A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2871 Tyranny

Patrol battalion commander Li Ping frowned when he saw squad leader Chen Xi walking in with a tied-up young man escorting him.

"Xizi, I asked you to catch the murderer, but who the hell asked you to catch the thief?

If you don’t find the murderer tonight, why don’t you go pick shit for me! "

Chen Xi shrank his neck and waited for Li Ping to finish venting, then he stepped forward and said, "Sir, this person is one of the murderers!"


Hearing this, Li Ping looked Lu Fei up and down dozens of times. His eyes suddenly showed a fierce look and he was furious. He grabbed the horse whip and pointed at Lu Fei and shouted: "You are the one who killed my nephew?"

have to!

Lu Fei understood as soon as he heard it. His guess was indeed good. The gangster leader who was beaten to death did have some background!

Lu Fei nodded calmly and said: "I did kill a few gangsters in front of Shengjing Restaurant, but I don't know which one is your nephew!"


I finally caught you. You are such a jerk that you even dare to kill my nephew. I think you are too brave and I will beat you to death! "

As Li Ping spoke, he swung the riding crop and whipped it across his head and face. Lu Fei's hands were tied and he couldn't move, so he could only avoid his head and let the whip hit his shoulders hard.

In an instant, there was burning pain, and the shoulder was suddenly bloody.

Li Ping was about to take action, but Lu Fei took a step back and shouted: "Wait a minute!

If you dare to do anything again, I guarantee that you will die without a burial place! "

boom! !

When Li Ping heard this, he was so angry that his head was going to explode.

What kind of world is this!

Even a murderer dares to be so arrogant and threaten the commander of the patrol battalion in person. Is there such a thing as royal law?

Are there any laws?

Li Ping was so angry that he threw away his horse whip and was about to take out his gun and execute Lu Fei on the spot. At this time, Chen Xi, the team leader who captured Lu Fei, rushed over and hugged Li Ping.

"Sir, wait a moment, calm down, calm down!"

"I'll calm down your grandma like a hammer!"

Li Ping raised his leg and kicked Chen Xi over. The latter stood up straight and hugged him again. His movements were extremely neat.

"Wait a minute, boss, please listen to what I have to say before taking action!"

Chen Xi never dared to commit such a crime. This time, he was uncharacteristic of himself. Li Ping also understood that there was something hidden behind him. He glared at Lu Fei angrily and walked aside with Chen Xi.

"Why the hell don't you let me do it?" Li Ping shouted.

"Boss, please calm down first, something is wrong with this kid!"


What's wrong?

Could it be that he still has three heads and six arms?

become? "

"He doesn't have three heads and six arms, but this kid is indeed very abnormal. We didn't catch him, but he came to our door to find us."

Chen Xi told the story. An outsider dared to cause trouble in Fengtian City, and even killed fifteen people. Most people would not dare to do this.

It's even more strange to surrender after killing someone.

And Lu Fei's calmness when he found them didn't look like an ordinary person.

After explaining these doubts, Chen Xi finally handed Lu Fei's pistol to Li Ping.

Li Ping frowned immediately when he saw the gun.

As the top officer of the Fengtian City Patrol Battalion, his status is not low, but he has never seen Lu Fei's gun, and he can't even name it. Even if he can't name it, he can't even name it, but he can't even name it. It's high-end goods.

It has a streamlined design, and the gun body is shiny. Although it is not big, the barrel is much thicker than his. It has foreign characters all over it. It looks like imported high-end goods.

To be able to own imported high-end goods, this person is definitely not ordinary.

In addition, Lu Fei dared to threaten him openly just now, which explains the problem even more.

Li Ping is the second uncle of Li An, the gangster who was shot to death by Yue Yuehong. His nephew was beaten to death. Although Li Ping was angry, his reason still forced him to calm down.

Being in a high position, he knows very well that there are too many people in this world who are better than him. If he really encounters trouble and is kicked on the iron plate, it will really not end well for him. Now Lu Fei's performance in all aspects, It fits the characteristics of this kind of person, so Li Ping doesn't dare to be careless.

He nodded to Chen Xi knowingly, turned around and came back to Lu Fei, his attitude completely different from before.

"Did you kill the person?" Li Ping asked.

Lu Fei raised his head and said without squinting: "Yes, I was indeed the one who killed him."

"Why kill people?"

"The road is rough."

"What's your name and where are you from?"

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "You are not worthy of asking me my name.

Send a message to me and ask Feng Delin, commander of the 28th Division, to come see me right away. I can forget about the whip you just gave me.

Otherwise, I guarantee that you and I will not see the sun tomorrow morning. "


Lu Fei's words were absolutely crazy, but the more he acted like this, the less Li Ping dared to be careless. In his opinion, the young man opposite must have the confidence to dare to say such things.

Feng Delin was the commander of the 28th Division, with the rank of lieutenant general in the army, and Zhang Zuolin, the commander of the 27th Division, was on an equal footing.

After Fengtian General Zhao Erxun left, these two men became the highest officers of Fengtian City. This man dared to ask Feng Delin to come to see him on his own initiative, and his attitude was extremely tough. Jubi was undoubtedly a big shot that he could not afford to offend. Patrol battalion commander Li Ping frowned when he saw squad leader Chen Xi walking in with a tied-up young man escorting him.

"Xizi, I asked you to catch the murderer, but who the hell asked you to catch the thief?

If you don’t find the murderer tonight, why don’t you go pick shit for me! "

Chen Xi shrank his neck and waited for Li Ping to finish venting, then he stepped forward and said, "Sir, this person is one of the murderers!"


Hearing this, Li Ping looked Lu Fei up and down dozens of times. His eyes suddenly showed a fierce look and he was furious. He grabbed the horse whip and pointed at Lu Fei and shouted: "You are the one who killed my nephew?"

have to! ??

Lu Fei understood as soon as he heard it. His guess was indeed good. The gangster leader who was beaten to death did have some background!

Lu Fei nodded calmly and said: "I did kill a few gangsters in front of Shengjing Restaurant, but I don't know which one is your nephew!"


I finally caught you. You are such a jerk that you even dare to kill my nephew. I think you are too brave and I will beat you to death! "

As Li Ping spoke, he swung the riding crop and whipped it across his head and face. Lu Fei's hands were tied and he couldn't move, so he could only avoid his head and let the whip hit his shoulders hard.

In an instant, there was burning pain, and the shoulder was suddenly bloody.

Li Ping was about to take action, but Lu Fei took a step back and shouted: "Wait a minute!

If you dare to do anything again, I guarantee that you will die without a burial place! "

boom! !

When Li Ping heard this, he was so angry that his head was going to explode.

What kind of world is this!

Even a murderer dares to be so arrogant and threaten the commander of the patrol battalion in person. Is there such a thing as royal law?

Are there any laws?

Li Ping was so angry that he threw away his horse whip and was about to take out his gun and execute Lu Fei on the spot. At this time, Chen Xi, the team leader who captured Lu Fei, rushed over and hugged Li Ping.

"Sir, wait a moment, calm down, calm down!"

"I'll calm down your grandma like a hammer!"

Li Ping raised his leg and kicked Chen Xi over. The latter stood up straight and hugged him again. His movements were extremely neat.

"Wait a minute, boss, please listen to what I have to say before taking action!"

Chen Xi never dared to commit such a crime. This time, he was uncharacteristic of himself. Li Ping also understood that there was something hidden behind him. He glared at Lu Fei angrily and walked aside with Chen Xi.

"Why the hell don't you let me do it?" Li Ping shouted.

"Boss, please calm down first, something is wrong with this kid!"


What's wrong?

Could it be that he still has three heads and six arms?

become? "

"He doesn't have three heads and six arms, but this kid is indeed very abnormal. We didn't catch him, but he came to our door to find us."

Chen Xi told the story. An outsider dared to cause trouble in Fengtian City, and even killed fifteen people. Most people would not dare to do this.

It's even more strange to surrender after killing someone.

And Lu Fei's calmness when he found them didn't look like an ordinary person.

After explaining these doubts, Chen Xi finally handed Lu Fei's pistol to Li Ping.

Li Ping frowned immediately when he saw the gun.

As the top officer of the Fengtian City Patrol Battalion, his status is not low, but he has never seen Lu Fei's gun, and he can't even name it. Even if he can't name it, he can't even name it, but he can't even name it. It's high-end goods.

It has a streamlined design, and the gun body is shiny. Although it is not big, the barrel is much thicker than his. It has foreign characters all over it. It looks like imported high-end goods.

To be able to own imported high-end goods, this person is definitely not ordinary.

In addition, Lu Fei dared to threaten him openly just now, which explains the problem even more.

Li Ping is the second uncle of Li An, the gangster who was shot to death by Yue Yuehong. His nephew was beaten to death. Although Li Ping was angry, his reason still forced him to calm down.

Being in a high position, he knows very well that there are too many people in this world who are better than him. If he really encounters trouble and is kicked on the iron plate, it will really not end well for him. Now Lu Fei's performance in all aspects, It fits the characteristics of this kind of person, so Li Ping doesn't dare to be careless.

He nodded to Chen Xi knowingly, turned around and came back to Lu Fei, his attitude completely different from before.

"Did you kill the person?" Li Ping asked.

Lu Fei raised his head and said without squinting: "Yes, I was indeed the one who killed him."

"Why kill people?"

"The road is rough."

"What's your name and where are you from?"

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "You are not worthy of asking me my name.

Send a message to me and ask Feng Delin, commander of the 28th Division, to come see me right away. I can forget about the whip you just gave me.

Otherwise, I guarantee that you and I will not see the sun tomorrow morning. "


Lu Fei's words were absolutely crazy, but the more he acted like this, the less Li Ping dared to be careless. In his opinion, the young man opposite must have the confidence to dare to say such things.

Feng Delin was the commander of the 28th Division, with the rank of lieutenant general in the army, and Zhang Zuolin, the commander of the 27th Division, was on an equal footing.

After Fengtian General Zhao Erxun left, these two men became the highest officers of Fengtian City. This man dared to let Feng Delin take the initiative to come to see him, and his attitude was extremely tough. Jubi was undoubtedly a big shot that he could not afford to offend.

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