A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2810 Extraneous problems

I overheard the news that a wealthy businessman was robbed, and suddenly became interested.

It's not that he likes to meddle in other people's business, but the things that were rumored to have been robbed were too attractive to Lu Fei.

Thousand-year-old wild ginseng, even in that era, was in short supply, not to mention precious medicinal materials such as deer antler and bear bile. Lu Fei had medical skills and was too sensitive to this kind of treasure. He knew that these were all Treasures that can be found but cannot be found. These treasures can save lives at critical moments, which no amount of money can do.

Lu Fei temporarily settled at Jiumenmen and spent a day to find out the real situation.

The facts are not much different from the rumors. There is indeed such a thing. The person who was robbed was a little kid from Huanshigang in Wulongkou. The total number was about fifty people and a dozen guns. The leader was called Fang Dahu, nicknamed Huzi. .

According to rumors, this guy is a ruthless character, but I’m not sure whether it actually contains thousand-year ginseng, but I think it’s worth a trip.

Lu Fei was going to go to Rock Hill alone to meet this leader.

Lu Fei went to Luanshigang not to challenge this gangster alone, nor to pretend to be superior. He planned to destroy this evil force alone and steal the treasure as his own.

The plots in the TV series where one person kills dozens of people are pure nonsense. Lu Fei is not Ultraman, so that is impossible. Of course, Lu Fei is not prepared to convince others with virtue, which is even less effective.

Ninety-nine percent of the men with beards in that era were hot-tempered and rough men. If you tried to reason with them, you would definitely be beaten to death.

But there are rules in the world, and Lu Fei understands these rules.

The beards in the cottage are all rough people, and they only rob for money. They don't know how to practice medicine, so there is no use keeping those precious medicinal materials, so they can only find ways to cash them in.

The biggest headache for them is to cash out stolen goods. For goods of low value, it's easy to find someone to go to the town to exchange them for cash, but for valuable items, it's not that simple.

The merchants in the town store cannot afford it, and they feel that they are at a disadvantage if the price is cheap.

To cash in valuable goods, one can only go to the city to find powerful big businessmen, but their status is extremely special and they dare not show off easily, so it is very difficult.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, an individual or wealthy person who understands the rules and has strength comes to buy the goods.

According to the rules of the world, door-to-door acquisitions must give people a certain profit margin, which means lowering the selling price. However, it can be cashed out at once, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble, and it is very safe. This is a win-win situation, Taozi And be willing to accept it.

However, door-to-door acquisition is also

There are rules.

It's not okay to go to the bandit's lair carelessly. They won't let you in at all. Before you get close, the sky spirit cover will be opened by flying bullets.

According to the rules on the road, you must find a guide, someone you know and trust, to vouch for and recommend you, and then follow the normal procedures to worship the mountain.

If Taozi recognizes you, he will send someone to pick you up at the mountain village, or find a third-party location to meet and negotiate. Only if the negotiation is successful can the transaction be carried out.

Most people don't understand these rules, but Lu Fei knows them well.

No matter which tadpole it is, there will be people at the local store to look for information. Only by finding them can we successfully enter the mountain.

Most people can't find this kind of person, but Lu Fei can't help it.

I found the largest inn in town and stayed at it. I gave the innkeeper five yuan and met the innkeeper smoothly.

After telling his purpose, skillfully making Jianghu gestures, and paying an "agency fee" of twenty yuan, Lu Fei saw the eyes and ears of the gangster in Luanshigang with his teeth wide open in the evening.

Zhang Daya has rich experience. After a few exchanges between the two, they knew that Lu Fei was from the Jianghu and was not an informant of the government. He asked Lu Fei to wait for the news and Zhang Daya left.

Early the next morning, Zhang Daya came to the door and hired a mule cart to take Lu Fei into the mountains.

All this was done in accordance with the rules of the world. Lu Fei had experienced similar things more than once and had never made any mistakes. He thought that the contact would be smooth this time, but he did not expect an accident.

When the time came to noon, the mule cart came to the first hidden hillock in Tuanzi and needed to stop for inspection.

This is also a rule. This procedure must be followed everywhere. Lu Fei nodded in agreement without thinking too much.

Lu Fei only brought a self-defense pistol and dozens of yuan. This trip was mainly for negotiation. If everything went well, he could see the goods, negotiate a price and find time to trade later, so Lu Fei didn't have much on him. of burden.

The two tough-looking bandits carefully checked to make sure there were no extra bits and pieces. According to the rules, they took off Lu Fei's pistol and kept it for the time being before letting them go. Unexpectedly, one of the bandits fell in love with the jade worn on Lu Fei's waist. The unicorn pendant, with a playful smile, insisted on Lu Fei giving it to him.

If it were an ordinary object, Lu Fei wouldn't care, but not this jade unicorn. His master gave it to him when he went down the mountain.

The master has worn this thing for many years. It can be said to be the inheritance of the master. Lu Fei regards it as his life, how could he give it away?

Lu Fei refused with a smile, but the grandson was very stubborn and insisted, so a quarrel broke out, and then an accident happened. I overheard the news that a wealthy businessman was robbed, and suddenly became interested.

It's not that he likes to meddle in other people's business, but the things that were rumored to have been robbed were too attractive to Lu Fei.

Thousand-year-old wild ginseng, even in that era, was in short supply, not to mention precious medicinal materials such as deer antler and bear bile. Lu Fei had medical skills and was too sensitive to this kind of treasure. He knew that these were all Treasures that can be found but cannot be found. These treasures can save lives at critical moments, which no amount of money can do.

Lu Fei temporarily settled at Jiumenmen and spent a day to find out the real situation.

The facts are not much different from the rumors. There is indeed such a thing. The person who was robbed was a little kid from Huanshigang in Wulongkou. The total number was about fifty people and a dozen guns. The leader was called Fang Dahu, nicknamed Huzi. .

According to rumors, this guy is a ruthless character, but I’m not sure whether it actually contains thousand-year ginseng, but I think it’s worth a trip.

Lu Fei was going to go to Rock Hill alone to meet this leader.

Lu Fei went to Luanshigang not to challenge this gangster alone, nor to pretend to be superior. He planned to destroy this evil force alone and steal the treasure as his own.

The plots in the TV series where one person kills dozens of people are pure nonsense. Lu Fei is not Ultraman, so that is impossible. Of course, Lu Fei is not prepared to convince others with virtue, which is even less effective.

Ninety-nine percent of the men with beards in that era were hot-tempered and rough men. If you tried to reason with them, you would definitely be beaten to death.

But there are rules in the world, and Lu Fei understands these rules.

The beards in the cottage are all rough people, and they only rob for money. They don't know how to practice medicine, so there is no use keeping those precious medicinal materials, so they can only find ways to cash them in.

The biggest headache for them is to cash out stolen goods. For goods of low value, it's easy to find someone to go to the town to exchange them for cash, but for valuable items, it's not that simple.

The merchants in the town store cannot afford it, and they feel that they are at a disadvantage if the price is cheap.

To cash in valuable goods, one can only go to the city to find powerful big businessmen, but their status is extremely special and they dare not show off easily, so it is very difficult.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, an individual or wealthy person who understands the rules and has strength comes to buy the goods.

According to the rules of the world, door-to-door acquisitions must give people a certain profit margin, which means lowering the selling price. However, it can be cashed out at once, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble, and it is very safe. This is a win-win situation, Taozi And be willing to accept it.

However, door-to-door acquisition is also

There are rules.

It's not okay to go to the bandit's lair carelessly. They won't let you in at all. Before you get close, the sky spirit cover will be opened by flying bullets.

According to the rules on the road, you must find a guide, someone you know and trust, to vouch for and recommend you, and then follow the normal procedures to worship the mountain.

If Taozi recognizes you, he will send someone to pick you up at the mountain village, or find a third-party location to meet and negotiate. Only if the negotiation is successful can the transaction be carried out.

Most people don't understand these rules, but Lu Fei knows them well.

No matter which tadpole it is, there will be people at the local store to look for information. Only by finding them can we successfully enter the mountain.

Most people can't find this kind of person, but Lu Fei can't help it.

I found the largest inn in town and stayed at it. I gave the innkeeper five yuan and met the innkeeper smoothly.

After telling his purpose, skillfully making Jianghu gestures, and paying an "agency fee" of twenty yuan, Lu Fei saw the eyes and ears of the gangster in Luanshigang with his teeth wide open in the evening.

Zhang Daya has rich experience. After a few exchanges between the two, they knew that Lu Fei was from the Jianghu and was not an informant of the government. He asked Lu Fei to wait for the news and Zhang Daya left.

Early the next morning, Zhang Daya came to the door and hired a mule cart to take Lu Fei into the mountains.

All this was done in accordance with the rules of the world. Lu Fei had experienced similar things more than once and had never made any mistakes. He thought that the contact would be smooth this time, but he did not expect an accident.

When the time came to noon, the mule cart came to the first hidden hillock in Tuanzi and needed to stop for inspection.

This is also a rule. This procedure must be followed everywhere. Lu Fei nodded in agreement without thinking too much.

Lu Fei only brought a self-defense pistol and dozens of yuan. This trip was mainly for negotiation. If everything went well, he could see the goods, negotiate a price and find time to trade later, so Lu Fei didn't have much on him. of burden.

The two tough-looking bandits carefully checked to make sure there were no extra bits and pieces. According to the rules, they took off Lu Fei's pistol and kept it for the time being before letting them go. Unexpectedly, one of the bandits fell in love with the jade worn on Lu Fei's waist. The unicorn pendant, with a playful smile, insisted on Lu Fei giving it to him.

If it were an ordinary object, Lu Fei wouldn't care, but not this jade unicorn. His master gave it to him when he went down the mountain.

The master has worn this thing for many years. It can be said to be the inheritance of the master. Lu Fei regards it as his life, how could he give it away?

Lu Fei refused with a smile, but the grandson was very stubborn and insisted, so a quarrel broke out, and then an accident happened.

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