A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2876 Agreement

Although Yuan Kewen was Yuan Shikai's second son, no one in Liangjiazhai had ever seen him. However, everyone believed in Lu Fei, so they didn't ask more questions. Instead, they were very polite to Yuan Kewen.

After the two brothers embraced each other warmly, they rode back to Liangjiazhai.

Yuan Kewen himself is not a flamboyant character. He stayed in the village for three days. You She wanted to eat, drink and entertain Lu Fei for his sake. But who would have dared to imagine that this pretty boy's background was so awesome.

On the night of the third day, Yuan Kewen proposed to Lu Fei that they would say goodbye and return to Tiandu the next day. They got down to business that night and took out the antique coefficients in the Liangjiazhai warehouse for Yuan Kewen to review.

To be honest, among these objects, Yuan Kewen could only take a fancy to a few exquisite ones. But also for Lu Fei's sake, Yuan Kewen accepted them all and issued a three million dollar check. He handed it over to You Shu, which frightened You Shu. He even suspected that the bank note was not genuine for a while, but he didn't believe it until Lu Fei reassured him again and again.

That night, Yuan Kewen stayed in Lu Fei's room, and the two brothers talked all night long.

"Brother, I won't ask about your affairs, but there is one thing. If you need help from me, don't be polite to me." Yuan Kewen said with a smile.

"Thank you, second brother, I will."

"By the way, Lu Fei, why are you with these thieves?"

Lu Fei told Liangjiazhai about saving his life and recuperating here. Yuan Kewen was also frightened after hearing this.

"Brother, what are you going to do now?

Should you follow me back to Tiandu, or stay here and continue to recuperate? "Yuan Kewen asked.

"Second brother, I understand my body. I will stay here for a while and cannot go back with you.

Before you leave, brother, I have something to ask my second brother. "

"you say!"

Lu Fei thought for a while and said: "Occupying the mountain and becoming the king is not a long-term solution after all. I want my second brother to help and give the brothers in Liangjiazhai a better home. But that's not possible. I can just let go of their past mistakes. Do you see it?"

In that era, the law was not that sound, and at that time the barrel of a gun was the last word.

No matter what your previous status was, as long as you have strength, you are king.

Lu Fei's request is more troublesome for others, because the reputation of Liangjiazhai is so loud in the local area, almost everyone has registered it with the government, and it involves many areas, which ordinary people cannot do.

But for Yuan Kewen, it is too simple. As long as he is willing, it can be done with a few phone calls.

Don't say that they won't be held accountable, even if they are detained

It is easy to form a regular army.

Yuan Kewen nodded and said: "Leave this matter to me, but I still suggest that you ask them what they think in advance. Maybe the path you plan for them is not the path they want to take. Do you understand?"

Lu Fei nodded, what Yuan Kewen said was indeed necessary, and asked Yuan Kewen to rest in the room. Lu Fei found You Shu, and the two of them went to see Jiuyuehong together. Unfortunately, Jiuyuehong didn't see him at all.

Later, Lu Fei told You Shu his thoughts. After learning Yuan Kewen's identity, You Shu was almost scared to death, and at the same time he admired Lu Fei even more.

Of course he knew that Lu Fei wanted to find a way out for their copycat, but as the second boss, he really couldn't make the decision, and the first boss was avoiding it, so the matter could only be put on hold for the time being.

The next day, Yuan Kewen took a few boxes of antiques and left, while Lu Fei continued to stay for recuperation.

Another half month passed, and Jiuyuehong still didn't show up, and Lu Fei was speechless.

Half a month later, Lu Fei felt that he had completely recovered, and he said goodbye to You Shu on this day. It was only then that Yue Yuehong finally appeared.

After not seeing each other for more than 20 days, Yue Yuehong's complexion had deteriorated a lot. Lu Fei felt somewhat guilty, but he didn't know what to say, so Yue Yuehong finally spoke.

"Lu Fei, I am determined to follow you.

If you want to leave, I won't stop you, but remember, from now on, I, Yue Yuehong, will be yours. I will give you time to sort out your own affairs and come back to marry me right away. I will wait for you.

However, if I find out that you dare to betray me, I swear on my hand that I will not let you go, even to heaven and earth. If I catch you, I will die with you. If I cannot catch you, I will go to your hometown and dig up your ancestral graves. . "

At this point, Lu Fei could no longer refuse and had no choice but to agree.

Lu Fei finally left Liangjiazhai alone, but when he left, he left several contact information for Jiuyuehong to ensure that she could find him.

Lu Fei originally thought that it would take at least a year or two for them to see each other again after this separation, but he did not expect that just three months later, Lu Fei would receive a call from Liang Jiazhai.

However, the caller was not Jiuyuehong, but Han Wang.

The call was not to force Lu Fei to get married, but that something big had happened in Liangjiazhai.

Half a month ago, the Fengjun material transport team was robbed by bandits in Haicheng. More than 30 people were killed and injured, and 12 trucks of supplies were robbed. Zhang Zuolin was furious when he received the news, and immediately issued an order to carry out a comprehensive suppression throughout Liao Province. bandit.

Shanhaiguan received an order to dispatch a mixed brigade to carry out bandit suppression activities in the local area. Liangjiazhai, the largest force in Jiumenmen, was one of their key targets. Although Yuan Kewen was Yuan Shikai's second son, no one in Liangjiazhai had ever seen him. However, everyone believed in Lu Fei, so they didn't ask more questions. Instead, they were very polite to Yuan Kewen.

After the two brothers embraced each other warmly, they rode back to Liangjiazhai.

Yuan Kewen himself is not a flamboyant character. He stayed in the village for three days. You She wanted to eat, drink and entertain Lu Fei for his sake. But who would have dared to imagine that this pretty boy's background was so awesome.

On the night of the third day, Yuan Kewen proposed to Lu Fei that they would say goodbye and return to Tiandu the next day. They got down to business that night and took out the antique coefficients in the Liangjiazhai warehouse for Yuan Kewen to review.

To be honest, among these items, Yuan Kewen could only take a fancy to a few high-quality items. But also for Lu Fei's sake, Yuan Kewen accepted them all and issued a three million banknote. He handed it over to You Shu, which frightened You Shu. He even suspected that the bank note was not genuine for a while, but he didn't believe it until Lu Fei reassured him again and again.

That night, Yuan Kewen stayed in Lu Fei's room, and the two brothers talked all night long.

"Brother, I won't ask about your affairs, but there is one thing. If you need help from me, don't be polite to me." Yuan Kewen said with a smile.

"Thank you, second brother, I will."

"By the way, Lu Fei, why are you with these thieves?"

Lu Fei told Liangjiazhai about saving his life and recuperating here. Yuan Kewen was also frightened after hearing this.

"Brother, what are you going to do now?

Should you follow me back to Tiandu, or stay here and continue to recuperate? "Yuan Kewen asked.

"Second brother, I understand my body. I will stay here for a while and cannot go back with you.

Before you leave, brother, I have something to ask my second brother. "

"you say!"

Lu Fei thought for a while and said: "Occupying the mountain and becoming the king is not a long-term solution after all. I want my second brother to help and give the brothers in Liangjiazhai a better home. But that's not possible. I can just let go of their past mistakes. Do you see it?"

In that era, the law was not that sound, and at that time the barrel of a gun was the last word.

No matter what your previous status was, as long as you have strength, you are king.

Lu Fei's request is more troublesome for others, because the reputation of Liangjiazhai is so loud in the local area, almost everyone has registered it with the government, and it involves many areas, which ordinary people cannot do.

But for Yuan Kewen, it is too simple. As long as he is willing, it can be done with a few phone calls.

Don't say that they won't be held accountable, even if they are detained

It is easy to form a regular army.

Yuan Kewen nodded and said: "Leave this matter to me, but I still suggest that you ask them what they think in advance. Maybe the path you plan for them is not the path they want to take. Do you understand?"

Lu Fei nodded, what Yuan Kewen said was indeed necessary, and asked Yuan Kewen to rest in the room. Lu Fei found You She, and the two went to see Jiuyuehong together. Unfortunately, Jiuyuehong didn't see him at all.

Later, Lu Fei told You Shu his thoughts. After learning Yuan Kewen's identity, You Shu was almost scared to death, and at the same time he admired Lu Fei even more.

Of course he knew that Lu Fei wanted to find a way out for their copycat, but as the second boss, he really couldn't make the decision, and the first boss was avoiding it, so the matter could only be put on hold for the time being.

The next day, Yuan Kewen took a few boxes of antiques and left, while Lu Fei continued to stay for recuperation.

Another half month passed, and Jiuyuehong still didn't show up, and Lu Fei was speechless.

Half a month later, Lu Fei felt that he had completely recovered, and he said goodbye to You Shu on this day. It was only then that Yue Yuehong finally appeared.

After not seeing each other for more than 20 days, Yue Yuehong's complexion had deteriorated a lot. Lu Fei felt somewhat guilty, but he didn't know what to say, so Yue Yuehong finally spoke.

"Lu Fei, I am determined to follow you.

If you want to leave, I won't stop you, but remember, from now on, I, Yue Yuehong, will be yours. I will give you time to sort out your own affairs and come back to marry me right away. I will wait for you.

However, if I find out that you dare to betray me, I swear on my hand that I will not let you go, even to heaven and earth. If I catch you, I will die with you. If I cannot catch you, I will go to your hometown and dig up your ancestral graves. . "

At this point, Lu Fei could no longer refuse and had no choice but to agree.

Lu Fei finally left Liangjiazhai alone, but when he left, he left several contact information for Jiuyuehong to ensure that she could find him.

Lu Fei originally thought that it would take at least a year or two for them to see each other again after this separation, but he did not expect that just three months later, Lu Fei would receive a call from Liang Jiazhai.

However, the caller was not Jiuyuehong, but Han Wang.

The call was not to force Lu Fei to get married, but that something big had happened in Liangjiazhai.

Half a month ago, the Fengjun material transport team was robbed by bandits in Haicheng. More than 30 people were killed and injured, and 12 trucks of supplies were robbed. Zhang Zuolin was furious when he received the news, and immediately issued an order to carry out a comprehensive suppression throughout Liao Province. bandit.

Shanhaiguan received an order to dispatch a mixed brigade to carry out bandit suppression activities in the local area. Liangjiazhai, the largest force in Jiumenmen, was one of their key targets.

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