei was vigorous in his previous life and made too many powerful friends, but perhaps he did not do enough. He was just an insignificant speck of dust in the long river of history and was not worthy of being remembered by history. .

In his previous life, he had a drink with Yuan Kewen, had a restaurant confrontation with Wu Peifu, gave Sun Chuanfang pointers, discussed the beauty of Jun porcelain with Marshal Zhang Xueliang, and discussed the ancient and modern techniques of painting with Zhang Daqian. As for his mysterious His medical skills helped dozens of big shots at the time, but perhaps on the surface these people regarded him as a friend, a confidant, and a benefactor, but in fact his status was far from enough.

Lu Fei even once suspected that it was his rebirth that brought a subtle butterfly effect to the world. Therefore, everything about him was easily erased by history. However, the master's paintings appeared, and the third master's tomb remained. In Qinling, all this shows that the self in the previous life really existed.

There are many signs that indicate his existence in the previous life, but there are no clues about himself. This makes Lu Fei very depressed and entangled, and even a little depressed. He suspects that the things he did in the previous life are not worth it. .

However, this thought was fleeting. Lu Fei figured out that everything he did in his previous life was not to become famous, let alone to have future generations praise him. What he did was just for everyone with conscience and ability. There is nothing worth showing off about what Chinese people in China should do.

Living in troubled times, there were countless people who silently made sacrifices for that turbulent China. Lu Fei in the previous life was just one of them.

Thanks to God's grace, he was lucky enough to live one more life. This was already a blessing. Compared with those unknown and unknown heroes, compared with his brothers who robbed ships in the South China Sea, Lu Fei was already extremely lucky. In this case, What else is there to be unhappy about?

After thinking about this, Lu Fei had already let go. But when he had no illusions, he suddenly saw something in an old photo.

Seeing the back of his previous life, Lu Fei's heart, which had long been relieved, suddenly started to burn, and his blood boiled instantly. Lu Fei tried his best to control it, but it had no effect at all. Facts have proved that this sudden excitement, even in his heart, No matter how strong a person is, he cannot bear it.

Therefore, Lu Fei was shocked. Looking at the back in the photo, Mi was in a daze, completely stunned.

This time, it took a full ten minutes for Lu Fei to feel his breathing and gradually began to recover, but he could only relax slightly and could not calm down at all.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect to see you in this situation. Are you okay?"


Lu Fei murmured these words to himself, and immediately burst into laughter.

"I guess you wouldn't have thought that we would meet under such circumstances!

Fortune plays tricks on people, and this may be our fate.

I'm fine, but..."

Having said this, Lu Fei suddenly realized that he had nothing to say to himself in the photo. This kind of encounter was really unexpected, but it was also very embarrassing. It was so embarrassing that people didn't expect it.

And the next second, Lu Fei suddenly found that he didn't seem so excited anymore, and everything seemed so natural again.

This is just a photo, just a frozen scene, and it can only prove that I really existed in the previous life. Other than that, it doesn't seem to mean anything.

Because the figure from the back in the photo died in Nanhai a hundred years ago, and not even a scrap was left.

And the current self is not the skin in the photo at all. It is just the memory and skills of the previous life, which are placed on the body of a young man named Lu Fei in this life.

Strictly speaking, this is just a kind of parasitism, not even resurrecting a corpse, because Lu Fei in this life has not died at all.

As a result, Lu Fei was confused again. Who was he now?

Is he really reborn?

Am I still the amazingly talented Lu Fei from my previous life?

Do you really exist?

"Brother Fei, have you forgotten me?"

Suddenly, a free and easy yet somewhat resentful woman's voice seemed to appear in Lu Fei's mind, and Lu Fei instantly woke up from his confusion.

This is not really someone complaining, but Lu Fei's own subconscious. Lu Fei can feel it. The reason why he feels this way is because Lu Fei is only obsessed with himself in the photo and ignores the back of the woman next to him. , this is my own fault. Seeing the back figures of a man and a woman in the photo, Lu Fei's blood was so excited that he couldn't help it.

Even though it was just their backs, Lu Fei could recognize their identities at a glance. He didn't even need to be clear about them. It was just a rough outline, and he would definitely recognize them.

Because the thin young man on the right is also named Lu Fei.

That's right, that figure from the back is none other than Lu Fei from the previous life.

Since his rebirth, Lu Fei has consulted too many historical materials and various folklore and anecdotes, but unfortunately, no matter where he is, Lu Fei has not found a single word about himself in his previous life. Yes, there is not a single bit. .

In this regard, Lu Fei forced himself to give himself several explanations.

He believed that Lu Fei was vigorous in his previous life and made too many powerful friends, but perhaps he did not do enough. He was just an insignificant speck of dust in the long river of history, not worthy of being remembered by history. .

In his previous life, he had a drink with Yuan Kewen, had a restaurant confrontation with Wu Peifu, gave Sun Chuanfang pointers, discussed the beauty of Jun porcelain with Marshal Zhang Xueliang, and discussed the ancient and modern techniques of painting with Zhang Daqian. As for his mysterious His medical skills helped dozens of big shots at the time, but perhaps on the surface these people regarded him as a friend, a confidant, and a benefactor, but in fact his status was far from enough.

Lu Fei even once suspected that it was his rebirth that brought a subtle butterfly effect to the world. Therefore, everything about him was easily erased by history. However, the master's paintings appeared, and the third master's tomb remained. In Qinling, all this shows that the self in the previous life really existed.

There are many signs that indicate his existence in the previous life, but there are no clues about himself. This makes Lu Fei very depressed and entangled, and even a little depressed. He suspects that the things he did in the previous life are not worth it. . .??.

However, this thought was fleeting. Lu Fei figured out that everything he did in his previous life was not to become famous, let alone to have future generations praise him. What he did was just for everyone with conscience and ability. There is nothing worth showing off about what Chinese people in China should do.

Living in troubled times, there were countless people who silently made sacrifices for that turbulent China. Lu Fei in the previous life was just one of them.

Thanks to God's grace, he was lucky enough to live one more life. This was already a blessing. Compared with those unknown and unknown heroes, compared with his brothers who robbed ships in the South China Sea, Lu Fei was already extremely lucky. In this case, What else is there to be unhappy about?

After thinking about this, Lu Fei had already let go. But when he had no illusions, he suddenly saw something in an old photo.

Seeing the back of his previous life, Lu Fei's heart, which had long been relieved, suddenly started to burn, and his blood boiled instantly. Lu Fei tried his best to control it, but it had no effect at all. Facts have proved that this sudden excitement, even in his heart, No matter how strong a person is, he cannot bear it.

Therefore, Lu Fei was shocked. Looking at the back in the photo, Mi was in a daze, completely stunned.

This time, it took a full ten minutes for Lu Fei to feel his breathing and gradually began to recover, but he could only relax slightly and could not calm down at all.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect to see you in this situation. Are you okay?"


Lu Fei murmured these words to himself, and immediately burst into laughter.

"I guess you wouldn't have thought that we would meet under such circumstances!

Fortune plays tricks on people, and this may be our fate.

I'm fine, but..."

Having said this, Lu Fei suddenly realized that he had nothing to say to himself in the photo. This kind of encounter was really unexpected, but it was also very embarrassing. It was so embarrassing that people didn't expect it.

And the next second, Lu Fei suddenly found that he didn't seem so excited anymore, and everything seemed so natural again.

This is just a photo, just a frozen scene, and it can only prove that I really existed in the previous life. Other than that, it doesn't seem to mean anything.

Because the figure from the back in the photo died in Nanhai a hundred years ago, and not even a scrap was left.

And the current self is not the skin in the photo at all. It is just the memory and skills of the previous life, which are placed on the body of a young man named Lu Fei in this life.

Strictly speaking, this is just a kind of parasitism, not even resurrecting a corpse, because Lu Fei in this life has not died at all.

As a result, Lu Fei was confused again. Who was he now?

Is he really reborn?

Am I still the amazingly talented Lu Fei from my previous life?

Do you really exist?

"Brother Fei, have you forgotten me?"

Suddenly, a free and easy yet somewhat resentful woman's voice seemed to appear in Lu Fei's mind, and Lu Fei instantly woke up from his confusion.

This is not really someone complaining, but Lu Fei's own subconscious. Lu Fei can feel it. The reason why he feels this way is because Lu Fei is only obsessed with himself in the photo and ignores the back of the woman next to him. , this is my own fault.

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