A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2821 Competition

In the years since Lu Fei was born, I have seen a lot of famous ladies and ladies, but no woman has such a perfect figure and special temperament as Jiuyue Hong. I can't help but look at her more.

Lu Fei stared at the girl. Jiuyue Hong himself did not show any disgust, and the other copycat brothers didn't say anything. They knew how alluring the boss's appearance was, and no breathless man could compare to that beauty. Ignore it, but when the second boss You She saw Lu Fei's behavior, a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

However, this idea was still brewing in his mind and he did not speak out.

Jiuyuehong proposed to compete with Lu Fei in marksmanship. Lu Fei wanted to refuse. After all, it was a bit weird to compete with a big girl. If he won, the girl would not be able to stand up. If he lost, Mr. Lu would not look good, right?

If word spread to Lu Fei's friends in the world that Lu Fei actually lost to a girl, then this incident would definitely become the subject of their jokes for the rest of their lives. It would be so embarrassing.

Although Lu Fei didn't want to compete, the copycat brothers collectively booed and even You Shu agreed. There was no other way, so Lu Fei had to agree.

The rules of the competition were proposed by Jiuyue Hong, but Lu Fei was really shocked when he heard the girl tell them the rules.

The rules of Jiuyuehong are that two people stand thirty steps away with a walnut on their heads. The other party shoots. If the walnut is broken, the winner wins. Otherwise, he loses.

Damn it!

Isn’t this life-threatening? Damn it!

Isn't this girl a little too cruel?

Lu Fei had also seen this kind of gameplay before. While testing his marksmanship, he was also testing his courage. There were many similar scenes in various later dramas, but in those scenes, the ones on the head were usually Watermelon, the smallest one is also an apple, but what Jiuyuehong proposed was a walnut!

How big are walnuts?

Not to mention standing thirty steps away.

The weapons of this era are not as sophisticated as those of later generations. Thirty steps away, that is, a distance of nearly thirty meters, is not unusually difficult. If a mistake is made, everything will be useless.

To be honest, Lu Fei really hesitated at that moment.

It's not that he is timid, but he has no confidence in Yue Yuehong's shooting skills. If he is not afraid of ten thousand, he is afraid of what if it is not?

The key is, he can't do it!

But this thought was fleeting, because Yue Yuehong's firm gaze made Lu Fei feel relieved.

Don't agree?

It doesn't exist. Mr. Lu can't have the reputation of being as timid as a mouse, can he?

Lu Fei decided to accept the challenge, and thunderous applause erupted from the surroundings. It must be said that in any age, there are people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal.

Jiuyuehong proposed to let Lu Fei shoot first, but Lu Fei refused. In this kind of scene, the aura of the gentleman must be reflected.

Lu Fei was humble, but he ended up being September

Hong was quite calm and accepted it with peace of mind.

In other words, a man's face can be very deceiving sometimes.

When the matter reached this point, there was no room for mediation. Lu Fei had no choice but to walk thirty steps away and put a pecan three times smaller than an egg on his head.

In order to show his pure manly courage, Lu Fei did not close his eyes, but stared at Jiuyue Hong with an indifferent expression.

The girl slowly took out the gun, loaded the bullet slowly, then gracefully raised her delicate arm and took aim seriously.

This set lasted for a full minute. Lu Fei swore that in his more than twenty years of life, he had never suffered like this for more than a minute. It was too torture.

According to Lu Fei's experience, the longer the aiming time, the more unreliable it is. To be honest, Lu Fei really regretted it, and his legs even trembled slightly. However, it was only an extremely subtle manifestation, and outsiders would not notice it at all. If he didn't come out, only Lu Fei could feel it. His breathing had begun to quicken, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and goosebumps had already appeared all over his body.


Just when Lu Fei was about to lose his hold, the gunshot finally rang out. At the same time, the pecans on Lu Fei's head exploded instantly, and Lu Fei's steamed buns were all broken into pieces.

call! !

Lu Fei let out a long breath, and it was finally over. At the same time, Lu Fei also admired from the bottom of his heart. This girl's shooting skills are really awesome. To be such a big boss, she is indeed very capable!


"The boss can shoot through the enemy at a hundred steps. His marksmanship is so good."

The applause and cheers from the surrounding people echoed through the sky. Lu Fei also slapped his hands like a gentleman, but Yue Yuehong blew the barrel of the gun gently and put away the gun elegantly. Her expression was as calm as ever, without any trace of showing off or pride. It's like doing the most ordinary thing.

Next, according to the rules, the two of them should exchange places, and Lu Fei would shoot. But at this moment, Lu Fei unexpectedly announced his defeat.

A group of rough guys around didn't understand what Lu Fei meant, and they were all stunned on the spot. Only a few people, You Shu and Pan Yuliang, nodded in admiration. Mr. Lu is indeed a man!

Although Lu Fei announced his defeat, Jiuyue Hong didn't appreciate it. He walked to the designated venue, put walnuts on his head and shouted for Lu Fei to shoot.

Lu Fei shook his head and sighed, ignoring it, and walked towards his room.

Just when Lu Fei took more than thirty steps, Yue Yuehong's furious shouting came from behind.

"My surname is Lu, you are not a man. If you are a man, just compete with me. Otherwise, I will look down on you."


Before Jiuyuehong finished speaking, Lu Fei suddenly turned sideways, took out his gun, turned on the safety, and fired with his hand. At the same time, the walnut on Jiuyuehong's head shattered, and the whole place fell into dead silence. In the years since Lu Fei was born, I have seen a lot of famous ladies and ladies, but no woman has such a perfect figure and special temperament as Jiuyue Hong. I can't help but look at her more.

Lu Fei stared at the girl. Jiuyue Hong himself did not show any disgust, and the other copycat brothers didn't say anything. They knew how alluring the boss's appearance was, and no breathless man could compare to that beauty. Ignore it, but when the second boss You She saw Lu Fei's behavior, a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

However, this idea was still brewing in his mind and he did not speak out.

Jiuyuehong proposed to compete with Lu Fei in marksmanship. Lu Fei wanted to refuse. After all, it was a bit weird to compete with a big girl. If he won, the girl would not be able to stand up. If he lost, Mr. Lu would not look good, right?

If word spread to Lu Fei's friends in the world that Lu Fei actually lost to a girl, then this incident would definitely become the subject of their jokes for the rest of their lives. It would be so embarrassing.

Although Lu Fei didn't want to compete, the copycat brothers collectively booed and even You Shu agreed. There was no other way, so Lu Fei had to agree.

The rules of the competition were proposed by Jiuyue Hong, but Lu Fei was really shocked when he heard the girl tell them the rules. .??.

The rules of Jiuyuehong are that two people stand thirty steps away with a walnut on their heads. The other party shoots. If the walnut is broken, the winner wins. Otherwise, he loses.

Damn it!

Isn’t this life-threatening? Damn it!

Isn't this girl a little too cruel?

Lu Fei had also seen this kind of gameplay before. While testing his marksmanship, he was also testing his courage. There were many similar scenes in various later dramas, but in those scenes, the ones on the head were usually Watermelon, the smallest one is also an apple, but what Jiuyuehong proposed was a walnut!

How big are walnuts?

Not to mention standing thirty steps away.

The weapons of this era are not as sophisticated as those of later generations. Thirty steps away, that is, a distance of nearly thirty meters, is not unusually difficult. If a mistake is made, everything will be useless.

To be honest, Lu Fei really hesitated at that moment.

It's not that he is timid, but he has no confidence in Yue Yuehong's shooting skills. If he is not afraid of ten thousand, he is afraid of what if it is not?

The key is, he can't do it!

But this thought was fleeting, because Yue Yuehong's firm gaze made Lu Fei feel relieved.

Don't agree?

It doesn't exist. Mr. Lu can't have the reputation of being as timid as a mouse, can he?

Lu Fei decided to accept the challenge, and thunderous applause erupted from the surroundings. It must be said that in any age, there are people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal.

Jiuyuehong proposed to let Lu Fei shoot first, but Lu Fei refused. In this kind of scene, the aura of the gentleman must be reflected.

Lu Fei was humble, but he ended up being September

Hong was quite calm and accepted it with peace of mind.

In other words, a man's face can be very deceiving sometimes.

When the matter reached this point, there was no room for mediation. Lu Fei had no choice but to walk thirty steps away and put a pecan three times smaller than an egg on his head.

In order to show his pure manly courage, Lu Fei did not close his eyes, but stared at Jiuyue Hong with an indifferent expression.

The girl slowly took out the gun, slowly loaded the bullet, then gracefully raised her delicate arm, and took aim seriously.

This set lasted for a full minute. Lu Fei swore that in his more than twenty years of life, he had never suffered like this for more than a minute. It was too torture.

According to Lu Fei's experience, the longer the aiming time, the more unreliable it is. To be honest, Lu Fei really regretted it, and his legs even trembled slightly. However, it was only an extremely subtle manifestation, and outsiders would not notice it at all. If he didn't come out, only Lu Fei could feel it. His breathing had begun to quicken, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and goosebumps had already appeared all over his body.


Just when Lu Fei was about to lose his hold, the gunshot finally rang out. At the same time, the pecans on Lu Fei's head exploded instantly, and Lu Fei's steamed buns were all broken into pieces.

call! !

Lu Fei let out a long breath, and it was finally over. At the same time, Lu Fei also admired from the bottom of his heart. This girl's shooting skills are really awesome. To be such a big boss, she is indeed very capable!


"The boss can shoot through the enemy at a hundred steps. His marksmanship is so good."

The applause and cheers from the surrounding people echoed through the sky. Lu Fei also slapped his hands like a gentleman, but Yue Yuehong blew the barrel of the gun gently and put away the gun elegantly. Her expression was as calm as ever, without any trace of showing off or pride. It's like doing the most ordinary thing.

Next, according to the rules, the two of them should exchange places, and Lu Fei would shoot. But at this moment, Lu Fei unexpectedly announced his defeat.

A group of rough guys around didn't understand what Lu Fei meant, and they were all stunned on the spot. Only a few people, You Shu and Pan Yuliang, nodded in admiration. Mr. Lu is indeed a man!

Although Lu Fei announced his defeat, Jiuyue Hong didn't appreciate it. He walked to the designated venue, put walnuts on his head and shouted for Lu Fei to shoot.

Lu Fei shook his head and sighed, ignoring it, and walked towards his room.

Just when Lu Fei took more than thirty steps, Yue Yuehong's furious shouting came from behind.

"My surname is Lu, you are still not a man. If you are a man, just compete with me. Otherwise, I will look down on you."


Before Jiuyuehong finished speaking, Lu Fei suddenly turned sideways, took out his gun, turned on the safety, and fired with his hand. At the same time, the walnut on Jiuyuehong's head shattered, and the whole place fell into dead silence.

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